Chapter 98: Hard habit to break

(Michelle POV)

'Ah, I think this shirt would fit my Anthony so well! He would look so handsome… and… wah!!!! Would he wear it on Saturday if I were to give them to him tomorrow?' I wondered as I grinned and hugged the shirt to my chest imagining it as Anthony himself.

Anyhow, after unbagging all the things I bought for him, I started placing them inside just one bag. It would be weird if I were to give him separate shopping bags tomorrow. Overall, there were not a lot just 5 shirts and a pair of cufflinks. I hope he will like them. 

After doing so, I placed the bag down and saw the other shopping bags. Which reminded me of Andy. When it was time for us to part ways, Andy considerately walked me to my car and then handed the driver the things I thought he bought for his mom.