Chapter 30: B Rank mission

Lin Fan turned to look in the direction the voice came from and he saw a person in a police uniform standing there.

Unlike the uniform of the other officers, this one had much more decorations on it, clearly showing that this person was a higher ranked police officer.

But the strange thing was that this person did indeed look familiar.

Lin Fan quickly searched his mind and he found this person.

This person was there yesterday when the police had shown up to arrest Chu Chu and he had been the one to talk to Lin Fan.

Based on what Lin Fan could remember, this person should be the chief of the station that Murong Yue was stationed at.

Lin Fan quickly said, "Yes, it's me again."

The chief looked at Lin Fan for a bit before shaking his head, "I really don't know if I should call you lucky or unlucky. Yesterday you ran into a serial killer and today you're running into a meeting between gangsters. What will you do tomorrow? Stop a bunch of terrorists?"

The way the chief put it, it really did sound strange, but that was just what Lin Fan's life was now.

Of course, there was no way for Lin Fan to describe this to the chief.

That was right, it was Lin Fan who had brought the cops here, they were his backup plan.

Lin Fan had told Murong Yue about this meeting and wanted her to call her superior just in case something went wrong, so that a police raid could be ordered on this warehouse. There was plenty of evidence here, so there was no problem with ordering the raid, it was just that Lin Fan didn't want to use the raid unless he had no other choice because it would also be dangerous. But in the end, everything turned out completely different from what he expected.

He had expected that if he called this raid, there would be a gun fight between the police and the gangsters, but he never expected the gangsters to surrender without a word. Rather he never expected that he would become the boss of these gangsters, even though it didn't seem like it was real…

But earlier, Lin Fan had no other choice since he had already used his last load.

So during the time when they were heading over to this warehouse, Lin Fan had secretly texted Murong Yue to prepare the cops. This was what they had agreed to earlier, if Lin Fan didn't text her, it meant that everything was fine and the cops weren't needed. However, if Lin Fan did text her, it meant that he would need the cops.

Lin Fan didn't know what to say in response to this at first, but after a bit of a pause, he suddenly said with a bitter smile, "It isn't like I'm asking for this either."

The chief gave a nod since he could understand what Lin Fan was going through. To become the chief, it meant having a long history of being a cop and a decently successful career, which meant that he had already seen many people like Lin Fan before.

These people who got caught up in crimes generally didn't know what had happened and acted like Lin Fan was acting now.

He knew that the best thing for him now was just to have some time alone and slowly work through all of this.

The chief turned and called out, "Yue, come and take your friend home. I'm sure he just wants some time alone right now."

Murong Yue came out from behind the wall of cops and came up to Lin Fan.

Seeing how Lin Fan looked, Murong Yue immediately took a blanket from one of the other cops before putting it over Lin Fan. Then she stood by his side and took him by the shoulders before moving away from Liu Yan's corpse while saying, "It's alright, we're going home now."

They soon walked out of the warehouse, leaving only the chief behind with the corpse on the ground.

When they were gone, the chief suddenly turned back to look at Liu Yan and he just stood there looking over Liu Yan's corpse for a bit. After a while, he finally said, "This can only be the work of the Maid of Death...But why is the Maid of Death getting involved in this minor fight? Could it be that kid is related to that girl?"

The chief just stood there thinking for a bit before turning around to walk out. As he came out, he said to one of the officers on the side, "Call the special clean up crew, they'll take care of this."

The officer had a surprised look, but then he said, "Yes, sir!"

The chief didn't even look back as he walked into his car and drove off back to the station.

In another car that was a long limo with tinted windows, Liu Yue was sitting in the chair while Su Yan was kneeling on the ground with her head touching the floor of the moving car.

Liu Yue just looked at Su Yan for a bit before saying, "So you're telling me you don't know what his power is?"

Su Yan gave a tremble before saying, "I couldn't see through him at all. It was almost as if there was something blocking me…"

Liu Yue didn't say anything in response to this as she looked over Su Yan. After a while, she finally said, "Let's forget about that for now. Tell me, what is your impression of him?"

Su Yan was taken aback since she clearly never expected Liu Yue to ask this. She hesitated for a while before saying, "I...I...I don't feel anything. I don't know what you're asking about, young miss."

Liu Yue gave a hum before suddenly grabbing Su Yan by the hair to lift her head up to look directly at her as she asked, "Are you sure you don't know?"

Su Yan's eyes trembled before they suddenly calmed down and she said, "There is nothing at all."

Liu Yue's face suddenly twisted into an ugly expression as she raised her other hand to slap Su Yan's face before shouting, "You dare! You think you can take my things?"

Su Yan took the slap and didn't dare make a sound as she just took it.

However, Liu Yue didn't stop there as she continued to slap Su Yan again and again while saying, "You're nothing more than a slave and you think that you can take your master's things? I really do need to teach you a lesson, don't I?"

Just like that, Su Yan received Liu Yue's punishment.

When Lin Fan finally came home, he had also finally finished clearing out his thoughts.

He decided that there was no need for him to continue thinking through all of this, he just needed to know that he had been too naive.

This system wasn't about finding girls for him, it was all about surviving the death game that he had been thrown into.

From this moment on, there was no need for things like mercy or compassion. The only thing he needed to do was finish these quests as efficiently as possible with his life intact. As for all the other things, none of them mattered.

Murong Yue was still worried about Lin Fan and didn't want to leave him alone, so she prepared to stay tomorrow as well even though she normally went home tomorrow morning. She was even planning on calling in sick on Monday just in case…

But for now, Lin Fan had her leave him alone saying that he just needed some time to think.

She left him alone in his room while she went to the kitchen to prepare some food.

Unlike yesterday, the kitchen was actually packed with ingredients now, so she did her best to make a meal for him.

Lin Fan in the meantime was taking care of something else.

He looked in the top right corner of his vision where there was a large red one that was floating there.

This was the notification that had appeared back in the warehouse when Liu Yue had appeared, but Lin Fan had put it aside since he didn't have time to take care of it then.

Now that he finally had time, he wanted to see what the results of the quest were.

"Congratulations host on finishing the E rank quest 'Caged Canary'. You have now unlocked the B rank quest 'Chaos in the Capital'."

"The host has unlocked new privileges for finishing the E rank quest."

"The rewards are now available to be released, please take the time to accept them."

Lin Fan was taken aback by the notification that he had just received.

What did the system mean by B rank quest?

Lin Fan opened up the new quest tab that had been unlocked and when he looked at it, he found that there was indeed a B rank quest listed there.

When he opened up the B rank quest, he found that there were several other quests that he had to finish before being able to start this B rank quest and the E rank quest he just finished was included in that list. There were even D rank quests and C rank quests on that list.

A F rank quest was a serial killer and an E rank quest involved two rival gangs, just what would a B rank quest involve? Would it be on the level of involving an entire city?

Lin Fan knew for sure that with how he was now, he definitely would survive that kind of a quest...