CHAPTER 3.3 | Takanashi Kiara

"Mike, I'm sorry... But I still don't trust her."

Those were the words Steven said as I was listening to their conversation by the door that I opened slightly.

"You still aren't convinced that she has amnesia or is it about the rules?", Mike asked.

"Both, actually.", Steven replied.

"Why both?, you still don't believe that she has an amnesia?"

"Yes, maybe she's faking it to steal the symbol of our Village."

If I remember everything from my past, then I wouldn't lie about it. I don't know what my past self would do in this situation though. And what's this 'Symbol of their Village'?

I don't even know what that is, and yet Steven is still suspecting me.

"Kiara won't steal it.", Mike said while having a serious face.

"How are you so sure?", Steven replied with an even more serious face.

"Well.. That's.."

Steven let out a little sigh and looked at the front of their house.

"Mike, I know that you want to save people that are in need of help. But sometimes, for the safety of your own and for the safety of our entire Village. You need to make the tough decision of not helping them. Even though Kiara is a good person now, we still don't know who she is in the inside and what she's thinking, right?", Steven explained.

Mike went silent about what Steven said, but seconds after thinking about what Steven said. He replied..

"Yes, the safety of our Village is our first and foremost priority. But that's also why I want to bring her there, so that I'll be able to introduce her to the entire Village and to prove that she's not a bad person.", Mike said.

"Mike, listen..", Steven was about to say something but Mike cutted it off.

"No, Steven. Even if you're the Chief of our Village, and even if you say some other stuff for our Village's safety. I'm still going to help her, whether you like it or not."

So Steven is the chief of their Village? No wonder he was doubting about letting me in their Village..

I tried to open the door even wider so that I can hear what they're saying even more clearer. But by the time I did that, the door creaked.


"Who's there?"

Alerted by the sound that I just made, Steven asked that as if there's a robber inside their house.

Even though we're in the middle of nowhere..

And without having any other choice, I opened the door widely and got out to introduce myself.

"I-It's me..", I said shyly.

"K-Kiara?", Steven asked while stuttering.

"You were listening? When?", Mike asked while in surprise.

"For.. A few minutes..", I said.

"H-Huh?!", Mike shouted out loud while being surprised of what I just said.

And when I looked at Mike, he was a little bit red. Maybe he's cold?

"K-Kiara.. How'd you know that we were out here?", Steven asked.

"I-I was actually looking for the both of you, because I noticed that you two didn't wash the dishes..", I explained while being nervous.

"I-I see.. Where's Claire and Kitty?", Steven asked.

"Th-They went upstairs because Kitty wanted to sleep.."

"I see.."

I looked at Steven in the face but he looked away. I also looked at Mike but he's still red in the face and he looked away as well.

"M-Mike are you okay?", I asked.

"Y-Y-Yeah, I'm f-fine..", he said while stuttering.

"Then.. Why is your face red?"

After Mike heard my question, he stood straight and slapped his own face as hard as he could.


"M-Mike?!", I asked while feeling shocked of what he just did.

"Nothing! My face is red because I slapped myself! See??", he said in a loud voice.

"Quiet down Mike, my daughter is sleeping!", Steven said.

"S-Sorry..", Mike said in whisper.

You didn't slap yourself earlier though...

Silence was brought onto our area and we didn't speak a single word. But since I hated it, I did the first move.

"So.. About what you were talking..", I was about to ask something but Mike intervened.

"N-No! We didn't say anything about you! Right, Steven??", Mike said while in panic.

"Shut it, Mike.. She overheard our conversation, so let's not pretend we didn't talk about it..", Steven said.

"O-Okay..", Mike said.

Steven looked at me with the serious face and asked..

"Kiara, is it really true that you lost your memories?", Steven asked.

"Y-Yes, it's true.. I can't remember anything about my past..", I replied.

"And should I believe what you're saying right now?"

"Um.. Y-Yes..?"

I mean, I'm not lying and I'm not hiding anything that can ruin their family and relationship. Especially their Village. I'm not planning anything and neither am I going to steal their 'SYMBOL'.

"See, Steven? She's not lying.", Mike said.

"Words can be said to trick us, Mike. And I'm always aware of it..", Steven said.

"Why don't you believe me?", I asked.

"Because I'm suspecting that you're hiding something from us, if you are then spit it.", Steven said.

That's rude! Even though you're the one who saved me, brought me here, took care of me and even fed me in the first place!

Why are you acting like this right now?!

I went silent as I couldn't bear the guilt, frustration, anger and nervousness..

But I had to say something, or else I'll die when I got out there and walk in the snow..

"B-Before you ask me that question Steven, I have a question for you..", I said.

"Hm? What is it?", Steven asked.

I looked at him straight in the eye, with tears in my eyes. I'm having tears because I'm currently being overwhelmed by my own nervousness, anger and frustration.

"Why.. Why did you save me?", I asked while having a shaky voice.

Steven went silent so I kept on asking..

"Why did you brought me in here? Took care of me and even fed me?", I asked.

"That's..", Steven was about to say something but I intervened.

"Is it because I'm a woman? Is it because I'm in danger? Or is it because of your own self-conscious that's telling yourself to save the people in need?", I asked those questions while still having the shaky voice and about to cry.

