The Missing Street

An hour had passed by.

We we're all in despair and frozen in disbelief, after what happened. Most of us we're hyperventilating, whilst frenzied and having disjointed thoughts as the mind zips from one unrelated thought to another. The cold sweats and clammy hands, the pounding heart, eyes widening in terror and the flicking from side to side, as we we're trying to decide an escape route. Feet feeling numb, as though we we're welded to the floor with extreme fear.

It was a nerve racking situation. No one was able to focus or speak. The room felt like it was spinning and spinning all over again, which caused confusion.

It was as mad as a hatter.

My limbs started hurting and my head was beginning to throb with so much pain. I just couldn't handle it anymore.

'Guys …?' no response.

Chitter chatter, chitter chatter. That's all I could hear, right at this moment.

'Guys!' I yelled for attention.

They all turned around with a dejected look on their face. I saw the pain behind their eyes, it made me feel low-spirited.

'We could be next if we don't get out of here fast.' I said with a troubled voice.

'She's right, We have to leave this place immediately not only to protect her mom but ourselves too'. Valentin said with some common sense.

'Please hear us out, we need to be safe'. I said while walking towards them.

'Ok' I heard Igor say.

'You guys ready ?' I said.

I felt my friends coming back to me. It was hard for all of us but we need to stick together, we can't afford to lose another.

Me and Olivia packed our bags to get ready to leave my 'so called home'. My mom stayed home, after all the monster was coming after us.

I kissed her forehead and said goodbye just in case she won't see me again.

I still felt anxious after leaving my house and locking the door behind me, but we have to get out for safety.

One of us could be the next target so we have to move fast.

I quickly put my bags in the car bunk and jumped into the car while closing the door in a rush. As Igor was reversing from the driveway.

I was going to miss home but I knew we would be back in no time.

'Safety comes first …Aha' I said while being miserable.

'Uh huh?' Olivia claims.

'Igor where are you even going ? Or should I say, where are you taking us ??' Valentin asks.

'Um ? To a hotel ?' Igor says negatively.

Igor I'm sorry but we shouldn't go to a hotel, the monster … well whoever's out there could attack, not only us but the others too.

We need to think of a plan .

'Ha! like what, like you could do better'. Igor says impolitely.

'Actually I can do better, besides if we go to a hotel we'd be dead you dim Witt.' I said with annoyance.

'Haha, ok she has a point.' Valentin chuckles silently.

I noticed Igor rolling his eyes while being vexed but I mean it's true we'd be dead, we need to be cautious of our surroundings.

'Ugh Fine, where should we stay?'. Igor asks.

'Can't we take your dads RV and Stay in it ?' I ask politely.

'You think my dad will let a bunch of dweebs in his RV? Ha!' Igor says impolitely.

'Well I'd rather stay in an RV than a hotel, who knows what could be there'. I said.

… Igor remained silent as he was driving away to his dad's house.

The whole car ride was completely hushed and tranquil, it was awkward and no one had said anything.

Which was strange yet common.

As we we're driving on the motorway, it seemed deadly. As if no one lived in this town. It was empty and The wet, desolate streets of the city rested in silence as the starry black sky wept over it. The water in the portholes shimmered by the glow of the bright, yellow street lamps as we we're passing by.

Even though some parts were scarily darker than the other.

As we we're almost near Mr Valknov's house

I was breathing heavily as Igor handed the keys and torn coat, draping it over my head. I turned towards the street In front of his house, still in a state of shock over what had happened and began to take nervous footsteps towards his Newly home.

Something was off and I couldn't figure it out, what it was…

'Anyone else getting weird vibes ?' I asked with curiosity.

'I-um maybe'. Olivia said while trembling with fear.

'Ding Dong Ding Dong' the door bell rang repeatedly.

Even though we we're standing outside, we could hear footsteps coming from the inside.

As the footsteps we're progressively getting louder, Another creak, another shuffle, just down the corridor as the wind was getting stronger.

Now only seconds away.

