CHAPTER 5.3 | Takanashi Kiara

I woke up earlier than usual today, and morning greeted me with a cold breeze.

I opened the door from my room and checked the other doors.

"Looks like they're all still asleep..", I muttered quietly.

I quietly closed the door on my room as I got out and went downstairs slowly but surely.

You might be wondering why did I wake up early in the morning?

That's because I want to prepare some food for the family. Even though I have no cooking experience whatsoever, I want to contribute or repay them for what they've done for me.

I put on my jacket that was hanging beside the door and got out.

And unlike the day, early mornings are really cold..

Colder than I expected it to be..

I started to walk towards the market but because of my stupidity, I forgot to bring money.

So I went back to the house to get some, and by the time I arrived there.

Mike was already outside waiting for me.

"M-Mike..?", I said.

"Good Morning, Kiara. What are you doing out so early in the morning?", he asked.

"I.. Uh.. I was just going to buy some ingredients..", I said.

Even though that's the truth, there's still a reason why I really want to cook for them.

Not just to repay them, but for our plan to work as well.

"Why do you want to buy some ingredients?", he asked.

"I.. I want to cook for you guys so that I can repay everything that you've done for me..", I said.

"Hm... Even though you have no cooking experience?"


Silence followed after our little conversation.

I'm not exactly sure what Mike is thinking about right now, I can't even look at him straight in the eyes..

Not because of my feelings for him, but also because he might found out that I'm lying to him..

"Okay, then. I'll help you cook.", he said.


"I said, I'll help you cook."

"D-Do you even know how to cook..?", I asked.

"W-Well.. I.. Do have a little experience.. About cooking.."

And that will just make it worse right?

But I guess failure makes us stronger so, what the hell.

"If.. By any chance.. Do you know.. How to cook a curry..?", I asked.

"Eh? A curry? What kind of curry?"

"A chicken curry!", I said.

I don't know why I even picked chicken, but it's the first ingredient that came out from my mind so might as well go with it.

"A chicken curry huh.. I only know a little about a regular curry so this might make it more challenging..", he said.

"W-Will you.. Help me..?", I pleaded.

"Yeah, I'll help you.", he answered without hesitation.

"Really? Yes! Let's go buy the ingredients then!", I said as I rushed towards the market.

"Wait, Kiara! You forgot something!", he said.

"What is it?", I asked back.

As I turned back he then showed me the money that I was supposed to use to buy the ingredients.

But wait, how did he know about the money? Only Claire and I know about this plan right?

"If you're wondering how I knew about the money, then let's just say that I didn't.", he said.

"Eh? What do you mean by that..?", I asked.

"Well, I did hear your footsteps as you were going downstairs and that woke me up. And by the time I saw you, I decided to follow you. When you finally went outside, I saw a plastic that's full of money fall from your jacket.", he explained as he walked towards me.

"Ah! That's right! The money was supposed to be on my jacket!"

The money was supposed to be ready on my jacket by the time we all went to sleep, but somehow when I woke up. I forgot about the money and almost headed directly towards the market, luckily when I felt like something was wrong, I immediately remembered about the money.

"Thank you Mike..", I said.

"You're welcome Kiara. So, shall we go?", he said.

I don't know why but..

Even though I just call these feelings.. Whenever I'm with Mike..

I really feel relaxed, and it's kind of telling me that Everything's going to be alright.

"Yeah, let's go.", I said as I started to walk beside Mike.

When we arrived at the market, it was still quiet and less people are here than what Claire usually tells me about.

"Say, Kiara..", Mike suddenly talked.

"Hm? What is it..?", I asked.

"Do you know the ingredients of a chicken curry..?", he asked.

"Of course I do! It's-"

Ah, yeah.

I forgot that, I've never cooked in my life.

"I.. Don't know..", I said.

Silence continued after Mike let out a sigh.

"Fine, let's just ask some vendors here..", he said as he started to walk around the market.

We started to ask the vendors from the market one by one.

And some vendors say the same ingredients as the others, while some say different.

Mike tried to pinpoint the exact ingredients of the Chicken Curry.

And I'm not even doing anything to help him.. I'm useless..

Suddenly, a hand was on my head and when I looked up.

Mike was patting my head.

"Don't worry, you're not a bothersome for me.", he said.

Why did he say that? Did he notice that I was feeling down on myself? Or did he just suddenly pat me out of nowhere..?

