Chapter 25: Can I call?

(Third POV)

"Ugh! Stop bragging. Just a text message and you're acting like you won a lottery or something." Lara complained.

Andy laughed, "Frankly, I think this feels better than winning a lottery!" then he pulled his cellphone back to start typing his reply. He typed, then deleted, typed and then deleted again.

Lara, Steven, and Anthony all looked at him as he grinned, furrowed his brows, grinned, and then made a confused expression.

"You need help?" Anthony asked.

Andy nodded his head. "I have done this many times, but Michelle is different from those girls. What if she thinks I'm snubbish or coming too strong?"

"What would you have normally texted?" Anthony asked.

"Normally, I'll just text, Great, or I won't reply until they text me again with some questions needing a response. I mean, most girls dig it when a guy plays hard to get. No offense to someone I know." Andy replied.

Lara and Steven, both gave him a glare.

"Then don't text back. Let's see if she'll text you again." Lara said as if daring him.

Andy wanted to say no way, but Lara took his cellphone from his hands. "Hey!" he complained.

"What? You can always text her later. It's not like you're holding your phone 24/7. Let her wait for 30 minutes, that is, IF she's actually waiting."

Andy pouted. He waited for 3 days for that single message and Lara just stole his phone. Then again, she has a point. "Fine. Just 30 minutes then hand me my phone back. Ok?"

Lara grinned. "Sure."


(Michelle POV)

I looked at my phone and saw the screen saying message sent. Then I started waiting, nervous and excited at the same time. When no reply has arrived after 3 minutes, I started getting dismayed.

Why was he not replying yet? Does he not like me? Did I interpret him wrong?

Michelle, Michelle, how can you be so conceited? He's Andy Peng for god's sake. Not because he flirted a little means that he likes you. Maybe he's just that way with other girls too. Like, even now, there should at least be tens of thousands of girls wanting to go out with him.

I placed my phone on the nightstand to lie on the bed. Sad and dejected. Honestly, I keep telling myself that I won't make him think that I like him for Steve's sake, but in reality, I'm just scared of getting rejected, like what's happening now. Ah… I wanted to cry. But who's to blame? He's Andy Peng, and who am I? I'm just me. Gods, why was I feeling this way?

I don't know how long I laid there like an idiot. But I was hyper aware as deep inside me, I was still waiting for his reply.

When my phone vibrated, my hand quickly reached for it and saw 1 unread message. My heart was thudding, nervous. What did he type? Was it from him? Ah!!! This is killing me.

Slowly, I unlocked my phone and saw that the message did come from him. I closed my eyes as I pressed open.

Then, I read it. Then, I read it again to be sure.

[That's great! I've been looking forward to your response since Friday, and now I feel so happy to know that it's a positive. Is it alright for me to save your number?]

I smiled so widely that I think my face will split. Oh Andy, you're so sweet! I was about to type a reply, when I received another text message. I opened it to check.

[Are you busy? Can I call?]

Eh? Why does he want to call?

I looked at myself still clad in my pajamas. It's a Sunday, and I'm just too lazy so I haven't even taken a bath yet. Thankfully, he won't see me as there's no video call at this time. For a moment, I thanked the lord that smartphones haven't been invented yet. Even iphone 1 won't be coming out until next year, and even then there's no 3G what more 5G. Though there was internet, it's not as convenient as one must use their PC or laptop for that. Video calls can only be done using a webcam, and well, you get my drift.

Anyway, after a minute, I started typing my reply.

[Yes, no, and yes. ^_^]

Then I cleared my throat and practiced saying, hello? Hello? Ah, did my voice sound alright? Ugh…


(Third POV)

"Ok, 30 minutes is up." Anthony, who was delegated to do the countdown announced.

"Did I receive anything?" Andy asked nervous.

Lara brought out the phone from her bag. Then she laughed. "Absolutely N-o-t-h-i-n-g! hahaha! Serves you right! I think I like Michelle more now."

Andy pouted but took his phone, "Not that I didn't expect that. At least I was able to think of a more proper response."

"What do you plan on saying?" Lara asked.

"Uh, 'That's great! I hope you're not busy today. How are you?' what do you think?" Andy said.

Lara gave him an eyeroll. "That is so lame. If it were me receiving the text, I would appreciate it more if you tell me that you've been waiting for my text and what texting? Better yet, just give me a call. And here I thought you're smooth."

Andy took what Lara said to mind, "Ok, you're a girl. I guess I should listen to you. But call? Would she let me?"

"Just be casual about it."

"I'm not too sure, anyway I'm sending this one out. 'That's great! I've been looking forward to your response since Friday, and now I feel so happy to know that it's a positive. Is it alright for me to save your number?' what do you think?"

Steven and Anthony looked at him like he has grown another head.

Lara gave him a thumbs up. "that's awesome. Trust me."

Andy closed his eyes and pressed send.

After 1 second, he felt that he sounded wierd. "I think I should not have listened to you Lara. It sounds like I'm some weirdo stalker."

"Then just give her a call." Lara said laughing.

Andy nodded and went ahead and texted 'are you busy? Can I call?'

He waited and waited, and it felt like eternity when in fact it was only under 2 minutes.

When his phone vibrated, everyone looked at him expectantly.

Nervous, he opened the message. When he saw the response, he tried to recall the sequence of his questions, and after realizing the answer for each, he grinned.

"Ok guys, you stay here for the meantime. I need to give your future sister-in-law a call."
