Between confusion and pain - Part 1

Ji Ho cried, thinking that Subin is still alive, she is in front of him, only a short distance away from him, so he called out to her like a mad man, wishing that she would look at him, but his attempts were miserable, Lea did not answer him and her phone rang, where the tone was loud, which made Lea feel embarrassed, all the employees of the companies heard her The group of elites who were around her ¸ Where Lea's feet were in the middle of the staff parking lot for their transportation, she answered her phone quickly to cut the noise and said:

- who is calling?

Are you kidding me, guess what?

And before she closed the conversation, the caller interrupted her saying:

Wait, wait, I miss you, record-breaker, I think it's obvious who's talking to you now...

Lea smiled, as she realized who the speaker was, then continued, saying with a smile on her lips:

-Min-Ho, of course, I was going to hang up now, but I got suspicious, I know this voice, but the number is not your number, a moment it's a local phone .... Don't tell me you came home...

Lea said it in a loud voice and noticeable enthusiasm,

Ji Ho was continuing her conversation as he stood a few steps behind her and while Leia was speaking, she was taking short steps forward and he took shorter steps behind her, when he found her excited, he got more curious and he took a little faster behind her so that he could hear her and as he watched her, a manly voice came from the side the interview:

- You just noticed now, yeah, I'm here, look in front of you, there's a handsome young man waving his hands in a white shirt

Lea smiled and was very happy when she saw him and before she hung up, she said:

- Well, I saw you, but I did not see any men and sky here!!

Lea said it jokingly, as she managed to see who he is, and they both took their steps to meet, and he stood behind her. Ji Ho watches her as she looks at who he is with love and welcome, she said:

- How are your ugly young man, wait why did you come back, and you didn't finish your studies yet, I remember you have another semester to graduate, that's what we talked about last week, right?

Min Ho answered her with a proud look:

My friend, who told you that I didn't finish my studies?

Lea answered him with a look of curiosity and question, and he added, saying:

- Yes, I did as you did, and you were the talk of the whole university at the time. I combined my classes, passed all the exams, and I will receive my graduation certificate this month.

Lea was very happy to hear that, and she added:

- Well, done Min Ho, studying was very difficult, and you live alone thereafter you come back

He crossed his arms in front of his chest and said, his eyebrows raised:

- Do you know the main reason why I did this and endured all this fatigue, is that I could not bear to be here alone, you are not used to living here in Korea and you will find it difficult to adapt...

Lea interrupted him feeling a little embarrassed and added jokingly:

- Can you imagine me being deceived, obviously the main reason, that you couldn't bear the idea of ​​me getting a job before you

Min Ho is laughing, pretending that what you're saying to me is true, and he said:

Of course, no one understands what's on my mind but you, yes, I wanted to break the record for the university legend, Lea Stewart, always first

Lea raised her eyebrow and said sarcastically:

- Let me correct you something, you couldn't break that number, Min Ho.

Min Ho smiled and was looking around the place, so he saw a person behind her, so he added:

- Yeah...the competitive Lea is showing up now,

Then he looked back at her

To see Ji Ho, who was standing following their conversation a few steps away, whose eyes were scrutinizing their looks and their reactions, as Ji Ho was asking himself who the person Lea looked at so lovingly,

he longed for that look and for the days he spent His time with Subin, where she was looking at him with such innocent and spontaneous features, her warm eyes and her beautiful smile and a long talk with him, how much she understood him, he remembers that he felt as if he owned the world at the time, so Ji Hu decided to leave,

he did not want to suffer anymore since Seeing Lea renewed his sorrows and longing for Subin, and only the pain left for him that remains stuck in his heart, he convinced himself that what he had done since seeing Lea was a foolish act, So Subin left life and it is possible that what he saw a while ago was just a coincidence, so he rolled away and as soon as he turned around and had his back facing them, Min Ho said:

Lea, do you know this person who is just a few steps behind you?

Lea said yes,

he's weird, he's been watching me from afar and calling me by another girl's name too

Added Min Ho:

- Well, but you know, Lea, he doesn't look weird, but he looks like he's looking at you, that look.

Then he was silent for a moment, and she interrupted him:

- Continue your conversation, what about the look?

Min Ho replied,

- No, I just didn't like it... the serial killer's look

Lea laughed:

Oh you, really, you always turn everything into a joke

Min Ho was looking at Ji Ho's back as he walked away from them little by little while Lea was telling him what happened a while ago, in Min Ki's office.

he Surprised and said:

- What do you mean it's Kim Ji Ho!

Lea replied with anticipation:

Yes, do you know him personally?

Min Ho answered her with a smile on his face.

- Of course, his dad is a family friend (Kang family), his dad has been my dad's secretary for over twenty years, but I haven't met him since I was in high school, I can't believe I saw him again, I've been following his news already, wait a minute, Lea

So, he decided to go to Ji Ho and welcome him, and while Ji Ho put his hands to open the handle of his car to get in, Min Ho's hand cut him off on the door handle as well to stop him, which surprised Ji Ho and looked at him waiting to justify his action, Min Ho said with smiling:

- Teacher, how are you?

