The good and the bad exist.

"Hey Gordon, did you hear that?"

Said Michelle, who was around the spot.

"Yeah Michelle, but come on! Why would we go inspect the noise it made? I mean what if it was one of The corps shot a Regenerated or something?"

"Well, maybe that happened, but come on Gordon let us just go and take a look!"

"We cannot! We just have to bring safe food and water to the bunker and that's a day!"

"Well, I don't care anymore! I'm going there."

"-Jesus…- Fine, I'm coming with you!"

"That's the good boy Gordon <3"

"-Uh, Again with the anime… thing… I don't know what's that-"

Gordon and Michelle started roaming around to find the source of the gunshot.

Somewhere else.

"Oh, damn Bisexual. He must've joined those B1tches because he had no D1ck. Ah god, they really wanna destroy men? Even after all this?! The apocalypse and stuff? Damn!

At least it didn't get close to my organs or something. I'm sure because I feel that my body is functioning well. But damn why does my leg hurt?"

He looked at his leg… and there was a scratch.

"Time to be a smart boi! I come from a parallel universe where this INFECTION didn't show up yet… meaning that I might be in 2060 or 2050… Something like that, I would be alive within. So I have to find a cutter and stop screwing around."

He started wandering around, covering his stomach so that he can stop the bleeding or something.

"On the other hand, why did he shoot me and just drive away? The car didn't even go at its fastest… he was driving slowly… and he was wearing a mask… could that disease be airborne? Am I going to… OH! I came from another universe! And that probably is the reason I'm immune!"


"I heard that!"

So what? Do you think I'm afraid?

"Nah, just sayin'. So uncle writer. Where am I?"

You're in Earth-9149

"I know that! You probably are referring to something I'm too casual to get, but Mmmm. What year are we in?"

I'm not gonna tell ya. I'd let the survivors tell you.

"You'd let who?"

Okay, I'm going to deafen you so that you can't hear me.

"Wait come back here!"

Damn your father wasn't annoying like this. Hic, your father even doesn't know of my existence, poor man thinks that he's living in his own real life! Like, real-life would never be exciting… we always live a boring life while these fictional characters live some dangerous or at least fun moments… man I wish I was a fictional character! Wait I was one time.

"He's probably mumbling around"

Ramsey kept on walking to the nearest hospital IN hope to find a one that wasn't raided.

"I hope there are no snipers around there who are going to take me down."

Somewhere else

"Gordon! I think I found the thing that was shot!"

"Good. Lemme finish this chocolate bar and Imma focus with you."

She pulled his ear so that he can see what's going on.

"Damn you know this thing sucks!"

"Well I knew that you wouldn't listen and come here under normal circumstances, so I did that. Just to let you see and decide what to do about him."

"Uh, fine."

He started aiming with the sniper he had on Ramsey.

"Unless that was a mutation I've never seen a Regenerated that bulky holding his wound."

"Hey, shoot the ground and note his or her reactions."

Ramsey's POV

"Okay that's good I found a hospital but surely it's raided."

Gordon took the shot and it was right next to him.

Ray Quickly hid behind a Van.

Gordon And Michelle.

"Alright, I don't think he's a Regenerated. Hey Gordon, What day is it today by the way?"

"It has been 50 days since all this crap happened.

"I think this is a mutation… this new mutation might give them the ability to look more humane just to deceive us."

Ramsey's POV

"Okay I have a pen… would that be enough to prove to them that I'm a human?"

Ramsey looked behind him… and found mister Fares' library! He rushed inside and started looking for a large piece of paper or anything that was big enough.

"This would do it."

A Canvas… he is going to write something on it to prove he's a human being. Good thing I decided to throw him there at that building when he connected to this world.

He got out of the library, and the canvas was at hand.

He raised the canvas so they could see it.

What was written on the canvas was…


Gordon and Michelle's POV

"Look he is raising a canvas… I didn't know these things still exist in 2166."

Gordon zoomed in and he read the canvas.

"Well, I don't think the regenerated can write such a sentence, all capitalized and stuff like that. Let's go and check him, Michelle."

"See? I told you from the beginning that we should go and see him!"

"I'm sorry granny Michelle… -This girl is too innocent for a zombie or regenerated apocalypse…-"

Ramsey's POV

"Goddamn it… this stupid gene I got from my mother... I don't feel pain at all under adrenaline effects… but all the pain comes back once I relax… damn it. I hate this gene… AHHHHHHHH! The pain that comes back… I HATE IT!"

That gene was so rare… anyways the gene doesn't make the person feel any pain during an adrenaline rush. But if the person was… let's say bitten by a dog the person won't feel any pain and would act up normal. However, once the adrenaline rush is over instead of getting dizzy or light-headed or anything like that.

You'd feel the pain you were in during the adrenaline rush. Ramsey's Adrenaline rush starts right whenever severe damage is inflicted on the body.

That's another reason why Ray could actually stand up even after being shot in his stomach.

Anyways enough with the fictional science lesson.

Gordon And Michelle going towards Ramsey and they found him chilling next to the van.

"Damn, this fella moves so quickly. Michelle, keep an eye out. They evolve today supposedly. Last time they were stronger than even a shotgun couldn't one-shot them."

Gordon walked slowly towards Ramsey.

"So… you finally made it? Are you the sniper? Or are you another spineless bastard who hunts men down?"

Ramsey looked up and found two individuals. A man and a woman.

"So your friend at the manhunt dream thing failed to kill me and you came here to finish the job? You and this girl?"

"Woah, you were shot by them? Also, why aren't you wearing a mask?"

"I'm immune. It's my first day on this earth. And well, you welcomed me very well."

Gordon Helped Ramsey stands up.

"Look, I'm going to explain everything once we reach the bunker. Michelle, let's go!

-Well at first I thought he was lying about a lotta stuff, but I don't think he is. The Humanhunt Dream corps never shoot their friend no matter the reason. Besides, he would've turned like… the moment he started breathing?

But I'm not sure of that First day on this earth part.-"

"Hello, Mister…"

"Ramsey… you know my debut in life was in the year 2010… this world looks a bit futuristic."

"Well, cuz you're in 2166"

"How is that possible?"

"Well, stuff happen. I mean come on how could you live for 136 years?"

"The reason I could live that long is simply cuz I'm not from this earth."


"And, well… I just got teleported here. By some weird force. But I think this zombie apocalypse thing is going to be fun."


Gordon said and well… he was about to laugh about it.

"Zombie… ah… do you call them something else in 2166?"

"Well, we prefer calling them regenerated."

"Oh girl, I guess that's the joke. But damn why do you call them Regenerated? And why are they like smokers? I mean… why do they react slowly?"

"You'd know soon enough."


Gordon (16)

Height: 189

Weight: 85 Kilograms

Blood Group: O-

Hair Color: Ginger

Eye color: Dark Brown.


Michelle (17)

Height: 167

Weight: 52 Kilograms

Blood Group: A-

Hair Color: Red

Eye Color Light brown.