Chapter 10

The sun was beginning to set, the sky was painted in orange and blue and white; the art of nature's glory defined with the utmost serenity. Primus always loved to stare at the sky, especially when it gifted him with such beauty. His usual little smile proved twice over that he was in a state of bliss, especially after helping his brothers with their perks of understanding.

They were reaching the end of the trail leading out of the woods, and when the trees were behind them, the road leading to the marketplace was in sight.

"Man oh man," said Soren, "I feel sore now. Is it normal to be so exhausted after doing something so basic like that?"

"Well," Emika responded, "when your body isn't used to using the tools, it does catch up to you real quick. Plus, you're younger, so doing it really takes a toll on your puny muscles."

"My muscles aren't puny." Pouted Soren, "But, yeah. At least I will have an advantage over the others when it is my time to start training."

When they reached the village center, there was still quite a decent amount of activity going on, illuminated by a warm orange hue produced by evenly spaced out crystals on wooden posts, like divinely ancient streetlights (for lack of a better term). All the shops were still open, and the four decided to check out the bakery for some sweets and treats.

"I have just enough for us all to get one sweet roll each." Stated Emika, as they approached the elder merchant. She was old, sentimental, withered by years of life and her experiences. Her smile was wholesome when the children approached her, placing aside a basket of fresh bread that she would sort away later.

Her voice was rough yet kind, gentle as a shrub with flowers. "Well, if it isn't the Odhinkar boys? And the daughter of the 'genius', too! Sweet babies, what can I do for you today?"

Emika nudged forward past the three boys and placed down her silver on the counter. "I'd like four sweet rolls please!"

"Ah, it is good to see that your father's money is being spent to good use. Will that be all, pumpkin?"

"Yes, dearest Eydis! Oh, is Asmund still treating you well?"

The merchant chuckled. "Oh, my husband is still in good health, and treats me like he did when we first met. He loves his trade as I do, and we get along so well, we have both reached fulfillment decades ago."

She went and brought out the freshest sweet rolls she had in store, which were still warm, with the frosting that topped it still dripping in their little wooden plates.

"Doesn't stop us from our work though," she continued, "we love to do it."

"Where is he?" Asked Soren.

"Oh, he is resting for the night." Responded Eydis, "I guess we're both getting up in years, but we're open for another hour or so."

The boys graciously took their sweet rolls and took their bites, sinking their teeth into the sweet, sugary treat as they moaned in unison from the delicious flavor. They then thanked her all the same.

"Thank you ma'am!"

"Take care, pumpkins." Said Eydis, as she waved them off while they made their way back out in the center of the marketplace.

"Thanks for treating us, Emi." Thanked Primus, "we owe you one, truly."

"Nah," responded Emika, "we all needed this sorta stuff. Besides, you can make it up to me by sparring with me tomorrow, Primus."

"Spar you?" Primus said, almost dropping his treat, "We already sparred earlier, though. Why do you gotta prove yourself against me, of all people?"

"Yeah, you oughta spar me, Ugelsted~.!"

Suddenly, a familiar, intimidating voice came from behind the group. One of the Christensen boys, Gabe, was followed by two other boys from Primus's and Emika's training class, to which they had not remembered their names out of spite.

The four of them turned to face this taller, more muscular Úlfheðnar trainee, and his little pitiful lackeys that were as bright as they were ugly. Truly, where did he find these guys?

"Oh, shut it Christiansen." Said Primus with angst, "You couldn't even impress the teachers with your beams. My brothers are better at it than you."

"So, you're showing your youngest the art too, huh?" Coldly responded Gabe, "I'd tell on ya, but I'm doing the same with my siblings. Besides, I could grapple you down faster than Thor himself. Your family still believes in paganism, right?"

"Shut it before you get hurt," Retorted Soren suddenly, in a flustered state as he stepped forward, "your God is as false as your skills."

He then went up and shoved Gabe, which resulted in the two lackeys shoving Soren to the ground. Soren managed to kick one of them in the shin, making them stagger. Emika stepped in to stop the fight before it began, boldly stepping between them as though she was ready to take a punch for Soren.

"Enough bickering, you sad rejects." She bluntly stated, "For your information, Primus was given the honor of joining the elders in wiping out the last bit of resistance against our people, which speaks louder than any insult you could ever muster."

The kid who was kicked in the shin backed up behind Gabe as he rubbed it with a wince, not wanting to risk Emika injuring him further. The other kid did the same out of reluctant subduemance. Gabe looked insulted.

"Oh, so this twig gets to fight real threats, huh? Better hope he doesn't transmigrate so soon, or he'll be stuck as a meager eleven year old for decades!"

"For your information," Primus stated, "you're a bitch. No wonder you never get far in recognition, you're nothing more than a delusional bully."

"You're just high in the ranks thanks to your parents," said Gabe, with a hiss, "you're a pampered little sow. That's it."

"Look here," said Emika, "on Mánadagr, you'll keep trying to match the potential of a first born Chompa and fail, because you're so damned crude in comparison. Cmon, boys. These shitstains ain't worth our time."

