Chapter 18

Suddenly, a thought came to Manning as soon as the group was ready to leave. "If these forts are both hidden between mountains and a shoreline, don't you think that our strategies may falter? Would Brynjar be able to foresee such an approach?"

Balder hesitated and thought for a moment, as the others considered the argument for themselves. "They are the only true spots for us to approach from outside Gwynedd, yet we may have a need for my son's third strategy. Mathias?"

Mathias was already ready to speak up. "Ah, for once you take my words not in vain father! Manning, you're right to be concerned, but fret not! I've got an ace in the hole that I secured thanks to the help of the Crittermen about 3 years ago."

"Well, out with it then!" Exclaimed the unsure Ingolf, who was just about to get his men ready and annoyed for having to spend more time in this meeting.

Manning smiled genuinely. "While my thrall was busy digging coal, he found a tunnel system in the Inner Earth that just so happened to lead near the Isle of Anglesey. With the help of the Crittermen, we have made it more roomy and dug it closer to the isle, and if we wanted to, we could blast a hole big enough for us to astonish them from below."

Manning and the others looked shocked and bewildered at one another. "You were about to leave here without mentioning it. You're sure of its placement?"

Mathias swept his legs off the table and onto the floor with a hardy thud before leaning forward in his seat. "Maybe if you knew how to Elevate, you'd also learn how to peer through solid objects from a different perspective. Yes, I assure you that the tunnel is directly underneath the isle, and if we wanted to, we could use that as a sure-fire way to defeat the Jomsvikings once and for all."

"Yet you would have left us without such an insightful strategy!" Yelled Birger, equally enraged as the others. "How did we not know of this prior to the meeting?!"

Mathias shrugged his shoulders and raised his eyebrows in an exaggerated manner. "Hey, you're the battle tacticians here, not me."

Ingrid chuckled faintly. "And here I thought you were just here to hang out. How big of a hole are we talking, if we used this approach?"

"Oh, not dreadfully large unfortunately. We only had enough time to carve the path directly underneath them, let alone make it so that we could access it from here in New Oslo. Big enough to get the job done, at least."

Despite the frustration, Manning looked to Ingolf and Gudmund, who seemed to be more at ease than they were prior to this meeting, before speaking up about his own perspective on this strategy. "So not big enough to fit all of our men at once, I take it?"

"Nope," said Mathias, "that's why approaching these forts would be the best distraction for a team to go underground and take them by surprise. Let Brynjar have his walls and close quarter combat. Even if they bite us back, their head will already be cut from the nape by the time they chomp down with any worthwhile force."

Balder, begrudgingly, sighed and stood from his seat. "I swear, you let anything like this happen again, there will be more than a scolding awaiting you when we depart. I'm so sick of you trying to play around when there is so much at stake!"

Mathias joviantly jumped up from his seat, and walked up behind Primus, supporting his weight on his shoulders. It made the young lad quiver and sink into his seat. "I mean, you're the ones aiming to risk the life of an eleven year old. Who's to say he doesn't offer equivalent risk for your conquest?"

Primus suddenly found everyone looking at him with unsure glares. Darting his eyes between each of them, he sank in his seat further before he reluctantly spoke up.

"I mean, I'm scared, sure, but I don't want to disappoint anyone either."

"Dissatisfaction versus an early transmigration sounds rather one sided logically." Said Mathias casually, as he released him and let him stand up next to his father. "You need to be in it for your own sake, if you must be involved at all. Go on. Convince them that you're truly ready to uphold such a dastardly obligation."

"Leave the lad alone, Mathias." Ylva insisted, though the silence afterwards was almost deafening. As they all stared at Primus, he almost faltered in articulating his words.

"I, I know how risky it is to be a part of this, but if I must be involved, all I can do is follow orders and stay close to my father."

"You're sure of this, Primus?" Asked Birger, "You'll not be thought of as a coward if you decide not to go."

Primus, hearing the words of his rival's father, didn't fall victim to his encouragement that tantalized his own ease of mind by giving in. "If the Grand Elder thinks I have what it takes, I don't see why I should doubt him. It would be really cool to see combat and apply it to my training, and my birth given responsibility."

Ylva couldn't keep her doubts to herself. "You're so young, Primus. Balder, you're the one backing up this duty of his. What happens if he gets hurt or dies? Even if he does come back to life, I know that it will only scar the poor lad by jumping in the depths before learning how to swim."

Balder sat in silence for a moment, while Mathias leered at him as though daring him to come up with a good argument. "Well, even if he doesn't know how to Elevate like his parents, it doesn't matter. From what I've heard from his instructors, he's quite diligent in combat training. Besides, he's guaranteed to come back alive, even if he happens to be hewed by the foemen. He is quite a special case, as you're all aware. He's not a mere Úlfhéðinn trainee. He's the next stage in human evolution. Isn't that right, Mathias?"

