Confronting The Bastard Teacher

Jin found himself doing something he has never expected he would be doing; he was on his way to confront a teacher.

His timid self that everyone pushed around would have never been able to do anything like this.

As he crossed the hallways of the school, he had many things on his mind.

"Am I really doing the right thing?

After all Im, just a student.

At the same time, if I don't do what has to be done", sudden anger took over Jin once again, "this fucking piece of shit will continue abusing and blackmailing others.

I don't even know how many people he already took advantage of.

Trash like him should not be allowed to live."

Jin felt angry with how the system was and fully aware that there would have most likely not been any official punishment served for trash like the blackmailing scum like the teacher; he knew he had to take the punishment into his own hands.

Increasing his pace, his heart rate slightly elevated; he continued soon finding himself in front of the doors behind which he could find the scummy bastard.

"Wait, what the fuck?" Jin thought to himself, hearing a female voice inside the room.

The voice was quiet and clearly uncomfortable, "No, I don't want to. Can I please just go?".

Then the disgusting voice followed it, "You can go as long as you don't mind a video of you changing spreading to everyone at school."

Hearing this was enough for Jin as he grabbed onto the handle of the doors, trying to open it.

"Shit", the doors were locked.

"I will force my way in if I have to", he thought before calling out.

"Is anyone in the room I need to talk to, Mr Big Fat Fucking Pig?"

Jin knew the Phys Ed teacher had a short temper, and this will definitely be enough to push him over the edge.

"Yo, Mr Whales, can you hear me or have you went deaf from the fat covering your eardrums?"

Suddenly a response could be heard, "one more word out of you, and I will bring you to the principal myself."

Jin was annoyed with waiting, "Oh seriously, well when I see him, I will tell him to fix these doors, you fucking brick.

With these words, Jin would no longer simply try to provoke the degenerate teacher.

Soon a light could be seen enveloping his right arm as his soul weapon reappeared; once again, the majestic bow was in his possession.

"I love this fucking thing", he thought.

Then a few words escaped his mouth as he said then quietly, "system recovery activate".

Now his fatigue back at 0%, he pulled his bow back, preparing to create an energy arrow.

Jin had his energy arrow formed, and with his arrow complete, he fired, letting go of the energy arrow as it flew forward with the motion and force created by the bow from which it was released.

The doors blew open with the impact of the arrow.

Even though Jin's stamina was still at 100, he only had around 65% of his energy remaining after using such a big attack.

"Having some versatility would be nice, but I have to settle for what I have".

As the view in the doorway cleared up, the teacher could be clearly seen the female student cornered in the back of the faculty room.

The faculty room for physical education teachers was smaller than the main one. Still, usually, it stayed empty yet was created so that the phys ed teachers would not be forced to traverse the entire academy to have Access to basic necessities.

Jin looked at the teacher; the girl clearly looked dishevelled, "Do you get off on blackmail and abuse of your authority as a teacher?"

Jin remembered his mother, and it was people like the scum in front of him that used her until she was left to die after they took her ability from her.

"Nothing is sacred to you people."

Jin began transforming into a wolf beast, his legs and forearms slowly growing thick black fur, his head slowly developing an outward jaw. His limbs gradually transformed, his fingernails turning into claws, his body becoming more muscular.

With a growl, he stated, "lEt thE gIrl gO."

The teacher seemed to stay in place, seemingly keeping the girl as a hostage.

Jin, blinded by rage, his emotions yet again unstable, run towards the teacher.

His not transformed feet gathering up the tension as he dashed forward faster with his clawed hands outstretched. Lost in his instinct, he never considered the teachers' ability.

Closing the distance, he could see something out of the corner of his eye, but it was too late to react.

As his hand was only half a meter from the teachers head, it was suddenly sliced off, and Jin felt multiple objects puncture his body.

Jin body lay limp, covered in puncture wounds and his right arm missing.

The chains simply lifted his limp body up.

The teacher spoke, "kids like you think that simply because you are strong among students, you can fight adults".

"Kids like you need to learn their lesson; if you apologise and scram, I will let you off the hook with simply your arm missing", the disgusting teacher laughed.

Jin realised that he needs to keep his mind calm and think of a way to win this.

As the teacher continued to laugh, Jin simply lifted his head up, his black fur covered in sticky blood.

He looked towards the girl and simply said in a low growl, "RuN".

The teacher wanted to say something, but suddenly multiple sharp chains penetrated his body.

With his focus disrupted, Jin summoned more chains ripping through those that went straight through his body.

His body promptly hit the floor, but his hydra regeneration did its job promptly healing the wounds, allowing him to pick himself up and rip the chains' remnants out of his body using his remaining left hand.

Perfectly healed, his skin still flowless, his body returning to normal as he stood free of the chains that penetrated his body.

"Well, Sir, I never expected your ability to be so draining to use; Jin approached his shirt, and his uniform ripped from his transformation.

At this point, it could hardly be called a uniform, but Jin could not help but be a slave to his emotions once more as he began to approach the now trapped teacher.

The girl ran past him, but before making it to the doors, Jin blocked her way with one of the chains.

Simply placing one of his fingers to his mouth, he made it clear she was to keep quiet before letting her go.

