Chapter 11

When Lord Merton returned to Count Fleurets estate, he was incredibly exhausted. He hadn't slept properly in days, as the Grand Duke had skipped long breaks on their journey. He didn't want to waste any time and had even arranged a meeting with one of his business partners. Just to leave him alone with it in the end and have the ring adjusted for the young lady.

But now everything was finally done. He would treat himself to a nice bath and finally fall on a soft bed and catch up on the lack of sleep. But as soon as he had reached the stairs to the front door, it was opened suddenly and the Grand Duke, a bulky object in his hand, and Lady Fleuret appeared.

"Ramas! It's good that you're back. We're leaving immediately", his employer greeted him and he thought he had misheard for a brief second.

"Excuse me, if I may speak to you alone for a moment?"

The Grand Duke seemed annoyed by this request, but nevertheless complied and they moved a little further away from the lady.

Lord Merton took a deep breath. "Could you explain what's going on here, Alek?"

Alek grinned in amusement. "Too bad you only talk to me like that when you're mad, old friend."

"No wonder! We have been on the road for days to get to know Lady Fleuret and now you just want to leave again? I really thought you would like her."

His friend and employer nodded. "I do, that's why she comes with us. Her father doesn't want to hand her over to me, so I'm kidnapping her."

Lord Merton found himself getting a headache. That would clearly have consequences and he already knew who was supposed to take care of it. However, one after another. "Can't we just kidnap the count's daughter tomorrow? I'm really tired."

The other person grinned again and pressed the large concealed object into his hand. "Put this away safely and go get the carriage."

Seems like I'll have to sleep in the coach aga... "By the way, you're sitting next to the coachman until we can find a second carriage." Alek called to him while he went back to Lady Fleuret.

He was working for a monster ...


Celia didn't know what the Grand Duke was discussing with his secretary, but they seemed to be arguing. Hopefully it wasn't her fault. But then the Grand Duke came back.

"The carriage is here immediately. We'll be on the road for a while until we get to the next place. I hope you don't mind."

Celia immediately shook her head. "I've never been anywhere else but this area, I'm looking forward to it." The Grand Duke's look suddenly turned disapproving. Shouldn't she have said that she had no experience of traveling? There was so much that she had to learn about him. She should make good use of the ride to his estate.

The carriage pulled up and the Grand Duke offered her a hand to help her inside. Then he took a seat across from her and the horses started moving.

"How long will the journey take, Your Grace?"

"Alek", he replied and Celia tilted her head in confusion.

"When we're alone, call me Alek, I'll call you Celia then as well."

She was surprised that he allowed her to speak to him so informally. Everything went better than expected. Probably too good, she'd better be careful. On the other hand ... if she had the opportunity to call such an attractive man by name, she could hardly refuse. "All right ... Alek. Can you tell me how long we'll be on the road?"

"Probably between 6 to 7 days including the breaks we will make. But we can always take more breaks if you need them."

What an observant man. Was he really as bad a person as everyone said he was?

"Do you still have the ring I gave you at dinner?" He suddenly asked her.

"Hm? Oh! Of course, just a moment." Fortunately, there was a bag in her dress that Lora had sewn for her. There she also found the ring box and handed it to the Grand Duke.

He opened it and then reached for her left hand to put the ring on her. But Celia was rather uncomfortable with it. Although the sapphire ring was beautiful, it must be worth a fortune. She wasn't used to wearing such expensive jewelry. Besides, it had been his mother's ring. She knew that the former Grand Duchess had died in an accident many years ago. So it was probably an important memento.

"Maybe I shouldn't wear the ring until we're really engaged."

The Grand Duke looked at her with his arms crossed. "I thought I had already said that we are. It wasn't that long ago and you already want to break this connection?" His voice sounded tense. Was he angry?

"No, it's not that, I ..."

"Then I see no problem with you wearing your engagement ring."

Convincing him otherwise would not do much good. Nevertheless, she would probably wear the ring on official occasions only so as not to damage it.

For the rest of the journey they didn't speak a word to each other. Celia felt a little lost without Lora by her side. But being alone with the Grand Duke made her more nervous than she thought. Fortunately, they finally got to the next town and her fiancé arranged a place for them to stay.

This day had been really exhausting, just like the unfamiliar carriage ride. She could use a few hours of sleep.

Lord Merton took her to her room and had someone come to run a bath for her. The warm water on her skin almost made her fall asleep on the spot. Fortunately, she still had enough self-control to keep herself from actually doing it. She was dried off after she had enough and was even given a nightgown since she didn't have any luggage.

The room that was prepared for her was nothing special and yet she felt much more comfortable here than in her own room at home. That had to be because she no longer felt like a prisoner. Had she suspected that it felt this good, she would probably have considered running away again. But for this she now had a handsome fiancé. From which she had actually hoped that he would pay her a short visit to wish her a restful night. She knew that it was not proper, but in the books she read, it never stopped the men.

However, she had probably expected too much. Even after waiting for a long time, the corridor of the inn remained quiet.

The Grand Duke had often used the opportunity to establish physical contact with her before. He even had an arm around her, which nearly caused her heart to stop beating. But after that he only gave her his hand to get in and out of the carriage. He didn't even sit beside her. For some reason he seemed to be avoiding her now. On the other hand, he had to be even more tired than she was. He was probably just exhausted and she was just imagining it.