Ch.33 Frontline Assault (1)

Through the sewer tunnels; Lance runs frantically at full speed, trying his best to stay focus. As he runs he can feel the ground shaking, as the explosions go off around the area.
"Agent Lance; report! What is the status of the mission?" On Lance's chest, a radio device screams to life as Captain Vaughn asks for Lance's status.
Lance grabs the device then switches it on. "Sir, I report that my mission is mostly complete. I was able to get 75% of the data, before I had to make my escape. The entire facility should now be a pile of rubble."
As Lance explains his status he hears shouting down the tunnel to his left. He stops near the wall and peaks his head around the corner. A group of soldiers are walking down towards his location, with lights flashing and guns drawn ready to kill.
Lance moves back behind the wall and radios command.
"This is Agent Lance, it seems the military has already begun to send soldiers into the sewers to locate me. I will need additional support to, escape this area." Lance moved down another tunnel making some distance between him and the soldier group.
Based on his map readings, in approximately a mile distance is 3 tunnel exits he could take to escape the area.
One tunnel is to the West in the direction the soldiers came from; the second is due east and leads directly to Yuonin City. The last exit was northeast of his current location, it was situated near a forest right next to Yuonin City.
"Agent reinforcements are on route to your location; which exit will you be taking?" Lance looks down at his map and weighs his options.
"Sir, for now have those men waiting for me at the northeast exit in the forest of Yuonin City." After giving Vaughn a destination for the reinforcements; Lance hauls ass quickly trying to get out of the area.
As he runs down the tunnel, footsteps get closer and closer as the back wall begins to brighten with countless lights.
The soldiers move around the corner and flash their lights around. One of the men, shines his light at just the right angle to notice Lance turning down a tunnel to the right.
"Hostile spotted! He ran down the tunnel to the right, let's go!" The group of men begin to dash down the tunnel, chasing after Lance.
Lance hears the men getting closer to his location. He pulls out his blaster and hides behind a corner. He quickly drops his backpack to the ground and pulls out a explosive charge.
As he prepares to plant the charge on the wall, the soldiers notice his position and begin firing at him.
'Boom!' 'Boom!'
A large barrage of laser fire, strike the wall behind Lance; his nerves shoot into high gear as he finishes planting the charge.
With the charge out of the way, he takes this opportunity to peak his head from behind cover. One of the soldiers is quickly moving up to try and flank Lance.
Not giving him any opportunity to do so; Lance begins opening fire upon the soldier. Shots rain down upon the soldier as he quickly drops into a prone stance.
However, before he can completely drop down, one of the stray shots hit him in the shoulder. The impact of the shot knocks the man off his feet right onto his butt.
Lance took this clear opportunity to rain down more shots on the defenseless man, laying in the open.
'Swoosh!' 'Swoosh!'
Two shots slam straight into the man's chest, ending his life.
The soldiers moved up towards their fallen brethren and began returning fire.
Lance reached into his bag and pulled out a grenade. He cooked it then tossed it down the tunnel, next to the dead soldier. When the men noticed the grenade flying out towards them, someone screamed out.
"Grenade!" Everyone began to scatter away from the area, trying their best to escape the blast.
Lance took this opportunity to grab his bag and continue running to the exit.
"Boom!!" An explosion sounded behind Lance; the dead soldier was all but blood and particles now.
The soldiers peaked their heads around the corner, everything had been cleared and broken by the explosion.
"That bastard got away!" One of the soldiers tapped on a their radio and began to speak.
"This is delta squad, the target has escaped. He was able to take out one of ours, before heading north to one of the sewer exits." Another soldier walked up and displayed a map of the sewers.
"The closest exit from here is northeast; it exits into the forest. If I were him I would try my best to get out of these tunnels as soon as possible."
The man activated his radio again, reporting back to HQ. "Command we need a squad of men, ready at the northeast exit in the forest near Yuonin City. We believe the target will use this location as a means to escape our pursuit."
A voice sounded back over the radio. "Roger that Delta, continue pursuing the target."
The Delta squad grabbed their things and began running down the tunnel Lance ran into. As they crossed the corner, one of the men spotted a beeping device on the wall.
"Watch out!!" 'Beep!' 'Beep!' 'Beep!'
Delta squad reacted quickly; everyone jumped away as fast as possible. The entire tunnel collapsed as the explosion shook the entire area. Everyone was covered in dirty water, feces, and all kinds of nasty debris. Lucky for them because of the warning the explosion didn't cause any injuries.
As Lance ran along the tunnels he heard the explosion go off behind him. He smiled and continued running not taking the chance to look back.
Outside the northeast sewer exit, multiple groups converged on one area. In the forest, twenty rebel soldiers sat behind cover waiting and watching the area for hostiles. High up in one of the trees, a spotter hid within the leaves looking out for any enemy sightings.
As he looked around with his binoculars, he noticed a large group of soldiers moving towards their location.
He quickly tapped the radio and relayed his findings.
"Large enemy group inbound, they will be on us in two minutes!"
The rebels heard the radio and began entering defensive positions around the manhole. One of the rebels activated his radio and connected to Agent Lance.
"Agent you need to move your ass, we got a large group of military dogs on the way." Everyone began fixing the scopes on the guns, readying themselves for enemy contact.
Lance responded back over the radio. "I'm two tunnels away, just hold on I'm moving as fast as I can."
The snipers in the back began to see, enemy movement in the distance. They aimed their sights down on the incoming soldiers and reported.
"Enemy in sight, permission to fire?" The snipers held their fingers on the trigger, waiting on the signal to fire.
A response came back. "Granted."
'Pow!' 'Pow!' 'Pow!' Three shots fired through the trees, smacking head first into three soldiers heads killing them instantly.
"Enemy Snipers! Put your heads down!" All of the incoming soldiers stopped their advance, taking defensive cover behind rocks and trees nearby.
Alpha squad captain hid low behind a rock and radioed command. "We got enemy snipers in the area, they've taken out three already. It looks like the rebels don't want us to get to this spy of theirs."
The captain turned over and looked at Beta squad. "Any visual on the snipers and where they are located?"
One of the Beta squad soldiers, peaked his head out and looked through his binoculars.
"I got one target hiding behind a tree at 11 o'clock." Half a second after saying that; a sniper shot fired out, grazing the rock in front of him.
The soldiers quickly hid back behind the rock and caught his breath.
"Damn! I almost died."