Chapter 16: Childhood friends

"We know each other but haven't had the chance to be close." I replied, then, not wanting her to ask about me since I have nothing spectacular to share about my life from age 0 to 18, I decided to shift the direction of our conversation. "Anyhow, I see that you four have been friends before entering this university. How did that come to be?" I asked, while thinking 'might as well use this time to gather some info.'

Lara giggled as she looked at the two boys beside her, then she started her long winded talk of how they all met and how they have been friends since forever. She only took a pause when Andy arrived and sat. Andy was also a conversationalist and he also explained while laughing and joking, in sync with Lara.

I let it all sink in. Apparently, the 4 of them have been friends since the time they were in their nappies. Their parents were from the same generation, and had children on the same year, and it all began from there.

As long as they can remember, they have already played in the same playpen, the venue of whose, well it alternated between their mansions. Then as they grew older, because Lara was a girl, she studied in a different school exclusively for girls. The boys all studied in the same school though which was also exclusive for boys. Despite that, their closeness never wavered because their bond was already strong, and they still spent their summers together.

I nodded in understanding, in my mind, I wondered what happened in the future for Steve to drift away from them. Also, even Anthony, with all my stalking, I never saw pictures of them together in facebook. Though, maybe they were in private? Anyhow, ok, I get it now, you all have a strong unbreakable bond. I would never break it in your inner circle and just be a passer-by in your lives. Ugh. Michelle, no need to think that way, you're here now.

Although I felt a little out of place and intimidated with my competition as she has been Steve's friend for almost all their life, my consolation and fighting power was still alive. She may have been Steve's friend since forever, but he married me in my timeline. That has got to mean something right?

I was cut out of my musings when I heard the bell rang.

"Oh, it's already 2:50, time to go. Tonton, do you want to join us later? We're heading to Steven's." Lara said.

It was a bit awkward for me to be standing there, not getting invited, but I do know that we're not that close for me to be invited to their house.

Anthony shook his head, "Sorry, I have to decline, I need to get home early for tonight or my mom will grill me. Maybe next time."

"Alright." Lara replied and did not think of it anymore and started walking.

Andy, again, the only one who cared enough of what I thought smiled at me. It seems like he's telling me sorry that he can't extend the invite as it's not his house.

I only smiled at him in return. Well, I also don't want to join and be third wheeling. Wonder how Andy does it.

The five of us walked through the SEC walk, and at the corner of my eyes, I noticed some people staring. Perhaps because they're looking at Andy, or that we were all looking like we walked out of a fashion magazine. Not that I'm too narcissistic, but again, I would not have ranked myself first in terms of beauty in our block if I had no basis.

We first passed by SEC A, which was the building where Steve, Lara, and Andy will be having their class. Steve just went inside not even turning to say goodbye to me and Anthony. Lara smiled apologetically again as she too said her goodbye. Last, Andy smiled at me, as if wanting to say something. However, seeing that Anthony was not leaving, he decided to let it go and just told me, see you tomorrow.

Finally, it was just Anthony and me who will be walking the 3 minutes-walk from SEC A to the covered courts. I turned to look at him, and he looked at me too.

He smiled at me and asked, "Shall we?"

Not confident with my own voice, I gave him a small shy smile as I nodded my head.
