Ch.8 Night Time Raid 2

Down at the entrance of shipyard 1. Two human males stood guard at the entrance.

"Hey John hows your family doing, I heard your son got very sick recently?"

"Everyones fine now; I took my boy to the hospital and they were able to get me some medicine to alleviate his symptoms."

"That's good to hear."

As they talked about recent events in their lives, a group of dark figures slowly crept up around them.

When the figures got to a certain distance, the guards took notice of their approach.

The group of shadowy figures walked up to the guards. A feminine voice echoes into the guards ears.

"We're looking for Peter Starlight is he still here at the docks?"

The guards observed these people, keeping their hands close to their blasters.

The guard John observed these questionable people, he could tell they were a very dangerous group, ones not to be trifled with.

John took a breath then calmed himself for a second before answering back.

"Yea, I believe he's still here, should be still tinkering with those damn ships."

One of the figures nodded their heads.

"Thank you, you humans have a wonderful night."

The shadowy group began walking into the shipyard not paying the guards any attention.

John and the other guard watched these mysteries figures disappear into the shipyard with a confused look on their faces.

Over in the shipyard, alpha team moved into a quiet corner with a small amount of eyes watching.

Team leader Roshuni, then began to give out orders to her team.

"Everyone listen; before we find the trader we need to establish an understanding of this entire facility. If anything happens we need to be able to escape quickly and hopefully quietly."

"Bratol, you and Okshusi make your way to the command center. I need you to quietly gather a map of the place and if possible any information about any other vessels stored here."

"If we can, I want to acquire as many ships as possible for our lord. Any ship captains with less favorable notoriety, can be influenced to make a donation to our cause if you will."

"Rylmer and Driki I need you to find the security room. We need eyes and ears on any and all movement in the facility."

"While everyone is moving about I will go handle our trader friend and acquire the 2 vessels our master needs."

Each elf placed their right hands on their chest before giving saying a phrase.

"For the great lord! We shall not fail!"

Each group split up for their objectives; Bratol and Okshusi moved through the shipyards halls scanning with the force, for the correct direction.

When they got to a stairwell that lead downstairs, the force called out to them, urging them downward.

Okshusi looked at Bratol then smiled.

"This must be the way, the force calls for us."

They crept down the stairs before peeking down to spot any guards or camera's

Luckily there was no guards, however, a small grey camera panned left and right down the hall.

"I can see a camera, we need to cloak up.

Bratol motioned to Okshusi who gathered the force around her body.

Light and sound began to bend around her, before she disappeared completely.

Without wasting a breath Bratol followed her example. With both dark elves invisible, they began to quickly move down the hall, under the gaze of the camera.

They got to the end of the hall and peered down the next hallway spotting 2 guards in front of a door.

Bratol and Okshusi moved down the hall, getting close to each guard.

They connected their senses to each other through the force, before smacking both guards behind their heads at the same time.

Both guards went unconscious dropping fast to the floor. The elves grabbed the guards falling bodies, trying to stop any unwanted sound.

After moving the bodies away from the door, Bratol sensed for any signs of life behind the door.

"I can sense one person behind the door, I'll hit the switch to open the door, you go and apprehend him."

"Alright, on your mark."

Both invisible figures leaned against the wall, before Bratol moved his hand to the button.



The door opened inside was a giant computer terminal with a guard behind the desk clicking away on the device.

Okshusi looked around the room to make sure their were no cameras, then bolted to the guard.

When she got close enough, the wind from her body moving so fast touched the guard.


The guard reacted and began to turn around. Not giving him any chance, Okshusi punched him in the back of his head knocking him out.

With the last guard gone both elves released their cloaks.

They moved up to the computer, noticing many buttons and screens.

"Just like we trained, I'll look for the map you find any information on the docked ships."

Okshusi sat down at a nearby chair then began to type away. Bratol followed her movements, sitting at another chair before typing away at the computer.

Over with Rylmer and Driki, they found the Security room, in a dark corner of a hallway branching off of the main hall.

When they got to the security room door they spotted a card swipe on the side of the door.

"Shit! We need an authorization card to get in. We have to find a guard with a card on him and politely take it from him."

They left the security room hallway and began searching the guards on the main level.

After using mind trick on a guard near the canteen, they found the location of someone with a card.

"Security leader Vance has a card. He's usually down by the docks watching the ships."

Driki looked at Rylmer then nodded before they both walked away from the guard. Seconds later the mind trick wore off.

"What the hell just happened?"

The guard confused on why he was just standing in the hallway went back into the canteen.

"We need to contact Roshuni, and let her know about the guard captain."

Driki tapped on the hearthtree bracelet contacting the spirits.

"How can I help you chosen warrior?"

"I need to get in contact with alpha tram leader Roshuni."

"1 second."

Down at the docks Roshuni walked around, looking for the trader.

When she spotted the 2 familiar ships her bracelet began to glow. She stopped and tapped on the bracelet.

A voice entered her mind, through the bracelet.

"Call from Driki patching through."

"Team leader can you hear me?"

"Yes, Driki what happened?"

"We need a key card to get into the security room, however, the guard with the card is down in the docks with you."

Roshuni looked up, looking around for any guards walking around.

On the other end of the dock by the starfighter's section stood a guard wearing a bigger coat with a heavy blaster on his back.

"Driki I see the guard he is by the starfighters, but he is armed with a heavy blaster, be careful apprehending him."

"Roger, over and out."

