
Klaus stood between them now, "guys chill," he turned to Allegra, "What's going on, what did you do?" Allegra just glared at him, why did he think it was her who was in the wrong.

"The next time you see her hereKlaus, bring her to me." With that being said Rome stormed off, "There's no place I'd rather be, Rome is number one on my bucket list by the way!" Allegra yelled back earning laughs from the small group of people around. Klaus waited for Rome to get in his office when he let out a laugh.

"No place you would rather be huh." he asked with a teasing look. "Aww, don't tell me you're jealous." she teased back.

"Maybe a little bit." if not for his laughter she would have taken him seriously. "Here, it's a list of songs dedicated to you, "Taking the paper she stared at it. "Why?"

"Because we are starting to know each other, you will have to give me a list too and the song choices change with the stage were on." He explained it slowly like he was explaining rocket science to a twelve year old.

"See you later Hybrid." Klaus gave her a toothy smile, "I'm an original darling and trust me you don't want to know what happens if you walk away without giving me a goodbye hug," with a giggle and a wicked smirk, Allegra blew a kiss and walked out smiling.

"Someone's happy." Quill was seated painting her nails. "How did you .. forget it." Allegra sat down and continued to read although she could feel someone staring at her, she didn't have to look up to see who it was, instead she raised her middle finger to the person, smiling as she did it.