Chapter 28: New Friendships II

After class, I was invited by Andy and Lara to have lunch with them. This time, Lara went to stand beside me and even clung to my arm like we were best of friends.

Andy gave me a smile while Steve just nodded his head at me in acknowledgement.

Am I really part of their group now?

We walked to the canteen, Lara and I together, Steve and Andy behind us. It was strange as I was not used to this kind of set up.

When we arrived, Steve did not make a fuss like last time, I guess he already adjusted. We sat around one of the empty tables and Steve volunteered to look over our bags as we go buy our meal.

Lara smiled at me as she pulled me to buy our meal together. Giving us some alone girl time as we went in line to get stubs and pay for our food.

"You know, I always wanted a sister, someone I can share my secrets to and talk about the girly stuff I can't tell the boys. Andy told me that you will be hanging with us more from now on, and I'm happy to know that." She began.

I wanted to crunch my brows, while thinking, 'girl, that's so high school.', then again, she was just a first- year college student. I smiled and nodded my head, "I'm glad. I have always wanted a sister too. Thanks for having me."

"So… what do you think of Andy?" she suddenly asked.

'Ok, so we're really having a sisterly friendship now? She's asking me about boys already.'

"He's really nice. I never thought he would be friendly given that he's on his way to stardom and well, given who he is." I replied.

"Oh, Andy has always been like that. He's really nice and although he's all that, he doesn't let it get in his head. The lucky girl who captures his heart will surely be the envy of all."

'Lara, are you brushing him up to me? Like, seriously? Did he tell you to do this or are you just doing this because you feel like I have to like him so that I won't dare venture and like Steve instead?', when I recalled Steve, suddenly, I realized that I could use this time to ask about their relationship. I just hope she doesn't think that I am interested in him.

"Indeed. I wonder who that girl could be. By the way, I hope you don't mind me asking, but are you and Steven, you know, like that? I see that you're both chummy since day 1." I asked like some curious girl who doesn't know anything about the relationship between the opposite gender.

She grinned, "Steven and I, hehe… it's been a long story. I mean, we have been friends since we've been in our nappies. Right now, our relationship has no real label, but we have this mutual understanding already. I mean, I like him very very much, and I don't doubt that he likes me too. It's just that we're still adjusting from being friends to the next level, I believe."

I tried to smile as I listened while admonishing myself in my head. 'Michelle, Michelle, when will you learn? Did you just lift a rock just so that you can smash it on your foot?'

"I see…" was all I can say in response.

"So… how about you? Do you have a boyfriend?" Lara asked.

'I had a husband, and he's the man you've just been talking about earlier' I wanted to say. But I just shook my head, "No, I don't.", well, at least not yet. Although Steven was Lara's for now, I still have my plan of getting a campus boyfriend.

Lara smiled seemingly delighted by my answer. Since we already got our food, she said, "oh, ok. Anyhow, let's go back to the table."

Lunch was spent with the 4 of us eating together. We didn't get to talk that much given that we only had an hour. Still, it was a start.

At 12:15, I had to say goodbye telling them that I have English 10 next.

However, Lara and Andy insisted that they walk with me as my classroom was on the way to the library and that Anthony was also there, so might as well, say hi to him.

We walked to my class, and everything just felt bizarre to me.

When we reached the front of my classroom, we all saw Anthony standing outside waiting for the class before us to end.

"Hi Tonton!" Lara greeted.

"Hey, Anthony!" greeted Andy, followed by a "Hey." From Steven.

Anthony turned to face us, he smiled and greeted. "Hi guys. What are you doing here?"

"We just walked Michelle over since we had the same class before this." Lara answered.

This time, Anthony looked at me directly and smiled, "Hi Michelle. Hope these 3 aren't causing you any trouble."

I tried to stop myself, but I can feel my cheeks starting to heat up. I hope no one noticed. Afraid to make a fool of myself, I just shook my head and gave him a shy smile back.

"How could you say that? Michelle and I are like BFFs now." Lara complained.

Andy also gave a mock punch at Anthony's shoulder. Then the three of them started laughing.

I smiled at the scene before me. Then, curious, I peeked at Steve who was left standing next to me.

He was looking at his friends and for the first time in this timeline, I saw his lips tilted up to a smile. The smile brightened his face turning his already handsome face to become more so.

I knew I should feel happy for him, but I could not help but feel a bit melancholic. He smiled at me a thousand times in our timeline, but I know that the one he's giving now doesn't belong to me.

I shook my head. I should stop associating my husband Steve to the one beside me. They might have the same face and body, but they're not the same person.

With this, I pepped myself up, 'Ok, Michelle, you have to live your life facing forward. Steve belongs to Lara for now. While Andy and Anthony are in front of you. Ah, might be farfetched but maybe, you can even live your teenage dream of getting stuck in a love triangle with both guys vying for your attention. Who knows?' I tried hard not to laugh.

Thankfully, the bell rang before I could delude myself further.
