Chapter 16

(*knock* knock*)

Celia was woken by a loud knock on her door.

Drowsy, she sat up again. "Come in," she called in a slightly hoarse voice and cleared her throat first.

Shortly afterwards, three young women entered her room and introduced themselves to her as her new maids.

Celia had to admit that she had not expected three girls right away. But she recalled Ramas' words and tried not to let it show. No one here knew how she had grown up. So it was a good opportunity to make a fresh start.

And the maids really did a great job. The water for her bath was perfectly tempered and even spiked with rose oil. She didn't even notice the combing of her hair since they were so careful, and the corset and dress were on her body so quickly that she could only be amazed.

"That's impressive," she slipped out and the maids who were just about to get her hair done, looked at her in surprise.

"Did ... I say something wrong?" Celia became uncertain.

The smallest of the maids quickly shook her head. "Not at all, Lady Fleuret. We just thought you would be as scary as the Grand Duke."

"Dina!" Shouted the maid with the cute freckles on her face immediately, her name was Elin. "You can't say that to the future Grand Duchess."

Celia was surprised how quickly the professional aura around the three girls disappeared. While the two girls were still arguing about what they could and could not say, the third in the group humbly bowed her head to Celia. "Please forgive their behaviour. It is the first time for them to have a mistress."

"Oh, don't. It's also ..." Was she supposed to tell them? That she wasn't used to all of this either? No, it was too early for that. She should be careful who she confided in. "It's an adjustment for me too. Suddenly being engaged and moving into a house I don't know. But I hope we can make the best of it." She smiled at the three girls and they immediately blushed.

"Our Grand Duchess is an angel!" Blurted out Dina and Elin eagerly nodded in agreement.

The third, Jannah, cleared her throat slightly and immediately the two pulled themselves together again.

Celia didn't know what to say, she was so happy about what the maids had said. For the first time since she arrived here, a weight seemed to fall from her shoulders. No one would avoid her here, she was sure of that now. "That's really sweet of you, but I'm neither an angel nor a grand duchess." I don't even know if I'm allowed to keep the title of fiancée. Her father wouldn't give up that easily. Besides, Alek could change his mind at any time.

"It's just a formality, Your Grace," Dina, who clearly seemed to be the more impulsive one of the three maids, assured her.

Celia placated her with a laugh. "Call me Lady Celia for now. That is also how Lord Merton addresses me."

The girls nodded obediently and Celia wondered if she should take the opportunity to learn more about Alek. After all, his servants should be able to judge him well. "Tell me, do you really find the Grand Duke that frightening?"

The maids looked at each other uncertainly before Jannah stepped forward slightly. "We don't have much to do with our master. But his quick-temper is known to everyone here."

Well, at least once in her old room she had noticed that too. In her opinion, however, it had not been directed against her and for some reason she knew that he had never wanted to hurt her.

She would have liked to talk to the girls a little longer, but there was another knock at the door and this time it was Ramas. When he saw her, he looked a little taken aback at first, but quickly regained his composure. "You look really lovely. Just how a grand duchess should look."

Another compliment that made her very happy. It was still strange to wear expensive jewellery and clothes. But getting used to it should be quite possible.

"Would you accompany me to the dining room?" He held out his arm to her and she accepted gratefully.

Together they went downstairs and reached a large double door, which was already open.

Although Celia had already expected it, she was a little disappointed to find an empty chair at the head of the table.

"Unfortunately, the Grand Duke has a lot of work to catch up on and is having dinner in his study," Ramas told her and led her to her seat, which was right next to the Grand Duke's chair.

"Will you at least dine with me?" she asked him with slightly pleading eyes.

"I don't think that the Grand Duke would like this... so it would be a pleasure."

Giggling, Celia sat down and the secretary immediately took a seat opposite her.

Even the dining room was much more pompous than her father's. But compared to the corridors and the hall, everything here seemed a little more sombre due to the many dark shades of red.

The first course was already being served when her eyes caught a painting. It showed a beautiful woman with long light brown hair and big round eyes in a bright pink. Her smile immediately reminded her of her mother's. She also radiated the same kindness and love, which gave her a sense of calmness. "The Grand Duchess was a beautiful woman."

The secretary immediately agreed with her. "Indeed. Have you ever seen a portrait of her before?"

Celia shook her head. "No, I just assumed because they have the same eye colour."

"Still impressive. Apart from that, there are no similarities between her and her son."

She couldn't really disagree with that. The facial features of the late Grand Duchess were much softer and her charisma was also quite different.

Alek must have loved his mother very much, otherwise he would hardly have left her painting where it was always right in front of his eyes while he ate. Celia could understand that only too well.

She finally turned her attention to her food, ignoring the fact that there was still an empty space next to the portrait. There were even outlines of a frame still visible. However, she did not have to ask which painting had once hung there. It was the man her fiancé was supposed to have once murdered with his own hands. The former Grand Duke, Alek's father.