It's Time

Olivia - Hey Mila are you done yet?

Mila - Hold on i'm just putting on a sweater and then we'll be ready to go, hopefully coach Mike and Miss Jenkins won't mind.

Olivia - Ok while you're doing that, i know we already spoke about him before but i have a feeling he's plotting something again he didn't appear at all not, even at the front entrance. I mean you saw him at the cafe but my question is why isn't he going to school?.

Mila - I'm not sure Liv but we're about to find out if it's him or not. I hope we find something useful so that we could find her already, But somehow i feel like we're running out of time.

Liv - No! we're not going to run out of time if we stick together and solve this mystery by believing in ourselves.

Mila - Mhm thanks for the motivation. I say sarcastically* come on let's get to practice before we get detention.

Mila's POV

As i was waiting for Liv to grab her gym bag, I noticed a big old writing near the lockers that said 'Secrets Secrets Secrets.' I started to inspect the threatening writing and started to think to myself.

Who's handwriting could it be? Could it be Jake's?.

After questioning myself about what i had seen, I recalled that i had a group of friends from Middle school and i knew that it would be a good idea to have some backups. One of their names were called Saylor, Bay , and Elias. They're recognized as the three ocean triplets. Ocean is their last name so it has a special definition behind their unique names, since they're in the same grade as us but in different schools, they now study criminology. but now's not the time to get distracted.

I quickly grabbed my phone and started to scroll through my contacts and noticed that i still had their numbers on my list.

Olivia - Mila? Are you ok? you seem possessed...should I be worried?

Mila - We got back up.

Olivia - English?

Mila - You'll find out when you see them, come on let's go.

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I was dumbfounded, I didn't realize what she meant and who was our backup. Could it be more than one person and are they trustworthy?. I felt my body directing as she was walking towards the field. As we entered everybody's reality, i felt malicious looks shooting towards my body, i knew what had happened yesterday and i knew that no one forgot about Nina's picture smothered in blood with a huge red title above it. I noticed that our coach was staring at us with anger just because we were 2 minutes late.

Coach Mike - 20 SIT UPS NOW!

Mila - uhhhhh you didn't seem to care about the others that got here 5 minutes late and we got here before them.

Coach Mike - Nonsense! I'm now adding 20 pushups if you keep Talking back to me plus detention.

Olivia- Come on Mila, forget about him. He's the worst coach in school, unlike Miss Jenkins. I'm sure she'll let us out in no time.

Mila - Hopefully...

*they start doing push ups*

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I love sports but the worse part about it is coach Mike. He is a snobby-looking toad who hates all of our guts. He never really helped us at all instead, all he did was just shout at us really. He has a bald patch at the back of his wrinkly old looking head. He had black hair and always has this angry-looking glare in his eyes. He thinks he owns this whole school, but what the whole school wants is Miss Jenkins to own it.

It was almost time for us to go and I knew that this is what we needed to do, help us get our friend back. I kept checking my phone to see if the triplets replied but still got no reply. Hopefully, they'll show up, and that we'll be able to do this.

I noticed Adrien, Igor, and Valentin picking up their bags, about to leave. I then noticed Valentin giving us a sign for us to leave too.

We quickly packed our bags up and ran like our own lives depended on it. We knew Coach Mike Turned around but we didn't stop at all, we knew it would be a whole month of Detentions but we didn't care. We threw our bags in the bunk of the car trunk and jumped in. Igor started the Car and drove away from the school before anyone could catch up to us.

I was out of breathe after all that training and going through that running-to-the-car experience. I grabbed my bottle and chugged water down my throat then noticed that Olivia was somehow frozen, I knew she was thinking about something but I didn't know what it was.

Mila - Olivia? Olivia?

*No response*

Mila - I have an extra water bottle in my gym bag if you want some?.

Olivia- No...Jake...

Adrien- Livvy? Are you good?

Olivia - Jake he- it looked like he was following us when we ran into our car.

*We all looked back to see if anyone was following us but all there was, was an empty road.*

Valentine - There's no other car except for us Olivia, are you sure you saw him?

Olivia - Yes yes i saw him, i think he knows where we're going. I didn't see him in the morning except for Mila, i only saw him behind me when we were running.

Mila - Guys we need to be careful of our surroundings, we don't know if he's involved or if he's dangerous

Valentine - Either way he could still be following us, might have just went another way.

Igor - Hmmm I still don't think he's dangerous

Mila - Of course, you don't you're friends with him, we're not.

Igor - You guys are absurd

Valentine - Look who's talking. you might be friends with a murderer.

*Adrien giggles*

Adrien - He might be a murderer, Igor they're right we should be careful.

Mila - See at atleast Adrien agrees.

Adrien - Did we bring flashlights, blankets, medical kits, water, etc

Valentine - I believe so, hopefully, we didn't forget anything.

Igor - We're here...Oakwood Forest, the other end...

* We all unbuckled our seat belts and started to get out of the car and grabbed our supplies for the exploration.*

Igor - Ready?

Valentine- Yeah

*Mila and Olvia stare at each other *

Mila and Olivia - No we're nervous.

Mila - Would if we don't find anything useful or Nina, do we keep trying again?

Adrien - We shouldn't give up *Smiles* We can do it, guys. Let's go find our Friend.

Mila - We got this Liv, we all need to stick together

*Olivia nods gently while walking with the others*