Chapter 78: Morning after II

(Michelle POV)

Anyhow, after taking a shower, I started blow drying my hair. Looking at myself in the mirror, I noticed the hickeys all over my waist and chest area. Shucks. Anthony was too much. Ok, not gonna lie, I also love seeing them. Like, it makes me feel like I was so hot! It's not that he thought I was beautiful only because he was drunk right? He must feel attraction to me to want to have sex with me too, right?

Attraction. That knowledge got me all giddy again. Ah! he should have definitely found me attractive! More so than the girls who kept flirting with him! Ha! Take that, bitches! Ugh! Has my brain really warped to a hormonal teenage girl's? What am I even telling myself?

I looked at my clothes in the closet. I also need to pack up. I'm not up for any activity other than chatting up with the girls. My pussy and my body were still a bit sore, so I don't want to overexert myself.