Chapter 15

After they felt comfortable moving again, Primus and Emika would stand up and drag their feet on the dirt trail back home. They were beyond weak and each step forward was a conscious effort.

It didn't shock them to hear Sigrid's booming voice calling out their names when they were halfway down the dark trail, since Primus was gone for a considerable amount of time and she knew that Emika was the culprit behind his sudden disappearance. After all, it wasn't like Primus to run off on his own if he could help it, nor was it the first time Emika made him stay out this late. Her voice sounded stern, however, and Primus felt it sink into his gut and his blood ran cold. He knew he was in trouble for being out late when he had important duties to fulfill at dawn, but he knew that once he cleaned himself up and bathed, he would be quick to fall asleep.

"Uh oh. Sounds like we're in trouble, Chuckles." Said Emika with a defeated yet sincere grin on her face. She would undo the hair bead from her braid and tucked it safely away in her deerskin pouch before strapping it back onto her belt.

"Yes, and you sound surprised." Primus stated bluntly, "Sometimes I wonder if you're really a good influence on me."

Emika laughed and forced herself to jog, but immediately resorted to walking again after realizing how much her stamina hadn't recovered from the spar. The two would reluctantly speed walk after hearing Sigrid's demanding beckoning once more, and before they knew it, they made their way back to the entrance of the clearing, with Primus's mother standing there with arms crossed and an unamused face staring them down as though they were sailing toward a waterfall.

"Hi mother…" Primus sighed, not knowing the best thing to say upon facing Sigrid when she was in this motherly state of concern.

"You know better than this, Primus." She said, before looking them up and down in the gently lit yard. "You two are absolutely filthy. Get inside now. I've had it with your carelessness. Don't you know how late it is?"

"It's my fault, Sigrid." Emika said with a defeated tone, "I just wanted to-"

"Inside. Now."

Neither said another word as they went back inside the longhouse, where Soren and Lars were already in bed, and Manning was standing by the tub readying it for them to bathe. Sigrid expected her husband to scorn them for being miscreants, but as usual, he didn't say much of anything. This frustrated Sigrid even more, and she took it out on the two while they began removing their dirty clothes and readied their pajamas.

"Of all the nights you two decided to waste precious sleep time, it had to be tonight. So help me Primus, you should have already been in bed by now! Now you need to wash up, and pray to Odin that you wake up on time and don't fall asleep during the meeting with our father and the others!"

Before she could ramble further, Manning spoke out with a hushed tone so as not to wake Soren or Lars. "He will be up on time, hun. I won't let him sleep in. Fret not in the worst case, would you?"

Sigrid turned to her husband, clearly unamused and equally impatient. "They never learn! Manning, I beg of you to scorn your children once and awhile when they misbehave! You owe them that much!"

"Sigrid," Manning warned, "it is not as though they stole or killed. All they did was train, albeit not at a very good time. Primus, Emika, don't be careless like that again please."

"Sorry. It won't happen again." Promised Emika, as she and Primus got into the large tub and began lathering the dirt off their bodies in the soothing water.

Sigrid shook her head and scoffed. "I'm going to bed. Emika, you sleep here tonight. You're going to help the boys with their chores after these two manly men depart."

"Yes ma'am."

Sigrid then stormed off to her bed and flipped to her side facing away from the three of them, mumbling and cursing under her breath. While Emika and Primus scrubbed and rinsed their hair, the water quickly became murky, and Manning prepared towels for them while he spoke gently.

"I could see the light from outside, after I checked to see what was taking you so long to tend to Sleipnir. Did you at least have fun?"

Emika offered a weak smile. "Yeah, it was worth it, I'd say."

Primus sighed as he rinsed his hair with a cup. "At least I'll knock out right after this. I'm sore and beyond exhausted."

Manning nodded sincerely. "Tomorrow will be a busy one. We've got about seven hours to sleep before dawn, Primus. Plenty of time to rest your body and mind before the meeting. Don't let your mother scare you."

Primus finished lathering his body before he stood up and took the towel his father offered him, stepping out and drying off while he spoke. "You know, I've always wondered why you're not as stern as she is."

"Your mother is serious enough for the both of us." Stated Manning bluntly yet sincerely, quiet enough so Sigrid couldn't hear him. "You don't need more stress on your plate with her around."

Emika got out and began drying off. Once she dried her body she began drying her hair. "She does it out of love, though. It's not as though she does it out of spite."

Manning agreed. "If it wasn't for her, you kids would be lost and disobedient."

Primus put on his underwear and pants. "Oh I doubt that. You're a strong figure. You could do what she does if she wasn't here."

Manning shook his head. "She's stronger than I am. It pains me to be the stern parent more than I care to admit. Thankfully, however, we needn't worry about her not being around to be your mother."

"I'm thankful for that much." Said Primus, as he looked over to see her already asleep on her bed. "Say, on the way to the castle tomorrow, can you tell me the story about how you two met again? It'll keep me awake."

Manning smiled and ruffled his son's hair after he put on his shirt. "Of course, lad. Now, get some sleep you two. Tomorrow will be another day."

Emika and Primus went to their respective beds and Manning went outside to ponder on his chair. When the two hit their racks, Primus thought for a moment before he forced himself to sit upwards with his legs crossed and closed his eyes. Emika looked over at him weakly.

"What are you doing, Chuckles?"

"I'm gonna try to practice my breathing exercises real quick. I never know when Balder will ask me to try and Elevate again. He might ask me to do so after the meeting."

Emika lazily rolled over and shut her eyes. "Alright. Try to sleep soon though, or else it's your fault for nodding off tomorrow, not just mine."