The Duel.....s

Artorias POV

As of the last 15 minutes all the attendees of the Feast are currently outside in the Gardens of the Palace.

The Garden is a large square surrounded by a cobble path with ornate pillars holding up walkway directly above the path. The nobles and the heros party members are under the walkway. Im currently standing near the centre of the grass with the Bansheee Bitch directly opposite me, Master and The Spear Annoyance are waiting off to the side. If I look to my right I see The Jester (king) sitting elevated next to a gagged Raphtalia, I'm trying my hardest to not look more because if I do I'll probably blow a fuse.

The Banshee Bitch has a confident smirk on her face probably thinking 'this'll be easy, she will beg for forgiveness'

'This is irritating...' I'm still in my casual clothes but I won't be for long when the duel will start I'll get more comfortable

The Jester stands up "Henceforth the duel between the adventure Myne and the one known as Saber, will not begin. A loss will occur if one is  either driven into a corner or concides the match herself !" (Jester)

"Ha, this'll be over soon. Once this is over Sir Motoyasu will beat that Master of yours, once he does he can watch your execution" (Banshee Bitch) she says while throwing her hair over her shoulder

What she says does irritate me but I make sure it doesn't show on my face but I do let it show in my eyes for a split second, making her shiver a little bit.

The Jester raises his hand "you may now ... Begin !" (Jester) he throws his hand down

As soon as my armour is fully materialised is prana burst and I'm instantly infront of mine and slashing in diagonally upwards from her bottom right to top left, sadly she is able to bring her sword up to block it.

She has a look of utter shock on her face but regains composure and rolls to the side. After my strike I'm standing up straight with Excalibur by my side just looking at her, I notice Mana starting to form in her hand as she stands up, I just let it happen.

Once she's dont doing whatever she's doing I notice a blade of wind begin to speed torwards me, I turn my body and dash in a similar manner as before running straight torawrfs the blade of wind and the Banshee Bitch.

Once the blade is infront of me I lower my body and keep it that height and channel Prana into Excalibur to make it blunter

'I do hate her with every fiber of my being but I'm not wanting to kill her... yet, if she does more to Master she will die.'

The Bitch slashes down but I using some excellent footwork if I do say so myself spin to the side and slash vertically cutting her sword in half and change Excaliburs course to be at her neck but I just stop right before I decapitate her.

Much like in the hall a vacuum happens around Excalibur making all the air disperse


"Conciede." I say with a face without emotion "Now."

She looks enraged by what I've said and done and throws a punch at me which I duck under and hit her stomach with the end of Excaliburs pummel.

This makes her topple over and begin to cough uncontrollably, I bring Excalibur just barley her neck which drawls a little of blood "Conncide."

"...*cough* *cough* "(Banshee idiot)

"*mutters* Stupid." I continue to bring Excalibur cutting more flesh "Concide."

The whole time she's been coughing the Jester has been wide eyed along with most the nobles I can see

"The-the match is over ! I say the match is over ! The winner is ... Saber." (Jester) he finally stops being a statue and forces the match to end

I dematerialise my armour and Excalibur and walk over to Master and stand besides him

"Was that acceptable, Master?" I look up to him.

He looks down "Yeah" (Master)

"The Next fight between the Hero of the spear and the hero of the shield will begin. Much like the previous duel the winner shall be decided when one is drawn into a corner or concides the loss himself !" (The Jester) he announces which makes Master and the Spear Annoyance walk to the same positions as me and the Banshee where and face each other.

'Where did she go... ?' I start to look around while Master and the Spear Annoyance are getting ready for their duel.

After looking around for a few seconds I see her just standing off to the side, she looks physically fine, I guess they used magic but mentally I see her eyes are staring daggers at Master and occasionally when she looks at me she looks like she's seen the thing she hates the most

'What ? I didn't do much.' I look at her with a natural face

I notice Master and The harem Spear are talking but I can't make any of it out as I'm to far away, but I do notice is The Spear Dunce is doing all the talking while Master is looking with a face devoid of emotion.

