Chapter 88: Home sweet home

(Michelle POV)

Shortly after Kate and I exchanged numbers, the captain of the ship announced that Aurora has just docked at Port of Peng corporation, and that passengers will be allowed to disembark in 5 minutes. We waited for about 15 minutes to let the crowd thin before we exited Lara's cabin.

Another 5 minutes after that, me and the girls were already on the gangway. While walking, I saw Steven, Vince, Jeff, and Anthony standing together at the side, most probably waiting for us. 

My eyes of course zeroed in on Anthony who has his back facing us. Gosh, even from behind he looks perfect to me! 

Lara nudged me with her elbow and said, "Anthony might melt!" 

"You!!!!" I exclaimed in mock anger as I tried to tickle her waist.

Lara laughed then ran towards the boys pulling her luggage along. As she got near them, Anthony turned around, he smiled at her, then he looked at my and Kate's direction.