Chapter 106: Introductions

(Third POV)

Since their professor was facing them, Michelle decidedly placed her cellphone back inside her bag. She didn't want to get caught texting and give a bad impression. Anyhow, it was almost dismissal.

"Alright. Are there any questions regarding our lesson?" Their professor asked as she wrapped up the lesson for the day.

"No, ma'am." The students answered, just itching for the class to end.

"Ok, then, for our next meeting…" 

Hearing their professor giving instructions for their homework to be submitted on Friday, Michelle jot them down on her notebook. 


Andy smiled seeing Michelle trying to contain her laughter. Earlier when he arrived, he took the time to observe her. Michelle was not the most beautiful girl he has ever seen, especially that he mingles in the entertainment circle, but there's something about her that draws him in.