Chapter 46 Nana

Allen looked at Nana for uncertainty, while he got to think how she can read soul, what does a soul signify, it signifies the purest form of energy which can be found inside every single living thing but the only quality of soul is that it does not lie to anyone or it does not harm anyone. Allen had never heard of the soul before even though he always believes and if Lala said it true then Nana talent among all the three is the purest and most powerful one out there.

Allen looked at Nana and asked, "Can you tell me how does that talent of yours work, since I want to help you but if it is not true, I might end up suspected as an enemy who is there to harm that girl."

Nana nodded as she spoke, " Soul or whatever you guys say is not like energy or something else, but in a sense, it is more of a weird energy around me which helps me to feel the energy around other people, usually when a person lies it is started rotating in a weird manner and I would be able to tell what he is thinking by reading those sign, which was something I had practised for a lot of time."

At first Nana ability was not soul reading, it was more advance it was soul manipulation since she can move the energy surrounding her to react with the energy surrounding other person and interpret what is going inside his mind or heart. Other than that there is also how the soul she make contact with easily accept her soul interference, which might be related to her pure heart and soul aptitude.

'Her talent is astonishingly high and weird, even though it didn't have any talent for fighting and killing, but being able to tell that the person in front of them is lying or telling the truth is already something which is beyond human capability, given it is something no one will be able to control or trick out of it after all soul is impossible to manipulate unless the person they are facing is and demon lord, and even if one is a demon lord one cannot control soul or else it would have been in an impossible task to kill a demon lord.'

Hmm! Allen nodded as he asked "So where is that girl let's go and see if I can help her or not, as you had she had a pure soul which is harder to find in our world too."

Allen moved while Lala smiled and hugged him, at which even Allen was helpless about since he has been used to her clinging around him every day, he was even confident at the point that he would be able to control himself, even if a succubus were to tempt him, given the girl by his side is already a great temptation, and still, he is able to control himself fine.


Mikan was sitting in her room while she had closed her eyes and was recalling the fun day at the festival as she thought 'When did the festival become so lively huh! it was the first time to enjoy them like that, hmm! it was Allen -Kun, who brought all these changes into my life, If I remember clearly, the day I met him he had come with the aunt and as we were engrossed talking to her, we forgot his existence at all.'

Mikan couldn't help but giggled at that, 'since his presence was quite weak that day maybe because of his habit, and now he had become an irreplaceable part of my life, given it will be very hard for me to forget about his existence in my life, I think.'

He was kind, nice and quite mature and then slowly he was able to show his weakness like his habit of munching down his finger while eating and watching television at the same time, his dream to become an unnecessary part of the entertainment circle of this country, his identity as the grandson of the chairman of Walker cooperation and all.

But for some reason he looked tired to me and then I was able to enter that Spirit Dimension and then Magician guy who is sitting in the down Hall room being a Magistrate who is ready to teach how to become one too.

Allen was an exciting kind of entity who was a riddle for us, where we could never imagine, what kind of person he was given he is way too good at acting in front of them.


Acting! huh!

Walking down they silently entered the hospital quietly where he asked Momo and Nana to go home and rest since Momo seemed to be tired for some reason, while he and Nana were to search about the girl Nana had spoken about.

Nana first impression of Allen was a kind and warm person, where he truly does not have any Malice or any desire for Lala and her identity, but for some reason, she was able to tell he was acting out his expression, where deep within him lies another person who had lust and arrogance which has been ground inside it.

It was her first time seeing such a person and most of all she was able to say that, Allen is a person who hates the other side of his most and was trying his best to control it. At which she found Allen attempt very admirable and kind in his way, the person is not wrong if he had a Dark side within himself but he is a great person if he is trying to you can find the other side of his to protect his loved one.

After they had reached inside the hospital Allen couldn't help but ask the girl by his side the question he had been dying to ask "If you can read my soul, then you should be able to tell what kind of person I am, then why? did you accepted to come along with me, are you not afraid that I might try something wicked, and threaten you to keep it in dark." as his expression became dark as he looked at Nana, unknown what he was thinking.

"Hmm! my sister was captured by an organisation and you were the hero who saved her, The moment you got here you resisted her temptation while I believe you could have used her and then throw every blame at Organization, but you didn't."

"Besides the person, I Nana Astral had started to admire a few minutes ago cannot be the person he is trying to act, right now for sure, it is something I believe from within my heart so don't try to lie to me like this."

Allen chuckled as he smiled bitterly and smiled brightly as he looked at Nana and patted her head "Sorry about that Nana, I was scared because I had been trying to control the other side of me, and the thought of someone seeing through me like this made me a little anxious, given I don't want to be treated like that again." at which Allen eyes couldn't help but sweat as he tried to hide it.

Nana smiled as she hugged Allen back while he stood on her toes while patted his head and spoke "There, there I won't say anything about it to anyone and whenever you felt lost you can come to me at any moment."

Hmm! Allen smiled as he walked while Nana was by his tow, while a doctor who was passing by couldn't help but chuckle saying, what a cute pair of brother and sister especially that girl she felt a lot warm and kind to me.

Nana and Allen were about to reach a room when a Doctor came out of it a little sad, when he turned to see Allen he was stunned, given the doctor was someone who was there when Allen cured Old Man.

He was stunned as he thought, 'Indeed God wouldn't allow such a pure soul to die like this.' as he bows suddenly in front of Allen startling both Allen and Nana, while Allen requested the doctor to stand straight and asked "Doctor, please allow me to ask why are you just... anyway is there something I can help with."

"Please help the girl inside this room, she was called an angel for this hospital elders and children, but she had a chronic disease, which even I am helpless against."

"Please don't worry, I was requested by someone to heal a pure soul so here I am and allow me to see her."

Allen spoke as he entered the room at Nana nod since she was able to tell, she is the person she was talking about, when he entered he found a boy with blond hair who seems to be at the age similar to him with fancy clothes given one can tell he was quite rich.

The boy turned to see his Family doctor and the only person he is able to trust, while alongside him was a beautiful girl with silver hair, he couldn't but help shock since she was a beauty on her sister level, while a boy who looks calm and handsome walked in with pride and authority look.

"Good morning, little Yamato my name is Allen Walker and my intention on coming here is to cure your little sister, at someone request," Allen spoke while Yamato could only nod since Doctor also nodded at him.

Yamato found the situation a little weird, since no matter how he looks Allen was a kid around 12 years old, and it was hard to say that since he was acting quite mature,

Allen looked at the girl, pure! her skin looked like a honey peach, she had a sick appearance but couldn't hide her beauty at all, given she also had a feeling like one wanna protect her.

Allen smiled as he brought