Mei jingjing could feel the sun rays hit her face, her eyes slowly opened and she glanced around her environment, she hurriedly sat upright, and a sudden headache struck her making her wince in pain.
"Why does my head hurt so much?" she placed her hand to her forehead in pain as she stared at her environment, she rested on the pillar and noticed the road was empty.
"How did I end up here?" feeling utterly confused by the situation, she suddenly gasped as all of last night event came rushing back to her, right!, she was abducted but saved by a total stranger.
She remembered her words to the stranger and her big eyes grew even bigger, she called him handsome?!, why on Earth would she do that?, she gave herself a slap at the back of her head.
"You're such a fool Mei jingjing, how could you have said that." she whined to herself feeling embarrassed by it but suddenly thought about it.
"Could that be the reason he spared my life?" she shrugged it off immediately and hoped never to come across the person who saved her. She rose to her feet and slowly walked back to the cottage with a disturbing headache.
Li Jie was getting dressed when there was a sudden knock on the door.
"Come in."
A pretty woman dressed in Royal attires walked in, Li Jie didn't need to turn back to know who walked in, he simply wore his dress.
"Never expected to see you mother."his voice void of all emotions.
She walked up to him and helped him get dressed.
"Why?, am I now forbidden to see my son?" she tied his sash properly.
"Why are you here?"
"Your wedding preparation is on the go, the Mei family's promise is going to be fulfilled."
"Where is that son of yours?" he asked indifferently ignoring her words.
"He's your brother, don't put it that way."
"Why shouldn't he?" a voice from outside was heard, they both turned around to see who it was.
Weng Lie rested on the door with folded arms staring at Li Jie.
"Nice to see you again brother." his tone was sarcastic, he had a roguish smirk on his face, Li Jie only scoffed at him.
"You two stop your attitude." Queen Jiaying never understood why the two of them never got along since childhood.
"I never said anything, I'm the oldest yet I was the one who had to show respect first." weng Lie said, Li Jie knew his brother too well to know he was trying to set him up again.
"Stay out of my business."
"Gladly, it's not like I plan on working with a demon." his brother pointed out.
Li Jie's face darkened at his brother, the cold stare was enough to send patrons moving out of harms way, when brothers stare at one another that way like all love wasn't only lost but transformed into a powerful hatred, nothing good was going to happen next, which his mother noticed and before she could stop him. Li Jie snapped his finger sealing weng Lie's lips, weng Lie glared at him wanting to speak but his lips were tied.
"Um sorry did you say something brother?" Li Jie asked knowing fully well weng Lie couldn't speak, he smirked.
"That's what I thought."
He darted a look at his mother who had a serious expression on her face.
"Release your brother now Li Jie."
Li Jie rolled his eyes at her and snapped his fingers, weng Lie gazed at him, hatred and anger burning in his eyes.
"No respect, and you think the people would love a demon like you talk more of letting you be king."
Li Jie ignored him and gazed at his mother. "I freed him under your command, I don't want to listen to him neither do I care about what he says, I'm out."
Li Jie walked out, his mother watch him leave.
"Li Jie come back here."
"Let him go mother, we don't need to associate ourselves with a demon."
Li Jie could hear their talks as he walked out. He has always been called a demon since he was a child, yes he was born with a strange power, he had a distinct eye colour from everyone else but that doesn't mean he's a demon, he has never transformed into one either, it just happened that when he was a bit older he stepped out of the kingdom to view the land of Lijiang when his powers went wonky and he ended up causing a lot of damage to the neighborhood, after that incident everyone feared him, he wasn't allowed to step out and he was locked up in his room for a whole year because of it, he hated himself since then and couldn't sleep at all, not even at night.He wasn't allowed to leave the kingdom, his father never agreed to it and banned him from stepping foot outside the kingdom, but after his father's death, he was able to step out but made sure not to be seen by anyone.
His mother isn't ready to tell him about who he really is.
He had done a little research on himself and spent the whole year locked in his room trying to figure out who he was not untill his so called older brother started the whole demon thing and ranting to the world he was a demon and that a demon wasn't fit for the throne, he really doesn't care about the throne but wasn't sure if his brother was actually right for the throne, now he has to marry a girl whom was chosen to be his destined life partner and the only one whom he was told could actually help him.
He stepped out of his kingdom and got into the carriage.
"Where are you heading young master?" the rider asked, there was only one place he wished to be right now, where he suddenly found peace.
"Take me to Lijiang mountain."
The rider rode off.
Mei jingjing sat on the soft grass playing her flute again, she always loved playing the flute since she was a child, her father gifted it to her as a birthday gift and everywhere she went, she always had the flute with her, it was the only remembrance she had left of her parents.
Li Jie had already fallen asleep while listening to her play the flute, Mei jingjing suddenly turned to see a carriage had stopped a few meters away from where she was, she gazed at it curiously studying the carriage which looked really luxurious, no ordinary person could own such a carriage, could it be from the royal home?, she looked away finding it a bit strange for a carriage to stop here, she shrugged it off, it's not like they were after her anyways, she kept on playing the flute to her content.
She went back home at night and felt her birthmark hurt again, she wondered why?, it didn't hurt till a month ago, since the day she was born, she had this strange birthmark on her back which never really hurt untill a month ago, she got home only to see royal guards at her doorstep, her Aunt had a malicious smile on her face which disturbed Mei jingjing, what could her Aunt be smiling about?
Mei jingjing walked up to her Aunt who glanced her way.
"Miss Huafeng, what's happening?"
"Oh, they're here for you." her Aunt stated clearly but Mei jingjing couldn't point out what her Aunt meant by that.
"Here for me?, why?"
The guards glanced at her. "You need to come with us to the royal palace, your wedding to master Li Jie is going to happen soon.".
Mei jingjing froze at their words, marriage, she's getting married?!.
When was that planned, is her Aunt behind this?!