Chapter : 1

Today is Elza's first day in college. she was very excited and also tensed because she scared that will any one make friends with me? will they bully me? because of my complexion ( indian skin are tanned than Koreans) , many questions wandered in her mind.

she don't know where is conference hall which their orientation class held so she asked some one

"Excuse me if you don't mind , where's the conference hall"

stranger replied "oh! are you new here"

"Yes" she said

"me too" he giggled and introduced himself

"iam Nam Dong Hyun, major in chemistry and from Busan,South Korea"

she wished back and started to introduce herself

" hi iam Elza John and I am from India"

"I have heard about India, I think it's a nice country , so you speak Hindi" he asked

"No my mother tongue is Malayalam, iam from Kerala , normally hindi is native language of North Indians and iam from south" she started to explain in long

"ok ok I understand let's go and find conference hall or we will be late " he cut her talk and said

finally they reached at conference hall of Seoul University

"come let's go and register" Dong Hyun said

"I think there is the counter for our department , let's move and line up " they moved and lined

After registration they went to their seats for the orientation class

Dong Hyun sit next to Elza and they talked about their whereabouts. suddenly a girl came and sit next to Elza's other side .

Elza turned her head and greeted the girl


"Hello" girl greeted back

Form appearance Elza understant she is not korean nor indian

Elza introduced herself and girl started to introduce

" Iam Ava Jones , from Los Angeles" as return she asked are you from chemistry department

"Yes" they both answered and Dong Hyun introduced him to Ava

She's really pretty Elza thought and when she turned she saw Dong Hyun is staring at Ava.

"Hey ! Dong Hyun why are you starting at her"

she asked

"OMG! she is really gorgeous, I can't take my eyes off "


author's note :- please support 🙏🙏

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