"You may now... Begin !" (The Jester)

As soon as he says that The Spear idiot rushes torwards Master with his spear outstretched looking to stab Masters chest but Master blocks it with his shield. I see they begin to speak while locked in the same positions as before,

'I can't take this not being able to hear what their saying.' I begin to walk to the edge of the grass square as to hear them better

"-of the shield hero !" (Spear Idiot)

""Contradiction" a word that means inconsistency, or something that's illogical." (Master) he smirks slightly

"Huh ?" (Stupid Spear)

'... !? I remeber the outcome of this duel now... should I or should I not intervine and stop the Banshees attack ...? I don't know...'

"It's as if this duel was like that from the start. The sword or lance which are weapons made for attacking, the sheild is protective gear meant to protect

Oneself. Their purposes where different from the very start." (Master)

"What are you trying to say ?!" (Spear Twat)

"If this really is a battle between the strongest weapon and the strongest shield, then you lost the moment you couldn't pierce through my shield !" (Master) his smirk becoming more challenging torwards the sus spear

"Not a single person here will accept  and outcome lime THAT !!" (Stupid Spear) he says while breaking off the stalemate making Masters hand fly back from the force of the friction

Spear idiot does a small spin and starts to activate a skill "turbulent Thrust !! How's that for you ?!" (Sucky Spear) he smiles widely showing his teeth thinking he got Master with his strike but he ducked under it and pulls back his arm

"I said this before, but I have no intention to just LOSE !" (Master) he throws he arm up hitting the Spear idiot right in the middle of his chest

"Mmm..." (Raphtalia) I heart Raphtalia trying to cheer Master on.

'I've got you Raphtalia.' I smile slightly

"Master, you better beat this fraud. Your my master and I will not have you loosing to someone like him !" This make Master turn his head slightly in my direction and his smirk grows, he pulls back his cloak and an orange blur flys and latches on the Spear Idiot

"Ow... OUCH ! That hurts" (Spear Idiot)

'Master... you really need to stop playing so dirty'

"I just replenished my supply in the fields . They're all nice and fresh !" (Master)

The Spear idiot uses his spear to keep him up straight "this is a one-on-one duel !" (Spear Idiot) he grits his teeth

"Yeah, so ? What of it ?" (Master)

He throws the balloon off of him and lunges torwards Master

"So fight fair and square !!" (Spear Idiot)

I notice Master change his shield to a shield with the head of two dogs, which as soon as The Spear idiot is in range one of the heads bite down on his side

"AAAAHHH !" (Spear Idiot)

While he's falling backwards Master changes his shield to a shield with rope on it

"Air strike shield !" (Master) a massive green shield goes flying into the spear idiots chest taking the opportunity Master takes the chance to pish the attach and throws more balloons at him "shield prison !" (Master)

"Ow, Ow, Ow, Ow ! Come on, knock it off ! Damn it ! That actually hurts !" (Spear Idiot)

I hear the people around me start to mutter and talk between themselves but I block them out and focus on Master

"Just accept that you've lose. If you don't want to show everyone your miserable, pathetic self anymore, that is.... alright then. Shall I have these balloons concentrate on that face of you're so proud of, and that thing down there that makes you a man ? Without those two, then you'll just be some creepy geek..." (Master) he says while holding a balloon in his hand making a smile of a complete maniac " you'll be Toooooootally impotent !" (Master)

I begin to notice the Banshee is gathering Mana in her hand to fire the same blade of wind she uses against me

'...I still don't know whether or not to intervine... it's a big thing where Master sees he has people to trust here ... I've decided I won't intervine I'll only step in after Raphtalia is set free, if they try to "set me free" I'll do something about them'

"Stop IIIIIIIIIIIT !" (Spear Idiot)

I see the blade of wind speed torwards Master and hit him straight in the back making him stagger forward and fall face flat on the floor, The Spear Idiot takes advantage of this and brakes the shield prison and jumps into the air and stabs his spear into the ground only mm's away from his head

While he's standing with a look of triumph on his face "You used some weird tricks, but... this duel is my Win !!" (Spear Idiot)

P.s I'm so sorry that this chapter is very behind schedule but I was at my grans yesterday. Just for future I will be getting a desktop which will help me increase the length and quality of the chapters the bad side is that for the next few days the chapter will maybe feel worse quality or shorter. I hope you enjoyed this chapter ❤