"Go and die, Primus," Yelled Gabe, as the four turned to walk away, "when you return, you'll be put in your place, amongst us mortals! You're still a baby fawn, who's barely learning to walk!"

Even though the idea of a good fight breaking out in their minds was tempting all of them, none of them wanted to risk doing so in the middle of town again. Last time it happened, when Primus was less bold, the townsfolk made it clear that if it were to happen again, they would receive a punishment worse than any bruise or scratch could muster. None of them wanted to risk their parents finding out, for they'd certainly be paying for it for months. They thanked their gods that those adults showed them mercy that day.

Undisciplined trainees were also punished by doing plenty of physically demanding exercises with little rest in between as punishment for days at a time, instead of performing their regular training. With too much to suffer if the fight broke out, with flustered annoyance, the two groups of children dispersed from the conflict.

With all of that in mind, Emika and the Odhinkar boys walked to the smithy, and left the bullies sulking and groaning behind them. Primus wasn't as big a victim as he used to be, and knew when someone was being nothing more than a jealous bully.

Still, the words stuck in his mind, to which was unavoidable. He was still young, but knew the alternative of being who he is, which was a victim, poor and defenseless. He knew better these days, and wouldn't be intimidated upon their next encounter. He took the threat with courage, which helped him get over his flustered thoughts. With all things considered, he knew he'd be ready. The bullies retreated to their own devices, knowing equally well what'd happen if they pursued them further.

Primus approached the smithy with a phased sense of formality, wearing a gentle smile that was custom to his personality. The smithy smiled back, the large and built bearded man, and inquired as professionally as he could to the children of the Odhinkar family.

"Ah, Primus. Your family has kept me in good business. How's your collection treating you thus far?"

"Perfectly, Pankaja. I just need a sharpener stone to keep them all at the ready. I'm supposed to be going on a mission with my father, so I need to sharpen my axes and swords."

Pankaja nodded and bent down behind his anvil to pull out what Primus requested. It was able to fit perfectly in the palm of his hand, and hoped it would do Primus justice.

"Here you are, lad. It'll do you proper. You've got the silver, correct?"

Primus took it out of his pocket and placed it in his extended hand, and thus the transaction was completed as soon as it had initiated.

"Good, good. Exact price. Will that be all for now? Hopefully I can offer you something for when you return from your voyage. I've got this grand seax imported from Scandinavia, and it roars with tactical proficiency. It is engraved with ceremonial runes that should offer you all the good protection you need in any situation."

Primus took the stone and smiled. "I will let you know, but it sounds right up my alley! My old one is rusty now, despite my best upkeep, and could be wonderful for future endeavors. Hold it for me, would you?"

Pankanja grinned and nodded. "Of course, young Odhinkar. It'll be waiting for you fully sharpened and in peak condition. Be safe and look out for your siblings, you hear?"

"Of course! Soren and Lars will live for as long as I do, I swear it!"

Pankanja nodded with a grin and took the silver, placing it in a box next to him with a hardy clunk and cling. "I'll hold you to that, young man. Take care, and say hello to your parents for me."

"I will!"

The children would consolidate and finish their sweet rolls before heading back to the Odhinkar longhouse, taking their time in doing so since they were still a bit early. Primus had much on his mind, but knew by now how to endure it so it didn't get to him on a personal spectrum. Next time he came face to face with Gabe and his henchmen, he'd be sure to settle the score appropriately.

He never liked Gabe, nor did he respect him as a person. He was a prick since the day he met him two years ago, and always targeted Primus for his birthright.

Still, as a fellow Úlfheðinn trainee, he knew that he had to endure him for many years to come. Primus was the kind of person who tried to get along with everyone if he could help it, but no matter how hard he'd try, there were certain people like Gabe who made it next to impossible. He figured that this upcoming expedition would be enough to gain the proper experience to deal with Gabe easier, especially since it seemed as though doing it was only going to make him even more hostile towards him and his family.

His love for his brothers was unbound, and knew that no matter what happened in the future, he could protect them from anyone and anything life threw their way. As for Emika, well, she'd be there for the brothers until the bitter end, and respected Primus for not becoming the victim he used to be. She wouldn't say it out loud, for it seemed to go without saying at this point due to how she witnessed him stand up to Gabe more than last time.

Perhaps one day those days would be worth archiving, but as far as it stands, it is to be known that many have been in that situation and have overcome it all the same, or have succumbed to the weakness of their minds. Bullying is what you make of it, after all, as is life itself, and if you can catch yourself in the moment and take it with a grain of salt and reality, nothing can stop you from being a better person.

Discipline. Patience. Persistence. These words are what kept Primus in line since he could internalize their meaning. Tomorrow would be the first day of six for preparations of a real battle, and Primus would do his best to ensure that he didn't succumb to his little ball of anxiety melting in his gut. So long as he stuck by his father and did what he was told, everything would be perfectly fine. It is all he could think to do besides know when to use his initiative in the heat of any conflict, as he did with Gabe.

Such is the nature of the mighty Úlfheðnar.