Chapter 7

The children were filthy and fatigued. Despite their best ability to brush off the leaves and dirt on their return home, the stains on their clothes were proof of a playtime session well enjoyed. Such was normal for the four of them whenever they played, which their parents had long before accepted. Bellies grumbling and bodies aching, Primus and Emika were more than prepared to have a wonderful meal made by Sigrid, who was always known for her delectable cooking skills.

Primus opened the door for the other three, before closing the door behind them as he followed them to the table. Primus sat at his usual seat at the south end of the table, while the rest sat in their own designated seats. Lars sat to the left of Primus and Soren to his right facing one another. The table was prepped for them, Emika as well, for she would almost always attend meals here. Her own parent's cooking didn't compare to that of Sigrid's, and thus she would eat with the Odhinkars as often as possible. 

"You look like you're all ready to eat. We have pork chunks and boiled wheat berries, so dig in!"

Said Sigrid with pride, smiling at the gluttonous children as she gave them their plates. They all thanked her graciously and began eating, which offered a warm respite in their little bellies. The boys were messy while eating, picking at the food with their fingers off of their wooden plates, while Emika held a noticeable sense of maturity and respect for Sigrid's cooking.

"Thank you very much for the meal Sigrid. You can really taste the herbs in the pork!"

She said, with Sigrid nodding before she made Manning's plate before her own.

"Manning dearest, lunch is ready!"

Sigrid exclaimed, which had summoned the short, robust man, standing at 5' 3, from his chambers quicker than any attack on his home could muster.

Manning was a well hardened man with the humility of a saint and the quiet nature of a true Odhinkar. His side of the family was old school and laid back, wise yet stubborn in many fields respectively.

Manning, albeit fierce in battle and hardened as any Úlfheðnar ever could be, was never one to lash out or bicker due to his personality alone. He didn't come off, at a neutral setting, as the monster of a fighter that he was, always showing his affection and care for those he held dear. A loving father, a caring and understanding husband, and one hell of an endurance machine in every aspect of the word.

He was incredibly unassuming when it came to his demeanor. He had a clean shaven face, with blue eyes and a worn, leathery face that cried out its weathered experience in life. He had subtle scars, but none were prominent features. He wore his sentimental casual wear, consisting of a basic tan tunic, his brown waist belt, black linen trousers, along with his worn yet comfortable boots. His hair was a healthy brown and slicked back to look sharp, although he had just woken up, so it was noticeably messier than normal. He sat down at the head of the table, waiting for his wife to sit down before he'd thank her and take his first bite, munching with notable satisfaction.

"Delicious as always, Sigrid. How you manage to craft such art all on your own is truly a mysterious gift."

She thanked him bashfully, smiling all while she began to enjoy her own cooking, now that everyone was properly eating. The pork chunks were juicy and golden brown, with an assortment of herbs and sauces that made the otherwise simple meal taste like a delicacy. The sauce itself was creamy and thick, allowing them to mix the pork with the wheat berries for a satisfying mouthful.

The mounds on their plates were complementary to each person's gluttony respectively, with Lars having the smallest portion while Primus and Emika's wooden dishes had far more meat and wheat berries for them to chow down on with moderate sloppiness. Manning told them to use their spoons, and ceased their messy fingers from getting their food all over their hands and clothes.

"It is only a basic recipe, though I have indeed done well with the seasoning. As far as mysterious gifts are concerned, you have plenty of your own."

Manning gave her a sly glance at the insinuation that went right over the younglings heads, and looked around the table as he ate, taking in the stench and stains the children bore with a hearty chuckle.

"You all look like you've had some fun, as per usual. Soren, you have been acting nice to Lars like we talked about, correct?"

Soren shot a glare at Lars, who was giving a subtle shrug while his mouth was full of pork. "Of course, father. He hasn't cried once yet today." He said, with a muffled chew. 

Lars was honed in on his food too deeply to dignify anything with a response. His mastication was subtle yet his face was already a mess, as he took pieces of pork and bit into them while wiping his face with his tunic sleeve. 

Soren stared at Lars with an ugly look, though when Manning cleared his throat, his facial expression immediately snapped back to normal. He ate his berries with a wooden scoop, though he recoiled at the taste of them and set them down.

