Chapter 116: Room 522 I

(Michelle POV)

I looked to my left and right as Anthony and I entered the hotel. I did not think much about it earlier, but now, I was a little afraid that someone might recognize me. What if my parents' friends see me and tell my parents? How would I explain this scene where I'm entering the hotel with a boy and we're even holding hands? I mean, I'm just an 18-year-old girl now!

If we get caught, I'm afraid my parents will hunt Anthony down and maybe they would demand him to take responsibility or something? Well, how would they be able to stand the pressure of Anthony's family? I'm afraid Anthony's family might even think that we're trying to entrap their son! Ugh. They would think that I'm a toad thinking of eating swan meat! I shook my head. Why am I thinking this way again? I think I watched too much Korean dramas!