Mathias shrugged. "All we must do is, if he must go through with this, ensure Primus does not die under any circumstances. He must watch from afar and be heavily guarded, lest you fail the Grand Elder by letting a child die too soon in his lifetime. How may we secure him while also letting him learn about what it means to be a true warrior?"

Ingolf sneered. "Bah! Manning, he's your son, and so you and your men ought to take the underground path so the element of surprise is on your side. Keep him away from danger and keep him well away from the dangers that may linger."

Mathias looked surprised at Ingolf's insight. "Wow, would you look at that. A smart idea from the wolf-man. Yes, take him underground and keep all your men between him and you. I know you like to lead the charge, but since the Grand Elder insists on making Primus experience combat at such a young age, the least you can do is minimize the probability of risk. If he dies too soon, well, things won't be good for anyone."

Primus was feeling more obligated than willing to do this now, thanks to everyone's input. He knew why he was asked, being the first of his kind, and he was at least competent in following orders and defending himself from the other trainees. But to risk his life for the sake of early experience? Wasn't there any other way to go about this? He was feeling quite conflicted.

That's when Gudmund voiced his own perspective on the matter. "You know, it may sound harsh to have him here with us, for a battle that may or may not end this conquest of England in our favor. When I was Primus's age, I didn't have the luxury of the technology and society of this clan we've made. I had to kill to survive, and if I didn't, there was no coming back, and by Thor, there still isn't for anyone besides you privileged Odhinkars and Ugelstads. If anything, this is an opportunity for him to learn from the best so he can become the best sooner rather than later! I think I speak for all of us when I say that going into a battle knowing you'll walk out of it, wounded or reborn, is a luxury no one but a few can ever be privileged with. Let him come with us, and see what battle is all about! He'll learn to swim even if he dives this deep, or he'll die and tell us if he was worthy of entering Valhalla straight from Odin himself!"

Ingolf managed to form a smile on his weathered face. "That's right! Us mortals have to prove themselves to the grave, and only if we die in battle do we have the luxury of fighting in a similar fashion when Ragnarok comes. We fight, we kill, and we do it for the thrill. If I had the opportunity to fight for honor forever, like Manning and Primus and even you Balder, in waking life, I would tell you that I'd be happy forever!"

Mathias chimed in. "To think, the Grand Elder could be so wise and send the first pureblooded Chompa into the fray so early in his development. Yeah, you've convinced me. Let it happen, and Primus, if you die out there, just know that your responsibilities will finally emerge from their dormancy. But who knows? Your father just might be competent enough to prolong your mortality, especially if you're going through the Inner Earth to catch the Jomsvikings by surprise."

Primus couldn't help but empathize with Gudmund, and be inspired simultaneously. What, indeed, was the major risk in participating here? Even if he died, and even if it hurt, he could still guarantee walking away from it and taking important lessons with him.

What could go wrong?

Gudmund stood to his feet and let out a hefty grunt as he did so. "Alright, good. Your son is your responsibility, Manning. If you two get separated out there, all he must do is stay behind you and your men."

Ingolf agreed. "Indeed. I don't need to babysit while our Úlfheðnar's lives are on the line."

Birger rolled his eyes. "I agree. Keep him behind our shield walls and everything will be just fine."

The Randi sisters exchanged glances. "Primus," said Ingrid, "you're in good hands, especially with Manning. I couldn't imagine a better father amongst anyone in this room."

She gave everyone a sly look before she and her sister exited. Mathias chuckled at the 'joke' and walked forward, disappearing from the room in thin air. The others exited the room, and took their steeds to begin preparations. Balder stood there in the King's Hall watching them leave, before pulling Primus aside and closing the doors behind them, his father included.

"You're truly sure you're ready for this, young one? I know it's a duty to uphold not only for me, but the Grand Elder himself. Not to mention, you have failed to perform your breathing exercises not too long ago. I know Elevation is something you and your family struggle with, but-"

Primus unintentionally cut him off. "I'm sure, Pep. I promise. It's a lot for me, but I don't think I should give into my fear anymore. It has only ever held me back. After all, perfection is never achieved, only striven for."

Balder reluctantly grinned before placing a hand on his shoulder. "Such big words for such a young man. Perhaps you should get some additional inspiration and ease your anxious mind by visiting the Grand Elder before we set out for Gwynedd."

"I will, Pep. Thank you."

He then opened the door and let Primus return to his father's side, and when they walked away, Balder too vanished from sight and departed from the King's Hall. Manning took a hand and placed it on Primus's back, leading him forward to the exit of the main castle. Primus seemed to be in a better place than prior to this meeting, and Manning wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of the morning tending to his curiosity.

"Alright son, are you ready to explore? We have some time to spare before we start staging our men."

Primus's eyes widened in excitement, with all lingering anxiety seemingly melted from his core and filled him with energy. "Of course! Thank you Faja! I'm gonna look around and take in the sights and sounds of Bamburgh Castle! Try to keep up!"