Whatever his reason is.. The pats, feels nice..

We continued to ask around for another 5 minutes and Mike finally came to the conclusion of the ingredients.

After he told me what they are, I immediately rushed to buy them so that I can at least be a help for him.

After buying everything, I immediately returned to him.

And by the time I did, I saw him getting surrounded by three guys.

Three big guys....

"Hey Mikey boyy, where's your girlfriend??", guy #1 asked.

"Yeaahh, where is shee??" guy #3 asked as well.

Are they looking for me? What do they want with me?

"I'm sorry but she's currently not with me right now..", Mike said.

"HmmMmMN?? She isn't??", guy #1 asked.

"Yes, she isn't.", Mike said as he closed his eyes for a bit.

Why is he lying??

"Then.... Why did that vendor say that she was just around here hmmMMmm??", guy #1 asked again.

Oh no.. This might turn out bad..

"He's lying, he has no proof that she's here..", Mike said.

"DON'T LIE TO US! WE KNOW SHE'S HERE!", guy #2 shouted.

"I told you already she-"


As Mike was about to say something, he got punched by the 2nd guy in the face. Causing him to fall down to the snow.

"Still don't want to say where she is now??", guy #3 asked again.

After seeing what just happened, my body couldn't stay still.

And so, I showed up to them.

"STOP!", I shouted.

After I shouted those words, the three big guys started to look at my direction.

"Well well, she's here after all!", guy #1 said.

I looked at Mike and he's currently wearing the expression saying You idiot! Why did you show up?!

I'm sorry Mike, my body moved on its own accord..

The two guys started to approach me with their creepy smile, while the guy that punched Mike stayed with Mike.

"Say~ what was your name again~?", guy #3 asked.

"K-Kiara..", I said.

"Hmm~ Kiara huh~?", guy #3 said.

"Say Kiara~, wanna go hang out~?", guy #1 asked.

"I.. I'm sorry but- eek!", I shrieked as I felt a hand running through my hair.

"She smells good~", guy #1 said as he sniffed my hair.

"H-Hey! Stop that!", Mike shouted as he tried to stand up.

No, Mike please.. Just stay down..

"What should I do to him boss?", guy #2 asked guy #1.

"Meh, just beat him up until he goes nightnight.", guy#1 replied.

After hearing the orders, guy #2 started to beat up Mike.

While guy #1 and #3 kept on asking me questions.

I slowly started to not hear my surroundings..

I can only see.. Mike getting beaten up.. Without mercy..

I can't move, but my rage is rising..

They're trying to hold me, but I want to go save him.

After guy #2 did the finishing blow that knocked Mike out.

I started to dash towards him without having seconds thoughts.


The sound of my arms hitting guy #2s back echoed throughout the market.

And guy #2 got blown away for about 9 meters.

I couldn't stop here. I have to finish him off.

But guy #1 and #3 apprehended my hands as I started to approach guy #2, and as guy #2 started to stand up again.

He approached me and tried to punch me in the face while trying to say something, but I really can't hear anything..

But somehow, his movements are slow..

And I was able to tilt my body slightly to the right, just the right amount so that guy #2 can hit guy #1 that was apprehending my left arm.

As guy #2 realized what he did, he got even more angry and tried to punch me again.

But instead of tilting my body, I used guy #3 that was apprehending my right arm as my shield against his punch.

After guy #2 punched guy #3, guy #2 stepped back as he apologized to guy #3.

I immediately threw away guy #3s body and punched guy #2 in the stomach then followed with an uppercut.

After the uppercut, he tried to deliver a left hook, but I stopped it using my right hand and immobilized it by breaking the forearms bone.

After breaking it, he knelt down agonizing in pain.

Without a control of myself, I kicked him immediately in the face, then he fell onto his back and got unconscious.

And I stood there, admiring his defeat and embracing my victory.

"K-Kiara..?", a familiar voice called out my name.

I turned around and saw Mike, most of his face covered in blood.

After seeing his face, I immediately realized what I've done..

"E-Eh..?", I said.

After realizing everything slowly, my consciousness began to fade.

"K-Kiara? Are you okay?", Mike said but his voice is echoing in my head.

"M-Mike...", I said as I tried to walk towards Mike.

But with no energy, I immediately fell down to the snow and lost consciousness.