Chapter 48: Never had a dream come true

It was 8:40 when I arrived in the canteen. I was carrying two insulated lunch bags, containing bento like stackable boxes. Why 2? Well, I can't honestly just give him one lunchbox for his breakfast, right? I mean, fine, so I have over prepared and…

Come on! I'm not gonna let this once in a lifetime opportunity go to waste! I'm not just handing him food and say bye bye! I'm gonna make this a DATE! Not that he would think it is, but really, him and me sitting together, sharing the food I painstakingly prepared. What else would you call that!? HAHAHA!

Anyway, looking around, not a lot of students were present and many tables were still left vacant. Ha! Time to find a table with strategic location. The canteen has long tables, and some were good for four. No two-seater table, but it's ok.