Chapter 25

Meanwhile, within Mathias's study…

Fine tuning the attachment for the Vættirtol that allows the wielder to fly has proven to be more difficult than Mathias originally anticipated. Not in terms of sustainability or relevance, using vibrations to allow one to control their flight patterns, but rather the concept seemed to be excessively complex in terms of practicality, where excessive time and training would be needed for the wielder to master it. Time was not on his side, and the demands were increasingly straining on the inventor, for he had plenty of projects he thought he could juggle simultaneously, but alas, even Mathias, the greatest thinker of the Balderklan, had reached a roadblock.

This notion of bafflement was part of the creative process, which was something that he was seemingly well accustomed to. It didn't make it any less frustrating, however. For a long time, as Mathias stared at this prototype on his desk, studying the complex design of swirling thin threads and metal frames, he wondered how to make a complex problem more simple in terms of application. To equip and train the Balderklan's Úlfheðnar with a secondary attachment would prove time consuming and potentially risky in the long term, and mass producing it would be costly and inefficient. Shaking his head in frustration, Mathias let out a deep sigh before he closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat, fingers interlocked behind his head, as he silently meditated on his thoughts in hopes that he could come up with something to circumvent his mental fatigue.

"What to do… Come now, Mathias. Think creatively here!"

He murmured to himself and cussed under his breath, cringing as the chronic pain of thinking was stinging him down to his core. Eventually, when he caught himself on the verge of overthinking, he shook his head vigorously before opening his eyes with a scoff, forcing himself to his feet, and began pacing around his decorated study like a chicken with its head cut off. This room was full of neatly assorted trinkets, scrolls, and decorative ornaments of his own creation, including the very first Vættirtol prototype that was hanging over his bed on the wall. He paused, staring intently at this crude, iron and leather object for what seemed like an eternity, studying it like it was the first time he laid eyes upon such an innovative piece of technology. It had an engraving of the iconic wolf that signifies strength, a pack mentality, and mirrored the thunderous canine growl that occurs upon Lifeblood amplification.

Reflecting on past innovation and the creation of the very tool that made his clan a step above all others in human history, Mathias felt a sense of nostalgia that introduced clarity in his mind. There was something to this process that suddenly revealed something so simple to him, that he laughed out loud at the idea, wondering if what he conjured up in his mind would be as easy as he thought it could be.

He took the Vættirtol off the wall from which it hung and strapped it around his forearm, before his metallic silver aura chimed with that iconic thunderous roar, and he then began focusing on manipulating his Lifeblood directly. Not relying on his already adorned Drive tattoo for any of its perks, he would close his eyes, calmly this time, and pinpointed his aura in an attempt to control it with all of his sheer, unwavering focus. Doing so with absolute serenity, he amplified it a tad, and began using the aura to move his arms upwards without the use of his muscles.

He found that, with proper focus, he could lift his arms with his aura alone.

"Odin be damned. If this is truly a possibility…"

As his aura chimed and echoed throughout his wooden and gem encrusted study, he focused on lifting his left leg the same way he lifted his arms, to which, albeit with more amplification needed to lift the heavier appendage, he did so, slowly and carefully so as not to fall over. He repeated this with the other leg after he lowered the first, and then, he took a large inhale of anticipation before adjusting his weight into a properly amplified aura like a safety net, and low and behold, he was laying back at an acute angle, hovering in place half a foot off the ground!

"Yes! YES! How did I not think of this before?! It's so damn simple!"

Before he got too excited, he would begin manipulating the aura in certain areas around his person to slowly levitate around his room. He'd ascend high enough to place both hands on the ceiling, before pushing off of it to bounce down to the ground. From there, he'd jump back up and accidentally hit his head on the hardwood, to which his delight overcame the bump he made upon contact. As he got acclimated to levitating, he'd use his Drive to Elevate through the 4D and back to the 3D so he was standing on the roof of his longhouse. Looking up at the sky, he'd form a grin on his face before he shot upwards with just enough speed to maintain his equilibrium.

An unprecedented perk of high amplification of Lifeblood revealed itself, as his aura seemed to provide a warming sensation that sheltered him from the wind chill, which he didn't notice until he realized just how high in the sky he was, looking down at the town of York as though he were a raven, and all below were his potential prey. Tiny like ants, and with a vast perspective that no human had ever experienced before, he felt like a superhuman, who had only his Elevating experience to compare it to, which was noteworthy at best.

Before long, he began zipping around, free flying and falling, only to catch himself when he felt like his control was wavering from sheer shock and awe. He would see a flock of birds and give chase, snagging one as he caught up with them. After he calmed it down and began petting it, he let it go to catch up with its friends. This made Mathias smile, before he looked around for a while to get accustomed to the sheer magnificence of the open sky from this perspective. After he got accustomed to this and had his fill of the fun side of experimentation, he would return to his study, and immediately sat himself down to transcribe what he had just discovered.

"This is an unprecedented game changer in terms of practicality and application. I was right in telling William that too much thinking leads to negativity and delusional yet hypnotical thought processing. The solution is so simple! With proper focus and amplification, utilizing the Vættirtol can allow one to soar through the skies and touch the brain fragments of Ymir, all the while unaffected by the coldness thanks to such vibrant heat that it emits from said amplification. While I doubt the true nature of clouds in such a mythological sense, the fact of the matter is that we now have a means to truly study the nature of the physical world with far more direct influence and interaction. Not to mention, our part in not only conquering England, but the world beyond it, can finally set my father's mind at ease with this discovery. As we implement this into our training regime, which should happen as soon as I completely master this additional perk of understanding, the Balderklan will finally have the aid of aviation to change the game of warfare, expansion, exploration, and mastery of life, death, and reality itself.

I only pray that the clan can master this perk in time for the battle of Gwynedd. It may be a close call, and worst case, we might have to wait until during or after our inevitable success. I must take in mind that the sheer focus and understanding of the Vættirtol I have transcends even the next most proficient Úlfhéðinn tenfold. Even so, if this goes well, I have no doubt that even the youngest of our trainees can learn to master it given the proper translation of applications and discipline. I'll first reach out to my father to see how he wants to implement this, but I'll need work night and day to truly gather the data necessary to go over all potential risks and benefits. I must also be sure to make sure everyone knows this was MY idea, not his, for I am no longer willing to take a back seat while he takes credit for what is truly mine.

I wonder how quickly Primus or Emika could pick this up?"