CHAPTER 5.5 | Takanashi Kiara

I was told by the doctor that I have no need for further medication and also said that I'm now okay to go out.

After hearing that news I was relieved.

We got our stuff packed and ready to leave but suddenly, Claire got close to me and we talked about something.

"We're still doing the plan right..?", she asked in whisper.

"Yeah, we're still doing it..", I replied in whisper.

"Even though we lost a week, we can still manage to pull out the plan successfully right..?", she asked in whisper.

"Don't worry, we got this.", I said to reassure Claire.

But in truth, I'm really not sure if it will go smoothly..

After we packed our stuff, we got out from the Medical Building and headed home directly.

After we got home and arranged our stuff, Steven wanted to discuss about something.

"So, can you all listen to me for a moment?", he asked.

We all gathered around him and obviously Kitty wasn't included.

"The festival is in a week and... Kiara's offer is still not here..", he said.

"Eh? Didn't we just made that up?", I asked.

"Yeah but since the Villagers and especially the Guards are hoping for that offer, we really can't let it slide..", Steven said.

I would blame Steven because he was the one who made it up, but I wouldn't be here now if it wasn't for that lie.

"But where do we get some sake? We already ran out last month right?", Mike asked.

"That is the problem.. Our seeds also stopped growing because of winter..", Steven said.

Seeds? What does seeds have to do with sake?

"Um.. What does seed have to do with sake..?", I asked since I have no clue.

"Sake is mostly made from rice and water, then koji mold from the rice and yeast for fermentation..", Mike explained.

Koji mold..? Fermen.. What..?

I have no idea what he just explained..

"I'm guessing you didn't understand what I just explained...", Mike said and then sighed.

"Ehehe.. I'm sorry.."

"Both rice and yeast are slow in winter, so we can't really make any sake until winter is over..", Claire said.

"Yeah, what should we do Steven..?", Mike asked.

"I'm planning on getting Kiara to apologize to the Guards since the Guards are the ones who are mostly looking forward for the sake donation..", Steven said.

"Eh? Me?", I asked.

"Yeah, who else would it be?", Steven asked.

"Y-You should too! You're the one who made up the lie in the first place!", I said.

"Hmm true.. Okay then."

You're gonna accept it that easily?!

"We're going to go and apologize to the Guards at 3PM. And also, Mike comes with us.", Steven said.

"Hm? Why?", Mike asked.

"We've got something to talk about.."

I bet this about what happened at the Market..

But I guess there's no escaping it..

After our conversation, we ate our lunch and at 3PM, we then headed off to where the Guards are.

While we were on our way there, Steven suddenly started a conversation.

"So, Mike.. How did it feel to be saved by Kiara?", Steven asked.

"H-Huh?? Is this what this is about??", Mike asked.

"Yeah! This is what it is about!", Steven said and laughed.

"Y-You...", Mike grunted.

"What? You think I was going to talk about something serious??", Steven asked.

"We're definitely expecting that! Weren't we Kiara?", Mike asked as he looked at me.

I couldn't answer because I got lost in thought at that time where I saved Mike, although it was a traumatic experience..

I wonder how Mike viewed me at that time, did I look cool? Or romantic? I wonder which one.....

"K-Kiara...?", Mike called out to me.

"Y-Yes?!", I shrieked in response.

After facing to Mike, our eyes locked together for a second and we immediately looked away.

"We-Well.. I guess.. Kiara, did look cool at that time..", Mike said.

Ehhhh??? That's how he thought of me at that time???

"T-Th-Thank you.....", I said.

"Heh, all according to plan.", Steven laughed smugly.

"WHAT PLAN?!", Mike and I shouted.

"Oh! What's that?", Steven said as he ran.

"HEY! WE'RE NOT DONE HERE YET!", Mike and I shouted again.

After realizing that we were in sync, we immediately changed course of our topic.

"I-I guess we are done here..", Mike said.

"Y-Yeah..", I replied.

We followed to where Steven ran off, and when we found him..

"Mike! Kiara! Look! I FOUND SAKE!", Steven shouted in rejoice.

"EH?! There were still some left??", I asked.

"Yeah! Apparently some people here hid it, I guess we never ran out of sake after all!", Steven said while smiling.

"Hm.... Something feels off..", Mike said.

I agree, and also...

The glare that I felt back then returned..

I can definitely feel like someone is watching me from afar..

"What are you guys talking about?? We have sake here! We won't need to apologize to the Guards anymore!", Steven said.

I guess that is some luck, but Mike wasn't convinced that it was luck..

After all, we found over 20 and more barrels of sake between 2 abandoned buildings in the village..

Either someone stole it and hid it or just our sheer luck..

"Why don't we bring this back to the house eh?", Steven asked as he tried to lift a barrel up.

"I guess we don't really have a choice but to accept the offer huh.", Mike said and tried to help Steven.

"Should I call a cart here?", I asked.

"Yes please, that would be lovely. We can't lift these on our own..", Mike said.

As Steven and Mike lifted up the barrels outside, I called out for some carts that were near the area.

After calling them out and bringing them to where Steven and Mike are, we got the barrels up to the cart together.

It was heavy but since we all worked together, we got it all in the cart with no problems.

We returned to the house with 20 and more barrels of sake, and as we were on our way there, the Guards saw and noticed that we have lots of sake with us.

"Oooh! Is that the sake donation Ms. Kiara??", one of the Guards asked.

"Y-Yeah! It is! It's finally here!", I said.

"That's great news! And we're only a week away from the festival, what a timing!", a Guard said in rejoice.

"It is isn't it?? Kiara really knows how to hype things up!", Steven said.

Even though it was all a lie at first, it eventually and somehow came true..

Mike is still figuring out something, and maybe it's about these sakes..

Mike and Steven did confirm it themselves earlier that there were no sakes left, but I guess they didn't check the entire Village for it..

After the conversation with the Guards, we continued to head home.

After we got there, some of the Guards helped us bringing the sakes inside and they were really handy.

After that, our day was complete without a trouble like last week.

Although, mine and Claire's plan are about to be done, we still need to make sure that Mike and Steven won't find out.