Steven still didn't say anything for a minute, so I waited for his answer.

After Steven thought about what I asked he finally replied..

"I didn't save you because you're a woman. Gender doesn't have to do with anything when it comes to saving someone.", he explained.

"Then why?", I asked.

"I.. I saved you because you were in need of saving.. Even though you didn't ask for it, I saved you. It's not because I felt sorry for you, it's because I had my own self-conscious that told me to save you.", he explained.

I went silent and I didn't hear any words from Mike either, so Steven continued..

"Suspecting someone you don't know is normal, Kiara. And as a Chief, it's normal for me to use that in order to protect my Village. My people."

I still went silent and also is Mike.

And Steven kept on going..

"If you really are not a bad person, and if you really do have an amnesia. Then, prove it."

H-Huh?? How? I don't even know anything about my past and you want me to prove it to you?? And I feel like that paper would've been handy right now....

"I... I don't know my own name!", I said.

"Huh?", Steven and Mike asked.

"I only told you that 'Takanashi Kiara' is my name, because I had a small piece of paper that said that is my name."

"Then.. You're going to trust that piece of paper more than yourself?", Steven asked.

"Do I have any choice? If only, I remembered my past memories. I would've told you all about my true name, and what my past life is.. But sadly, I don't.."

Steven and Mike went silent..

I tried not to cry but it's useless..

Tears.. Are now falling down from my eyes..

But.. I still looked at them.. And said..

"I'm a lost girl, with lost memories.. So please.. Help me..", I begged while having a shaky voice and teary eyes.

The two went silent.

Looked at each other.

And then, Steven said something..

"Fine.. I'll let you in my Village..", Steven said.

"R-Really, Steven?!", Mike asked.

"Yes.. If a person asks to be saved, then I'll save them. That's always been my motto.", Steven proudly said those words.

"Yes!, you hear that Kiara? He finally agreed!", Mike rejoiced even though I'm supposed to be the one celebrating..

I wiped my own tears but they kept on falling down, but this time..

The tears aren't because of my sadness, anger and frustration.

"Stop crying now Kiara, I already approved to your request.", Steven said.

"N-No.. Um.. These are..", I said while still trying to wipe my tears.

But I stopped and looked at them and said..

"These.. Are my tears.. Of Joy..", I said.

Both of them smiled genuinely and then Mike got the handkerchief from the pockets of his jacket and gave it to me..

I thanked him and began to wipe my tears away using his handkerchief.

"So.. How are we going to get him inside, Chief?", Mike asked as he looked at Steven.

"Firstly, we have to go home. And luckily, tomorrow morning will be our going home day.", Steven said.

"What about the 2nd?", Mike asked.

"Secondly.. I'll use my position to trick the Villagers..", Steven said.

"Eh?", I asked while still wiping my remaining tears.

"How will you do that, Chief?", Mike asked.

Yeah, how?

"It's simple. We make her our Guest.", Steven said.

"I see.. Guests on our Village are allowed to enter, because Guests are the only people who are treated very preciously on our Village because that Guest is approved by the Chief himself..", Mike explained.

"Yep!, that's my plan. Simple right?", Steven said.

"Yeah, as expected of the Village Chief.", Mike praised Steven.

"What does the Guest do?", I asked out of curiosity.

"I'll explain it to you tomorrow, for now.. Let's get some sleep.", Steven said.

"Oh yeah.. It's getting really late now..", Mike said.

I didn't even notice the time, and it's getting cold out here as well..

Mike said it's already 11:02 at the evening.

So we head inside the house.

"Where will Kiara sleep, Chief?", Mike asked.

"I'll be okay on the sofa.", I said.

"Are you sure? You might need some blankets if you're going to sleep there.", Mike said.

"Yeah.. That would be lovely..", I said.

"Okay then, I'll get those upstairs.", Mike said.

Mike went upstairs to get the blankets while Steven and I were left in the living room.

"Kiara.. I'm sorry, if I suspected you earlier..", Steven apologized.

"N-No.. It's okay, I should also apologize of how I acted..", I bowed my head down as I apologized.

"It's okay, I needed those acts to wake me up anyways haha!", Steven said he laughed.

"I got the blankets!", Mike said as he got down.

"Where'd you get these?", Steven asked.

"Oh, they're my reserves. In case if the nights get even colder.", Mike said.

"Do.. You still even have one for yourself?", I asked.

"Oh, it's okay. I have like 7 of those in my room.", Mike said.

Me and Steven went silent because of what we just heard. But I think Mike is the type of guy who's prepared for everything.

"Okay then, we'll be sleeping upstairs. Call us if you need anything okay?", Steven said.

"Okay, I'm good here so Goodnight you two!", I said.

"Goodnight.", Steven said.

"Goodnight, Kiara!", Mike said with a loud voice.

"Shh! I told you to lower down your voice..!", Steven scolded Mike in low voice.

"Oh.. Sorry..", Mike apologized in whisper.

I giggled when I saw the two being so close to each other.

I got my sofa-bed ready, and after that I layed down and went to sleep.

But questions came into my mind before I got to my deep sleep.

Who left me the paper?

Why did I wake up in the middle of a blizzard?

And what was that shadow earlier?

As these thoughts kept on running through my mind, and without realizing it.

I fell into my deep sleep.