Roshuni looked back to the frieghterd ahead before walking over to them.

She moved to the first ship, looking for anyone around.

The back door of the ship was open with the sounds of music playing loud inside.

Roshuni smiled.

"Looks like I found my Peter!"

She used force cloak and snuck into the ship. The storage room was empty except for different tools resting around.

Not seeing anyone she moved to the stairs and slowly made her way upstairs.


"Ahh! Blasted ship!"

Peter stood in the cockpit tinkering with some cables on a console.

"This trash can is gonna be the death of me one day!"

"Yes, yes it will."

A seductive voice whispered in his ear.

Peter jumped, looking behind him in shock. But, behind him was nothing but empty air.

"Oh no not only is the ship trying to kill me it's even haunting me."

Peter kneaded his forehead, frustrated with the situation.

While he rubbed his head, an blade slithered around from behind his back pressing against his neck.

"Ahh, what the hell."

"You would do well to listen to my words carefully."

"My master wished to purchase your ships, yet you refused his most generous offer.

"Now my master wishes for me to acquire the ships any way possible."

Roshuni smiled with a wicked grin on her face.

"Wait don't kill me!"

"And why should I listen to you, why shouldn't I just slit your throat right here right now and complete my lords mission?"

"I can give you the ships and I know someone who builds ships. I can introduce you to him, he loves to make money so your credits will be worth spent!"

Roshuni's blade inched closer to his neck even pricking the skin, a small trace of blood flowing out.

"Ok worm I'll take you up on your offer, but first transfer ownership of the ships to me, and give me the deeds for them now!"

She pushed Peter away, giving him space to work.

Peter turned around to see his captor, but once again nothing was their.

"Get moving human!"

Yes ma'am!"

"He ran to a nearby storage unit, then pulled open a hidden compartment in the storage boxes floor."

He pulled out some papers then placed them on a nearby table.

"Now make me the captain in the ships A.I and no funny business!"

As Peter made Roshuni the captain of the ships, Driki and Rylmer made it down to the docks.

"Team leader said he was over at the star-fighters section let's move."

Rylmer moved forward looking for the guard captain walking around.

At a black and yellow starfighter the guard captain was doing an inspection of the ships on station.

"This ship is up to republic standards, your clear to move about."

The ship owner nodded before walking away from his ship.

The guard moved on to the next ship.

"Over there, you see him?"

"Yea let's find a empty area and get the key from him."

They moved behind a star fighter with no one in the area before using the force to influence the guards mind.

He began to walk over to them before stopping in front of them.

"What are you doi..?"

Driki raised her hand using mind trick on the guard

"Quiet worm, now hand over your key card then go back to your work."

"I will hand over my key card then get back to work."

The guard grabbed his card then gave it to Driki before walking away.

"Let's go quickly."

Rylmer and Driki moved back up to the main hall, then moved to the security room door before swiping the card.

"Let's get to work."

Back with Bratol and Okshusi, Okshusi stood at the door waiting on Bratol.

"I found three starfighters, owned by a few figures with bounties on their heads."

"One man has a bounty of 100,000 credits for the murder of a family of 4."

"The second is on the run for abandoning his post in during a war on Bespin bounty of 40,000."

"The last one, tried to assassinate a republic senator and is now being hunted for 200,000."

Bratol turned off the computer then walked to the door.

"Let's regroup with Roshuni."

After gaining control of the ships Roshuni kept the trader on the ship.

"Once everyone gets here we will take you back with us. My lord will be happy to learn about this shipwright."

Peter sat in a chair dreading not selling the ships when he had the chance.

Driki and Rylmer scanned through the shipyard camera's not noticing any disturbance in the guards movements.

On another camera, a group of men together with blasters in hand.

"Wait do you see them?"

"Yea they look like a group of insurgents, there have been a lot of revolts on the planet lately, the local government has been fighting a tiring war for the last 2 years."

"Let's meet up at the ships with the others, we can use the attacking insurgents as a cover to steal the ships."

Bratol and Okshusi got to the docks and moved towards Roshuni's presence in the force.

They got to the ship and climb aboard. Bratol shouted out loud for Roshuni to hear.

"Captain we're here to report our findings!"

They walked up the stairs into the main area spotting Roshuni standing their looking at them.

"Mission complete captain, we found three ships that meets our standards."

"Good, I will stay here and watch this one. You go and acquire ownership of those vessels."

Bratol nodded and left the ship with Okshusi.

"Let's round up those ships then get ready to leave."

At the front gate of the shipyard, a large group of people began to gather with guns ready to fire.

John and the other guard noticing the group and their hostile stares called in for backup.

Waves of guards rushed out of the shipyard, creating a crowd of people all ready to shoot it out with the other.

The head guard made his way in front and began to scream at the insurgent crowd.

"This is government protected territory, move away or be shot down rebel scum!"

"You people work for the evil government, you tax us for everything we own, take away large amounts of our land, and you plunder resources from the civilians who need them."

"Do you expect us to kneel and wait for our deaths government dogs?"

"Today you shall feel the wrath of the people, charge!"


The large group of insurgents charge the guards, blasting laser fire upon them.

"Take cover, defend the shipyard from these rebels!"

A great fight began to take place outside the shipyard; however, on the inside Roshuni and her team have acquired what they came for.

Bratol, Okshusi, Rylmer , and Driki each piloted a ship out of the docks while Roshuni forced Peter to fly the ship out, following the others.