Chapter 20

Before long, the daily training had come to an end. It was a swift transition from morning to afternoon for the Balderklan, and as the onlookers collected their friends and family, Soren watched as Gabe, Emika and Mads walked out of the training grounds. As the crowd dispersed, Soren walked straight up to Gabe, who seemed to be making his way to his group of friends and siblings.

Before Gabe reached them, he noticed Soren and stopped dead in his tracks, as though awaiting a deadly confrontation. Gabe knew that Soren was more bold than Primus, and actually held some semblance of intimidation from the eight year old, since he was the only Odhinkar boy who had a track record for standing up for himself.

"What do you want, pissant?" Asked Gabe as Soren, lathered in honey, smiled condescendingly through the sticky mess all over his face.

"You did as well as I'd expect from a Christiansen. Can't even best a girl in combat!"

Gabe sneered. "If you're just going to bad mouth me, you better watch out. I don't care if you think you're tough, you're still just a kid. I can pummel you without a Vættirtol."

Just as Soren was about to lash back, Emika approached and held him back from behind, placing her hands on his shoulders. 

"It was a fair fight, and a fun one at that. Don't let this hot headed Odhinkar get you flustered."

Gabe just shook his head before turning to walk away, toward his awaiting supporters. Soren turned and nudged her hands off of him before shaking his head begrudgingly. 

"Aw come on, Emi. I was just about to have some fun!"

"He's right you know," Stated Emika, "Gabe's bigger than you. Best not give your mother one more reason to be angry at you. You manage to do that enough without getting into fights with bullies."

"Tell me about it." Sighed Soren, before Mads staggered his way to them. His parents let him go to play with his friends, since he didn't have much to do around the homestead today. 

"Hey hey!" Exclaimed the squirrel boy, who was noticeably winded and shaken from his sparring session. He overheard some of what they were talking about, and decided to put in his own perspective on the matter.

"Fighting people who outclass you is the best way to learn and improve! Soren, you're making your family proud!"

Emika retorted, annoyed. "Don't encourage him! Soren, let's go back to the fjórir tree. While we wait for Primus to get back, we can get you and Lars some practice in."

"Can't argue with that!" Said Soren with a new sense of excitement. 

"But," continued Emika, "you ought to wash your face first. Go fetch your brother, we'll meet you there. C'mon Mads."

Mads and Emika made their way to the clearing in the woods, while Soren scoffed at the realization that he'd have to talk to Lars again.  His bitterness re-emerged from the earlier incident they had, but to be honest, he found it unavoidable even if he wanted to avoid him. 

Meanwhile, at Mathias's study…

The meeting at Bamburgh Castle went as smoothly as Mathias could have predicted, especially since he managed to offer his own insight and direction for the supposed war heroes. He was now sitting in his place of isolated study, where he was contemplating his next move for the day. His desk was neatly organized and made of a polished wood of his own making, as all things were for him. From the technology that made the Balderklan a true powerhouse to the offspring of his entire family, blood and pseudo alike, he had full control of their lives without them even batting an eye. This is what made life worthwhile for him; ultimate control.

Before long, his father Balder emerged from thin air behind Mathias's chair, stepping down with hefty boots. Mathias turned to face him with his usual smug grin, as though he knew exactly why he was here. 

"Ah, father. I hope you appreciate my initiative, especially after all these years of passive aggressiveness and lack of credibility."

Balder didn't look amused at first, but he soon sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Listen well, son. Your life has always been a blessing to me, despite your drawbacks. Don't take my stern parenting as a lack of respect."

Mathias stood and held his father's forearm out of mutual respect. "I know. You've not wronged me beyond anything petty. Since it can't be helped, I don't hold it against you."

"What do you mean?" Asked Balder sternly. 

Mathias smiled still. "My intelligence is unbound, all thanks to you, yet you have a record of not trusting everything I say, and anything you do trust, you stifle it. It's as though you think my knowledge isn't worth anyone's time but yourself. Rather selfish, if I may say so."

Balder unhanded Mathias slowly. "I know when it's relevant, and when it will just go over their heads. Not to mention, you tend to ramble."

"Well, here's hoping I've proven myself useful for your game of war today. I only aim to help, and make you proud, beyond all else."

"Mhm. Look, we still need more advantages on our side for this 'game', as you call it. Your Vættirtols are proving ineffective against raw talent out in the field. How's the progress on your most recent project coming along?"

Mathias raised his eyebrows and turned to pick up a metal band from his desk, then presented it to him with gusto. "The first prototype is still in development, but it's tangible. Before long, we will be taking flight. But patience, which I know you lack, for it is easier said than done to mass produce these things."

Balder took the band and carefully inspected it with his eyes and fingers. It was a silver tinted band that was surprisingly flexible and lightweight, with gold runic decor. "I take it vibration is its main perk? How does one control it?"

"I'm working to make it simple to feel out, but yes, it works with vibration to make one levitate. I'm still tinkering with propulsion speeds, but I should have a finished product soon. My colleagues will work on the rest."

"Good, good. You're doing us proud, son. This time, when we become closer to the potential of the Gods, you'll be recognized as craftier than Loki himself, if it wasn't already beyond a reasonable doubt."

Mathias nodded sincerely. "Yes. Here's hoping you keep your word this time. Taking credit for the Vættirtol was a low blow."

Balder handed the band back to Mathias and looked him in the eyes. "So long as you're useful, you'll be on top of the food chain. Just don't keep me out of the loop on things, and everything will be just fine."

Balder then stepped backwards into thin air, leaving Mathias alone to his studies. After he was alone, Mathias mumbled to himself begrudgingly.

"Oh yes, I'll definitely prove an equal to Loki, if not superior. That is something you can be sure of."

He placed the band back on the desk, before he sat back down and folded his hands and leaned forward.

"If that boy dies out there, there'll be real trouble. Good thing I know exactly how to dodge that arrow."