Chapter 100: Ballpen

(Michelle POV) 

I covered my mouth muffling the giggle trying to escape me as I read Andy's text. If he were to really fetch me every time my class ends, I think Angie's eyes would bleed! Just imagining her dumbstruck and envious face… hehehe ah! I feel so childish!

Then, I turned to look at Anthony who I saw was taking down notes seriously. What if Anthony were to fetch me from class? He might not be as popular as Andy, but the caliber of the impact should not be that far. In my eyes, he was even more handsome! 

I imagined Anthony waiting outside my classroom, then when I exit, he would ask for my bag to carry it for me. Wah!!!! Just the thought was already making me like this, what more if it were the reality!? I took a deep breath to calm my palpitating heart.

I looked at the screen of my cellphone again and drafted my 1st reply, [Who dares bully me?]