"So," Manning said to Primus and Emika, "you kids sure got filthy in a short amount of time. I take it you played well? Or perhaps you practiced your sparring?"

Primus nodded. "Yes father, Emika, Mads and I fought in the woods. We had fun, but we didn't get to do it long enough to determine a winner."

Emika gently licked her fingers before she spoke up, wiping them on her pants afterwards.

"Yeah, we are going to go out later and pick up where we left off, assuming Mads can get out of his duties later. Not that I care though. A one on one would be far easier."

As they ate and spoke, there was a sudden knock on the door, and Sigrid got up to answer it. It was Mathias, who had been invited into the home before Sigrid had heartily let him inside. He smiled at the scent of her astounding cooking and the sight of the children mowing down their food like animals as he entered the longhouse.

"Your home has never smelled more inviting, old friends. I do hope you know how spoiled your family is." Commented Mathias as he entered the longhouse.

"You don't say. Would you like to sit and eat with us, or are you here for a more specific reason?" Asked Manning, to which he responded by standing and shaking forearms respectfully.

"As much as I would love to partake, I need to talk with you about your next assignment."

"Overseeing training again, or some other form of fun?"

"You know what? It will take a moment of your time, so I guess I shall accept your offer and discuss this over a calming meal."

Manning made him a plate and placed it next to Emika's seat, where then Mathias sat down and took a bite of the pork. It made him smile.

"So, what is the next objective that I must partake in?" Asked Manning, curious to hear the details as he sat down.

"You are needed in Gwynedd to oversee a raiding party. There is word of a holdout consisting of remnants of the outcasts and their followers from before Hastings."

Manning took a bite of pork and ate it, savoring the succulent taste before swallowing and inquiring further. His face was serious yet relaxed, for he was well conditioned to keep himself busy most days.

"Sounds simple enough. What is the timeframe?"

"We are organizing a group of Úlfheðnar now, so you will set out in six days. Also, both Pep and The Grand Elder request to send Primus along as well, for experience sake."

Sigrid's gaze snapped to Mathias and then to Manning, who seemed unphased by the notion. She however, was noticeably concerned for her firstborn son. 

"Truly? They wish to send an eleven year old boy into a skirmish for premature experience?"

Mathias answered with a confident facade, albeit lacking enthusiasm.

"He is a warrior whose destiny is held above all else in their eyes. He can be on the sidelines, aided by his father or trusted second hand in any situation. Lars and Soren will soon have to take the mantle as men at his age too, as situations come up. Besides, if the worst case comes to fruition, he merely transmigrates like you two did in Vinland."

Sigrid shook her head, and Manning kept silent for the moment, taking it in silently while she exposed her doubts and concern outright. "You take our deaths so lightly, even if we come to live on with such memories. While it worked for us, there is no guarantee that it will work for him! No one knows his potential outright, not even the damned Grand Elder."

Mathias took another causal bite before continuing. His face lit up from the taste and let out an 'Mm' as he chewed it, for after mixing in the berries, it only complemented the meal that much more.

He felt her frustration and sympathized internally, though he knew it was something he would have to agree with at some point with his own daughter. The uncertainty was understandably baffling to even him, though he pursues it on a daily basis.

"It is not my call, unfortunately. I'm merely passing along the message. Just know that he will not be in direct contact with combat unless the front line manages to fail, which it most likely will not. I have faith in the Grand Elders judgement, and will not try to defy my father further. I have a rough history in doing so as it is."

The kids were all quiet, listening firsthand to Primus's duty as a conditioned war enthusiast and the need to solidify England's land from the outcasts and remnants of the old world. A final push, to solidify a nation and prove one final lesson to those who follow in their path as expansion approaches.

Primus was thinking too heavily, and many questions came to mind. 'Firsthand experience with a real raid? Will I manage to keep out of danger? Will father protect me? Why does he never speak his mind at times such as this? Will it hurt? Will I die?'

Emika looked at Primus sincerely with genuine worry and concern plastered on her face. Though she had been told time and time again that this was the path of their kind, herself included, she still felt the understandable anxiety about the situation, more for Primus than herself. Will he transmigrate before his time? Would he be able to avoid getting seriously wounded?

Only time would tell.