Chapter 10: College life mission

After English class, I went to the University administration office to ask about the load revision form. Originally, I should be attending the T-TH Environmental Science class, but I want to be classmates with Steve so I can keep watch and try to get to know him during this time of his life even though I knew I shouldn't.

The process was not that difficult. The person in charge just asked me why I wanted to change my schedule, and I made some excuse which was passable. Well, it's not like they can decide for me. This was college not high school.

Successful with changing my schedule, I now have 2 classes with Steve. The Environmental Science lecture, and the Environmental Science Laboratory. Oh my, the lengths that I go for you Steve, you better appreciate it!

Anyway, I checked the time, and it was 3:30 pm. Seems like I will be late for my INTACT class. INTACT was a subject which purpose was for students to assimilate with campus life. The whole title of the subject was Introduction to A University Culture. Gods, it was the most useless subject I ever took, but it was required. It's mostly about what University A stands for and also the time was used to form bonds with your blockmates. Short to say, I did not have fond memories of it.

I entered the class as the only person who came in late. I smiled at the professor, and he did not admonish me and just asked me to take a seat.

He started talking about the class syllabus and I began to bring out my notebook, pretending to take notes when in fact, I was just absent mindedly thinking about what I should do next.

It was just the first day of school, and a lot of things has already changed in my life. I don't know how it will affect the future though. Anyway, I looked at my revised class schedule.

This semester I'm taking 7 subjects. M-W-F, I have Math 11, English 10, INTACT, Environmental Science Lecture. T-TH I have P.E. which I changed from tap dancing to table tennis because of my load revision, Environmental Science Laboratory every Thursday, and finally, Economics 101. When I first took all these subjects, I felt that they were daunting, but looking at them now, they seem easy to handle especially in comparison to when I had to work in the company I was working at.

Then I realized that, it seems like I will be seeing Steve 4 times a week. I smiled at the thought of seeing his sour face almost every day. I know he will change later, but it's nice to see a side of him I never knew existed before. Not that I appreciate seeing him with Lara though.

While thinking of him and our past, I did not notice the passing of the time. Before I knew it, the bell rang, and it was dismissal.


When I arrived home, I took out a pen and the diary that I have been writing in. Yes, I have always kept a diary. Yesterday, after the orientation seminar, I looked for it in hopes that it would have the answer to why I am in this current timeline.

However, when I opened it, the last date of entry was the 12th of June 2006. So, I don't think that it has the answer to the question as to why I'm back.

So, does this mean that I was really just here because fate was playing its game on me?

I have no idea. The only thing I can do is live my life daily. Maybe one day, I will wake up and I'll be back in my original timeline. It's not like I can mess up my life leading to that point too much. The only thing I see that I can do is improve it.

Anyhow, I thought I would enjoy this experience very much, but it's different when a person has someone to share the experience with, in comparison to just undergoing things on one's own.

After getting married to Steve, he became my life partner. We lived together, shared experiences, and maybe it was this companionship that kept on pulling me towards him even though I knew that the Steve now was still not the Steve I knew and loved.

But no matter, he's still the same person. So, I'll stick to getting to know him. I won't get in the way of his life, but at least somehow, I want to be a part of it.

So, my life mission for college?

Get to know Steve.

Unravel the mystery of his identity.

Get him to be my campus boyfriend if possible.

If not possible, abort mission.

Try to get to know Anthony.

Try to get to know Andy.

Gods, I am such a hypocrite biatch who kept on complaining about seeing Steve with Lara when in fact I am also thinking of other guys to flirt with.

