Chapter 13: Interrogation

Once the second voice said this, all three of them turned to look over at Lin Fan's face, carefully studying it.

There was even one of them who pulled out their cell phone and placed it beside Lin Fan's face like he was matching something.

Finally they all let out a cry like they suddenly realized something.

The fourth voice that still had a gun pointed at Lin Fan said, "It really is him. We really are lucky aren't we?"

The second voice slapped him on the back of the head and said, "How are we lucky? We just caught a spy sneaking around our base and you call that lucky?"

The fourth voice said with a simple laugh, "But still, didn't the boss offer a reward for catching him? And catching a spy along with that, that means double rewards."

The second voice hesitated a bit before saying, "Well, I guess you're right."

It was then the first voice cut in and said, "So you want to use the same room the other guy was in for him? I still haven't cleaned it out yet."

The second voice looked at him before saying, "That's actually better. Look at how scared he is, he's clearly new to this. That'll make it easier for us to get the information we want. Is the body still inside?"

The first voice nodded before saying, "Yeah, I didn't have time to move it yet."

The second voice waved his hand at the fourth voice before saying, "Now, let's go in and have a little talk."

With a gun pointed at his head, naturally Lin Fan had no choice but to follow these people into the room. The moment he did enter the room, there was a strong scent of blood that filled the air, but that still wasn't the worst part of it all.

Right in front of him, there was a table and a person tied up in a chair in front of the table. There wasn't a single part of that person that wasn't covered in blood at this moment.

When Lin Fan saw this, it scared him as much as when he saw the corpse falling out of the fridge the first time.

No matter how well he adapted to the concept of death, that still didn't mean that Lin Fan was alright seeing these kinds of things.

When that person that was tied up in the chair heard the noises around him, he suddenly looked up with a face covered in bruises and blood to look at Lin Fan. There was a strange look that filled his eyes the moment he saw Lin Fan.

The second voice brought a chair and placed it right up beside the tied up person before saying to Lin Fan, "Well, have a seat and let's have a talk."

Lin Fan was clearly unwilling to sit down, but what choice did he have at this point?

After sitting down, the fourth voice stood at the door with his gun out while the other two stood right in front of Lin Fan. The second voice was standing on the opposite side of the table while the first voice was standing right behind Lin Fan and the tied up person.

The second voice didn't rush it and calmly took his time, waiting a few minutes before asking, "Now, how about you tell us what you were doing here?"

This was what Lin Fan was more used to. In moments of near death, Lin Fan had gained the ability to act by forcing his brain to calm down. It was something that his brain had slowly adapted to after all those deaths from before.

Lin Fan looked right at him and said, "I really don't know what's happening here. I was lost and I stumbled upon this place. Can you let me go? I promise I won't say anything."

The second voice looked at Lin Fan for a bit before giving a nod to the first voice.

The first voice leaned over Lin Fan and when Lin Fan turned around to see what was going on, he suddenly felt a fist hitting his stomach.

Lin Fan wasn't a person with a lot of fighting experience, he wasn't even someone who worked out a lot, so he wasn't good at taking hits and there was nothing there to block the hits for him.

Moreover, the person that hit him clearly had experience doing this since this was his job. He made sure to punch in just the right way that knocked all the wind out of Lin Fan, making him gasp for air.

After a few seconds of panting, Lin Fan slowly calmed his breathing.

The second voice leaned forward on the table and took Lin Fan's hand, putting it right on the table as he said, "You have some really nice fingers here, it would be a shame if something were to happen to them. I suggest you answer our questions soon or you'll start looking like your little friend beside you."

As he said this, the first voice leaned forward to lean on the tied up person's shoulders, putting weight on him, but that was a big mistake.

When he leaned in, that tied up person suddenly tilted his head up to spit his blood right into his eyes.

As the first voice stumbled back to wipe the blood out of his eyes, the tied up person suddenly stood up and swung around in a circle. As he swung, the chair that he was tied up to quickly came up and smashed the second voice right in the face.

As he was doing this, he also said, "Go, run! You have to get back and tell the boss that they know about our plans! The boss should be at the club right now, go and tell him about the ambush that they're planning!"

This tied up person didn't recognize Lin Fan, but he also didn't know everyone that was a part of the organization. This person should be a newly recruited member that got caught, so as his senior, he should do what he could to help him.

Lin Fan immediately stood up as soon as the tied up person started moving and he began heading towards the door, but before he could even take a single step, there was a sudden shot that rang out in the room.

That tied up person had a look of shock on his face as he fell forward.

He had been in mid swing, so his back was to the door where the fourth voice was, but the fourth voice accurately hit him with his bullet right in the back, knocking him forward to the ground.

After the tied up person landed right on the ground, after a single twitch, there was no longer any movement that came from him. All that kept flowing was his blood which created a large pool of blood on the floor that was already stained with blood.

Lin Fan turned back after looking at that person on the ground and saw that the fourth voice had already pointed his gun right back at Lin Fan.

This wasn't a big room and at the range they were standing in, it seemed very hard for him to miss, especially after he showed off his skills with the gun. He had been able to accurately hit the spinning tied up person with a single shot to the back, there was no chance he would miss a stationary target like Lin Fan.

It didn't take long for the two who had been hit to recover and once they did, they both had ugly looks on their faces.

The first voice stomped on the corpse of the tied up person on the ground a bit while the second person stood up rubbing his head where he had been hit as he said, "That son of a b*tch, he dares to hit me! I'll skin him alive!"

The fourth voice said, "But he's already dead."

The second voice looked down at the corpse on the ground and had a look of disappointment, but then he turned back to Lin Fan with a cold smile and said, "You'll take responsibility for what he just did, right? After all, you are friends or he wouldn't try to save you right?"

Lin Fan saw this and knew that there was no way out for him.

He had been sitting there the entire time because he wanted to use this chance to see if he could get any information from this, but now it seemed like there was no use staying here any longer.

He could have done this much sooner, but of course his brain couldn't think of this option when it was being paralyzed by fear.

Lin Fan calmly looked at him and asked, "Where is your boss now? I want to talk to him."

The second voice's cold smile became even colder as he said, "You really think the boss has time for you clowns? The boss is already getting ready for the raid. He just has to take care of the young miss before heading out."

Lin Fan slightly knitted his brows when he heard this and he said, "Young miss? You mean Liu Yue? What is he going to do to her?"

The second voice also knitted his brows when he heard this, "How do you know the young miss' name?"

After a pause, he turned to the fourth voice and said, "Finish him, it seems like he knows much more than he should."

Seeing that it was about to end, Lin Fan said, "Load."

Then there was a flash of light that completely filled his vision.