The sound of the wind among the trees suddenly stopped as if we've never heard a single noise coming from Igor's house.

The world was completely still. Nothing moved, not a leaf quivered, but over the silence brooded. A ghostly calm and the whisper of a smoky breath occurred as it rose in gasps and lingered in the frosty air.

It was almost like an illusion.

I wasn't sure if he'd answer the door or just let us freeze to death but something fishy is going on here.

A small cold, shivering wind blew on the back of my neck once again and ears felt like the touch of cold fingers. Suddenly, the whole world seemed unnaturally dark, as I've noticed before it's been drained of all light.

'Thump Thump Thump'. We heard once again.

It sounded as if it was the big friendly giant, living in that house. It doesn't seem like Mr Volknov at all.

'Ding Dong Ding Dong!' I pressed the doorbell once again.

'Mr Volknov?, It's us. Igor's Amigos!' Valentin said Jokingly.

As Valentin was Joking about, we noticed the front door opening with ease.

'Creaaak' cries the door.

'Igor what's going on with your dad ? Why is he acting so strange?, Is there a way for you to talk to him or atleast go in there to make sure if he's okay?.' I ask politely.

'There's no need…'

We all looked up while being appalled after hearing and seeing Mr Volknov make an appearance.

Even though we knew him for quite some time now.

I heard a sound like a bird flapping its wings in a panic. Maybe it was my heart, for all I know. Have you ever seen a wild bird in a cage, looking for a way out? Well that was how my mind was reacting to this whole fanatical situation.

I couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions inside of me, it was driving me crazy.

I didn't feel safe so I decided to walk back.

'Hey ? Where do you think you're going?' Igor's dad questioned me.

'N-nowhere heheh…' I replied.

'Aren't you coming in?' The others are coming inside. You're welcome to come in, the Volknov's don't bite.' He said with determination.

'Ok'. I said as I was walking back up the stairs, Infront of the front entrance.

As I walked in, I noticed the others sitting down on the couch.I have to admit they all looked drained from the adventure we had today.Igor was on his phone , Valentin was admiring the antiques placed on a miniature glasses wardrobe.Olivia was fiddling with her fingers as always and well … I was just standing up fear.

Fear and wondering what was going to happen next.

'Tea? Snacks? Coco?. It's pretty cold outside so I'd take one if I were you.' Igor's dad remarked.

'No thank you… we're all good. We're only here to ask if we could use your RV ?.' As I said while leaning over.

'Uh hum' he coughs while being humoured.

'Now why would you want my RV?'. He asks.

'Not that it concerns you dad but can't you just lend it to us, it's not like we're running away from something or someone.' Igor says impolitely.

I kicked Igor's leg as hard as I could do, to knock some sense into him after realising every word he just said to his Scrooge - like dad.

'OWWWW!' Igor cried.

'Gotta do what I got to do, how could you be so stupid and bait us out?'. I asked.

'Now now…uhm kids what are you actually running from?'. He turned around while being curious.

'A creature… Not really a creature but something that isn't considered normal…' I replied.

I could tell that he was interested, if I was able to bribe him and tell him more about what happened a couple of days ago, maybe it'll work.

'Ha what kind of creature, you kids make me laugh. I haven't had a laugh since my wife died.'

'What… how could you say something like that. She died for peoples sake. Don't joke about something when it could happen to you.' Igor said.

I've never seen Igor this way before and I knew that it affected him. Even though he wasn't friendly towards us at all, doesn't mean he should be treated that way too.

'Come on guys forget about the RV, My dads a piece of trash anyways'.

'Igor-'. Valentin called out.

Igor looked like a bullet went right through him, we could tell that it wasn't the first time that his dad kept saying narcissistic things towards him about his mom.

After seeing this, it made me realise that we should all be grateful for everything we have and love each other until it's the very end…

𝐻𝑜𝓅𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝑒𝓃𝒿𝑜𝓎𝑒𝒹 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟣𝟥

What I've learned is 'gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all others.' This quote is very meaningful and it should be meaningful to you.