Ji Ho was amazed and examined Min Ho's features to realize who he was. He might have met him somewhere. Min Ho's features looked as friendly as Ji Ho's, which made Ji Ho smile a slight smile on his face, as he remembered himself, everyone he saw called him a young man. With friendly features, he said to himself, "I understand now why everyone used to call me by this title." Then he added, saying:

Sorry, I don't remember, what's your name?

- I'm Kang Min Ho ¸ You taught me when I was in high school, the tutoring you gave me was very helpful....

Remembering Ji Ho, Min Ho just said the words Kang family and said:

- how are you, little boy, you've grown up to be a man now, tell me what you're studying, if you're still doing well, you should be about to graduate this year

Min Ho replied with a wide smile.

Well, it's a long story. How about we have lunch together?

Ji Ho looked at Lea, he was aware that she would not like to sit with him after his foolish attitude a while ago, but he still wanted to know more about her, so he might calm down from his confusion and talk to her. From that, he added,

- It looks like someone is waiting for you, don't make the girl wait too long and let's meet another day, take the phone, write your phone number here

so, he took the phone and called Lea instead of registering his number saying:

- Lea, let's have lunch with Mister Ji Ho

Lea chuckled and said,

- You know I won't be comfortable, I'll go alone to any restaurant, I was already going

Min Ho answered her, ignoring her words, and looking at her direction:

- Yes, come on Mr. Ji Ho is waiting, I really want to talk to him about a lot

Lea said angrily.

- Hey, you don't spoil my day plans, I told you I was already going to a restaurant

Min Ho hangs up, he knows Leia will eventually give in to him. Then he looks at Ji Ho and says,

"Sorry, I'm going to record my number now."

Then Lea came and Ji Ho quickly opened the front door of the car, so Lea quickly opened the back door to take her seat and closed the door behind her, signaling that Min Ho to sit in the front next to Ji Ho, as she was upset with him too.

And after they all settled in their places, Min Ho added, saying:

- I've been following you, Master, it looks like you're a celebrity now

Ji Ho smiled and said,

- Don't say, teacher, now you're no longer a high school kid, you're going to make me look like an old man

Min Ho laughed:

- Well, Ji Ho... but I feel weird, I'll need some time to get used to this.

Ji Ho smiled and then looked in the car mirror, noticing that Leia had been upset since she sat down.:

- Miss Lea, what restaurant would you like to eat at?

Lea replied,

Well, I'm not used to local food, I still don't get along with it, so any restaurant that serves western meals would be fine for me.

Min Ho is surprised and said:

- Come on, we eat western food here, don't tell me you're like burgers and pizza! Leave it now, I'll make you eat today to my taste, we'll have a high dose of phosphorous, a plate full of fish, crustaceans, and shellfish

Ji Ho interrupted Min Ho's speech and spoke

- No, I would suggest anything but seafood

Lea and Min Ho were surprised by Ji Ho's reaction, but the reason for this reaction was that Ji Ho still confused him that the one sitting here was Lea and not Subin, and because Subin was allergic to eating seafood such as crustaceans and shellfish, he was worried, but again he realized that what He continued to do foolishness, so his thoughts were interrupted by Min Ho's speech, as he said jokingly:

- What is this, man, I know, is it your favorite meal, or are you afraid to pay a lot of money, for your sake, since when have you been a miser!

Lea added,

- It's okay Mister Ji Ho, we'll divide the payment

Ji Ho said impulsively and firmly:

What are you saying, of course not, let's go to a restaurant known for seafood near here and of course only at my expense.

He said it while looking at Lea and Min-Ho

Then about twenty minutes passed during which Ji Ho was nervous, Min Ho was excited, and Lea was upset then

The three of them arrived at the restaurant and each took their places, and since the dishes were put on the table

Min Ho was busy devouring food now and then talking to Ji Ho in the old days, while Ji Ho was only apparently listening, to Min Ho but in essence, his mind was occupied with something else as he was watching Lea which made Lea uncomfortable and feeling weird and embarrassed at the same time,

Lea couldn't eat well, so he sat in the seat opposite her, watching her and following her reactions.

Min Ho noticed that Lea was not eating well, so he gave her a piece of oyster, saying to her:

- Go ahead, eat this masterpiece, and you should forget about the burger and pizza here. Previous years had enough of these two meals.

Lea took what Min Ho and Ji Ho had given her, anxious and tense, and as they nearly finished eating their food.

Lea felt unwell and said,

Sorry, I'll be back in a little while. I feel like I'm not feeling well because I'm eating seafood, it seems my body is not used to this.

So, Lea goes to the bathroom with medicine for indigestion and a pain reliever

And while she was trying to pick up the medicine, she...