Chapter 22

Alvíss was always one who had something to prove, just like Primus. With the firstborn Chompa, he felt more enthusiasm for being able to show someone the ropes of his daily practice of being one of the best Úlfheðnar that the clan could foster. He was one of the younger warriors and finally felt the responsibility of teaching someone younger than he was as a means to prove his own competence. Mentoring was not something he felt like he would ever do so early in career, but if Manning had faith in him, there was no reason to assume he couldn't do it.

As they staged the axes and bows beside his steed, Primus would wonder what the need for them was. After all, each Úlfhéðinn had equipped their own Vættirtol to use their lifeblood on the battlefield. 

"Say," inquired Primus, "what's the need for these primitive weapons? Are they just a means to fight normally if we need them?"

Alvíss chuckled in amusement. "They never told you? No, you're still too young I suppose. We use them to enhance the capabilities of our Vættirtols. If we need to hew someone with more strength, they act as an extension of ourselves. If we need to strike from a distance with more control, we fire at them with reinforced arrows instead of merely from our hands or other body parts."

Primus's eyes widened, easily understanding what he said. "Oh! Okay, so it's like a combination of combative arts then! If we need to, we use them to make a bigger dent in the foemen?"

"Mhm." Replied Alvíss, as he picked up a common axe, "We use this as a means to channel our lifeblood in ways the Jomsvikings can't without our Vættirtols. Watch."

Looking for an open target, Alvíss equipped his Vættirtol, which was in the form of a leather strap around his bicep. He tightened it and his cyan aura began to flow, activating with a sound akin to a thunderous wolf's roar. He aimed the axe out in front of him as it began radiating with the same energy. The head of it illuminated, humming beautifully, before he swung it horizontally, firing a swirling display of spinning aura that struck a boulder nearby. The hit landed with such tenacity that after the dust settled, it revealed a clean slice, the boulder now cut in two so cleanly that it took a moment for each section to give way and topple to either side.

None around them seemed to flinch or fret from the display, rather going about their business as usual. This sort of thing was commonplace for the Úlfheðnar, displaying and testing their equipment, especially during the staging phase of their expeditions. 

Primus watched in awe, mouth agape, more than impressed, if not merely reassured of his safety amongst Alvíss. 

"Odin be damned… that certainly answers my question! I bet if I used the sword father gave me, there's no telling how useful it'd be for self defense."

"Did you bring it?" Asked Alvíss, as he loosened the strap and staged the axe with the other weapons. His aura settled before dispersing like a snuffed flame. 

Primus felt reluctant to answer. "I uh, no. I didn't think I could use it in such a way. I guess I haven't reached the age where we were taught about such things. I'm still trying to polish the basics."

Alvíss smiled and ruffled Primus's hair like his father would. "Fret not. We still have plenty of time for you to fetch it later. Once you grab it, I can teach you some stuff I learned when I earned the right to do such things. For now, we just need to grab a few essentials, such as rations and equipment. Come, we'll head to town."

Being staged near York made the trekk easy for the clan to grab everything they needed for war. As the two of them walked, they'd talk about other things to pass the time. 

"So," Asked Alvíss, "what's such a young trainee doing amongst us warriors? It can't be for any reason that is commonplace even for our clan."

Primus hardened his face. "I mean, being the firstborn son of Manning, and the first true Chompa of our clan, everyone seems to think I have more to prepare for beyond the expectations of the Úlfheðnar. They all seem to think that I need to learn quickly and grow up quicker so that I'm prepared for my birthright."

Alvíss nodded slowly. "Ah yes, the legendary Chompa. I nearly forgot about the implications that sets you apart from the rest of us. You're supposed to be 'the next stage in our evolution', so says Mathias. Tell me, do you feel up to the task? You're only what, eleven?"

Primus nodded. "I think so, especially after today. My father took me to see the other leaders at Bamburgh Castle and they seem to think it's well justified."

"Yes, but what do YOU think?"

Primus took a moment to respond. "I don't see an alternative, truth be told. I will say I feel more certain of it than ever before, and I do want to live up to their expectations. It'll make me a better person in the end, I think, but at the same time, it is a lot of responsibility."

Alvíss agreed. "It really is. For someone so young to be thrown into the fray, especially a war of such importance, it almost makes me wonder what exactly is worth all this evolution. Do you happen to know what exactly life has in store for you after we win?"

"Honestly, I can't tell. If it's not for becoming a great warrior, it's probably to make me something like an example for others to gleam from. My father told me that our family isn't destined to join everyone else in Valhalla, but rather to guide them toward such a valiant spot amongst Odin's chosen without compromise. Not only that, but also whatever it means to shed light on whatever life and death truly is. We may not be able to die, at least traditionally, but we can explore things like that and relay it to everyone else so they have an idea of how to better live their lives. That much is what I got from my talks with Mathias and my father combined."

Alvíss smiled. "Yeah. That Mathias, always the one behind the scenes of our accomplishments. It's a shame his father doesn't let him truly shine as the cornerstone for our clan. I heard rumors of him taking his son's feats as his own, such as the creation of our Vættirtols. But who knows for sure? I've talked to Mathias just as much as anyone who has open access to him, but he's hard to read. I never know what he's done and what his father takes credit for."

"Well," Primus added, "Mathias did find a way for us to gain an advantage in the battle. He said he dug a tunnel in the Inner Earth that goes right underneath their main base, so we can catch them by surprise. Even if he's not a Chompa technically, he seems more capable and handy than any of us combined."

"You don't say? Well well, it sounds like he at least still has his best interests for the Balderklan at the top of his mind. Still. I wonder how much he lets us in on and what he keeps to himself."

Primus was unsure. "Who can say? All I know is that he seemed to be the one most concerned for my safety in the meeting."

"Hm. Well, all I will say is that if you die, you'll come back to tell the tale. That's something many of us wish for, even if merely for bragging rights. Otherwise, like you said, I think entering Valhalla is our only alternative."

"Oh," Primus said suddenly after a moment's pause, "so you've been in combat before right? Against the Jomsvikings? What should I be expecting when we face them?"

Alvíss looked off into the distance with a face of certainty. "Expect what they expect of us and use that to your advantage. No matter how we plan or fight, they seem to be holding Gwynedd knowing what to expect from us, and have been doing so for a while now. They know how to use raw talent to combat our god-like feats to easily balance the playing field. My advice? Stick close to me and stay out of sight. They see you? You're basically playing in their favor. Their cunning is beyond insane, and they'll use every advantage to use any weak points in their favor. If you must fight them, well, just use what you've learned and amplify it ten fold. Use your lifeblood, use your sword and shield, and above all else, don't let them get close. You'll die otherwise."

Primus felt his heart sink like a ship in a heavy storm. "I see. I'm going to need to train while I help you guys stage then."

"Fret not. I've got your back, kid. I'll train you after we have everything we need. It'll be more advanced than what you've already gone through, but if anyone can succeed, I have no doubt a Chompa like you will."

"Here's hoping. Oh man…"