With no more disruptions, Jin walked towards his prey with hungry eyes and a sense of sick satisfaction.

The teacher screamed in shock as he could see Jin's arm beginning to grow back as the one he cut of earlier began to melt away into nothing.

"Auto Equip", with those simple words, a dark cloak and dagger appeared.

His freshly regrown right hand was gripping onto it hard.

"So, how should I pay you back?"

Jin waved his left hand forward, and with a move of a finger, another chain appeared and impaled the teacher.

The teacher shouted, "what the hell are you, you monster!"

Jin looked his eyes dead, thinking about the despicable man in front of him.

He rubbed his chin with his right hand while holding onto the dagger, "me a monster, never."

"Im simply one that hunts down monsters like yourself."

With his statement finished, he was now in front of the despicable teacher.

Not caring anymore, he said out loud, "so, Gods, how do you wish to punish this despicable man that forced girls into doing things through blackmail and taking their dignity away?"


[System Notification]

[Primordial Deity Achlys presented a task]

{Torture By Poison}

[Primordial Deity Aion presented a task]

{Slow Death, Prolonged Torture}

[Primordial Deity Erebus presented a task]

{Highly Painful Death Filled With Fear}

[Titanesses Themis presented a task]

{Eye For An Eye Castration And Painful Death Involving At Least Onr Request By Another God}

[Spririt Maniae presented a task]

{Frenzied and Painful Death From Multiple Wounds Inflicting Fear And Madness}

[Chinese Deity Guanyin presented a task]

{Grant Mercy}

After looking at the screen in front of him, Jin simply stated, "interesting; I guess I learn new information about the system every day".

"You see, for all that you have done, the Gods themselves want you to suffer."

The teacher shouted, "you are crazy; you cant get away with this!"

Before he could say anything else, Jin, with a simple slash, sliced his jaw open using the dagger. On the right side of his face, the teacher was suffering a gaping tear.

"I will say this once, Shut-The-Fuck-Up and take your punishment like the big boy you are".

Jin lowered his head towards the teacher to be at eye level, "you see, you enjoyed being the one in power hiding behind your status as an ex-soldier, but you are nothing but a fucking phoney. A simpleminded Grunt. Even Mrs Baker is stronger than you".

"How does it feel to find yourself in a position of a hopeless victim."

"Now, you can feel like the many you have harmed over the years."

Jin activated his poison ability, slowly transferring it through the chains, poisoning his victim.

It was no longer a fight but an execution.


[System Notification]

[Aion Separated The Area From Time And Space Itself]

[You Are Now In A Protected Area Which Others Cannot Access]

Jin became slightly distracted as he could only say, "Woah, Gods really are fascinating."

The teacher, a spiteful scum, attempted to refute all that Jin stated, "Lurnnatik".

Jin was not one to deal with someone talking back to him not anymore.

He pulled his left hand back and, with a potent smack to the face, caused the teachers fat ugly bastard face to pulsate from the force of the impact, his blood spreading all around him from the impact.

Soon grunting in pain could be heard as the poison made its way through the teacher's body, slowly beginning to kill him from the inside, melting his organs.

"Don't worry; I will grant you a lot more suffering."

Jin pulled his dagger back slowly, beginning to cut off parts of his teachers' flesh before applying light healing onto them, so he does not die from blood loss.

Jin proceeded to commit to fulfilling to commit to another task presented by the Deities cutting of the scums member before stepping on it and crashing it in front of his eyes.

"I hate despicable bastards like yourself, and I will keep you alive just so that I can torture you longer."

With that statement, Jin would prove he was not joking as he managed to keep Mr Wood awake for hours torturing him by breaking his bones and slowly cutting off pieces of his flesh before he finally died from his organs melting.

His death was a long and painful one filled with fear as his sanity began to slip.

With the death concluded, Jin felt a sensation of falling as he began to be surrounded by darkness before finding himself back in the classroom, now clean and no longer showing any signs of a struggle.

Jin was shocked, but as he found himself no longer in the presence of Mr Wood and with his task finished, a realisation hit him.

He was no longer affected by his emotions, which seemed conflicted with his regular self; he finally realised that he had done he had killed a person.

"I kil... I killed"

"Even if it was scum like him, I still killed with my own two hands".

"It was definitely me, but it felt as if I had done it many times".

"The feeling felt familiar".

"Am I slowly being changed by the blessings of the Gods I obtain?"

"What is happening to me?"

As Jin was in shock, he felt like throwing up, but then an image appeared in his mind, the number of victims he could see under Mr Woods name when he looked at it with Aphrodite's eye, 23 a number vast considering he ruined lives of 23 different people.

"A mere level 20 Grunt could ruin so many innocent lives."


Jin was welcomed with two separate screens, one a regular notification screen and another a gift icon.

Not knowing what to do, Jin accepted the gift.

Soon Mr Woods phone appeared unlocked. All of his blackmail material still remaining.

"Perfect", Jin thought, sending Alice a message with Louise's phone.

"We will need to stop by the police station on our way to drop off Miss Louis."

Jin knew how to hide his teachers' disappearance, but his rewards had to wait; there were too many things he had to do first; there was no time to go to the toilet now.