Chapter 8: The one who got away

Michelle POV


After having lunch, Andy and I parted ways as we both have different classes. Anyway, that was something new. I was never friends with Andy in my past life nor did I ever have a conversation with him. I did see him in some of the parties, but we have never been introduced.

Would that have a butterfly effect in the future? Also, what about Steve? I did not ask Andy about him much as I thought that it would seem strange if I did so. What if Andy thinks that I'm Steve's stalker of something? It's just the first time I met them.

Now the mystery was, was my husband really Steven Sy? Was it like a hidden identity or something? Based on my conversation with Andy, it seems like it. Then, question was, why did he keep such a secret from me?

Also, what's up with him and Lara? I thought they have been together only starting 2nd year. Seems to me that they have been closer than what he told me. That lying jerk! If this experience were just a hallucination of mine and I get back to the future, I will show him!

Anyway, looking at the time, it was already 12:18. I walked to my next class at the Kostka building and before I could brace myself, my breath was taken away.

He was a beautiful as I remembered, and I felt the heat creeping up my face. I did not expect it, but he still had the same effect on me like the very first time and every time after. For god's sake, I'm already 31, and here I was crushing over my one sided first love again like a teenage girl.

Taking a deep breath and finding myself some courage, instead of taking a seat anywhere else, I took the seat next to his which was still vacant.

Should I try talking to him? I recall that when I came back from country E and was contemplating what I wanted to do with my life, I tried to search him in facebook many times. When I finally found his profile, I never had the courage to add nor message him as I was afraid of being seen zoned amongst other things.

Anthony was the only son of the Ren corporation. He was also from the exclusive circle which was above mine. It posed no problem if I were to reach out to him if it was during the time my family was still doing well. But again, when I came back from country E, my family was already out of that circle, and I don't have the face to show him. Not that I did from the start. I mean, he was my ultimate crush. I can't even form a complete sentence without turning into a babbling fool in front of him.

In addition to that, I know how things worked in the elite circle. Even if I try to talk chat him up, it won't work out. Sorry, I'm not up for some crazy rich Asian drama. Other than that, I tried to avoid people I knew from that circle. It was a shame to be dubbed as a social climber if I were to still stick with them when I know I can no longer afford it.

So, in the end, all I ever did was frequently look at his uploaded photos. Also, there's a real sad thing about Anthony. He died in a car crash in 2014. I remembered I cried all night when I read about it. I never even got to confess my love for him. So, in my heart, he was always the one who got away. Does that even make sense?

Soon, the room got filled by other students. For this class, my only blockmate present was David. Yes, we were the only 2 people who were in basic English amongst our blockmates. He gave me a wave in acknowledgement, and if I were still me of the past, I would have ignored him. However, I'm a better person now, so I waved back.

Then, the professor came in. "Good afternoon everyone. I am Ms. Luna Dy. Depending on the result of your evaluation exam in two weeks' time, I may remain as your professor in English. Though for now, I would just help all of you in preparation for said exam so that you can move forward to the intermediate class…." She started.

Oh yeah, again, this is basic class, and in the past, I failed that exam even though I did try my best. I was not that great in English and my grammar kinda sucked. It improved over time, but I have to admit, that even now, it's still not that good. Though at the very least, given the me now, I know I could pass that exam. But do I want to?

Anthony also failed that exam that's why we have been classmates in English class for 1 semester. Uh, should I take this opportunity to talk to him? Maybe offer him to study together? But won't he think that I'm flirting with him? Or worse, maybe he might think that I'm trying to be boastful?

What did I do in the past? I can't remember!

The professor gave the student in front the syllabus and since our classroom looked like a conference hall with long tables, the syllabus was passed from the middle row then sideways.

I was sitting at the back middle row and beside me was Anthony. Thus, I was excited and nervous. This will be our first interaction in this lifetime!
