Skirmish (3)

[Ice Nova]

Seeing the lizardman charge right after blocking her long-range, offensive spell icicle, Sheila displayed her strength and knowledge by casting a rare utility rank 0 spell. Though it did not deal a lot of damage, it was a fearsome spell that rooted opponents in close range, freezing the ground and lower limbs of enemies.

Seeing his movement binded, Jorg grunted and started to bash the ice with his shield, but ice was not easy to break, even with more than 8 points of strength. Not willing to give him a chance to survive, the Ice Countess lived true to her name and started to cast waves of spells.


[Ice Spear]


Orianna being rooted similarly, she could not defend against the icicle incoming towards her. Sensing her impeding death, she felt her body trembling in fear and excitement somehow. 


However, trying to block with her arms, the pain she felt did not feel as dangerous as she first thought it to be.

"Did she run out of mana", she first questioned, but seeing a second icicle coming her way and managing to block with her arms somehow, she realised that she had changed. She was not afraid of those spells anymore.

Looking down at her arms that somehow managed to block two consecutive spells from the elite beginner rank acolyte Ice Countess Sheila, she immediately noticed the difference. Dark green scales had spawned on her arms, bloodied from the icicles but not quite pierced. 

Shocked at the scene, Ice Countess Sheila changed targets and instead tried to kill Jorg first, by casting a more powerful spell : Ice Spear

However, despite the spear piercing the lizardman's shoulder, Jorg did not flinch and continued to bash the ice binding his feet. Each attack on the ground sent vibrations throughout the cave, causing Sheila to feel hopeless. Drained of mana, Sheila cast for a second time her spell:

[Ice Nova]

This time around, she successfuly managed to bind Jorg's arm and waist, making him further helpless. Orianna, too could not get free easily. However, due to the two acolytes being too difficult to harm and seeing at a distance one of the two subordinates she sent to kill Raon dead, she made a calculated choice.

Running away.

Running away as far as possible from this squad of elite beginner rank acolytes.

Taking back her enchanted ice dagger on the ground and running, she muttered with tears of fear and frustration: "Why are there three elite beginner rank acolytes in the same squad, defending a single golem master"