Chapter 38: Old school bully (1)

Murong Yue was also confused as she looked at Lin Fan before asking, "Did you think that this was about proving that the target is a loan shark to arrest her?"

Lin Fan couldn't help asking, "It isn't?"

Murong Yue looked like she realized something as she said, "Oh, you didn't know. Well, I guess with how the chief said it and how the file is structured, it's easy for you to misunderstand."

Lin Fan asked, "Misunderstand what?"

Murong Yue explained, "We already knew that she was a loan shark, it was all in the file. Didn't you see it?"

Lin Fan realized that he had made a mistake and he had Murong Yue take the file out of her bag to look over again. When he went through the file, he realized that all the information that he had gathered was indeed already inside this file which meant that everything he had done was useless.

But if they already had all this information, why didn't they just arrest this Ouyang Yan already? Why did Chief Zhao Kuang send Lin Fan to investigate this?

Murong Yue already knew what the problem was, but she still waited until Lin Fan had finished looking through the file before telling him.

Murong Yue explained, "If you look in the back of the file, you'll see that there's a few pages that are on the other charges that they are suspected of. Those are the ones that the chief wants you to investigate."

Lin Fan turned through the pages in the file until he reached the part Murong Yue was talking about.

This looked much worse than what he thought it would be initially.

Not only was Ouyang Yan suspected of being a loan shark, there were also multiple counts of smuggling weapons, dealing drugs, and various other crimes that were associated with her, but there was just no evidence.

If they only brought her in on charges of being a loan shark, it wouldn't take long for her to be released since this was considered quite a minor crime compared to the rest. She might be in jail for six months, she might not even go to jail, it all depended on the court she was tried in.

It was a serious problem in society now that loan sharks were gradually being accepted as being part of the norm. That was because they solved a problem that the government couldn't solve with normal financial institutes.

While they did destroy the lives of many people, they were also there to help those that were unable to get loans from normal financial institutes because of their bad credit. Even if they offered interest prices that were much higher than normal, these people didn't have much else of a choice.

So that was why even if a loan shark was caught, nothing would happen to them normally unless they really harmed quite a few people.

Since that was the case, she would be free to continue her business again, but she would just tie up the loose ends so that no one could bring her in again.

That wasn't what the police wanted to see happen since they already had her linked to several more serious crimes, it was just that they couldn't prove anything since there was a lack of evidence.

Lin Fan also realized during that time that he had been too impulsive since while it was easier for him to read through this information now with the increase to his intelligence stat, he hadn't taken the time to properly read it even though he did.

He just wanted to take care of this as soon as possible and he had thought that he had read enough to deal with it, without actually thoroughly preparing for it.

In a sense, he had been too naive just like he had been this entire time.

Lin Fan took a deep breath and calmed down, this time making sure that he read through the entire file before making his next move.

It didn't take him long to read the file since he had actually become much better at reading quickly and absorbing knowledge with the increase to his intelligence. After ten minutes, he had already finished reading through the file and had memorized most of the information, but that was where he hit a dead end.

This was a case that even the police had problems investigating. The only reason that it was given to him was because Chief Zhao Kuang thought that he had special powers that could find information for him.

But that was where he was wrong since Lin Fan didn't actually have any powers like that.

After hitting this wall, Lin Fan didn't know what to do, so he began thinking about the status screen that he had seen for Ouyang Yan and trying to remember if there was anything useful there.

After he had finished the E rank quest, there was actually quite a bit of information that had been added to the status screen. However, the one strange thing was that it gave different information for each person.

It might tell Lin Fan the physical condition one person was in, then it would tell Lin Fan the medical condition that another person was in, such as if they had cancer or not. There was no consistency in the information that the status screen gave Lin Fan, but it seemed like it was unique for each person.

It was a good thing that Lin Fan's memory abilities had become much better than before, so he was able to find something that he could use.

On Ouyang Yan's status screen, there was one thing that stood out. It was the special information that was unique to her.

For some reason, the system felt it was necessary for Lin Fan to know what her high school had been, but that wasn't why it stood out to Lin Fan. Lin Fan knew that he had seen it somewhere before and when he went through the file, he found it.

There were several of the victims of her loan shark business that had been listed here, but there were a few that caught his attention because they had all gone to the same high school as Ouyang Yan.

Since there was nothing else, this could be considered a lead, so Lin Fan decided to follow up on it.

The strange thing was that all of them were close to the office building that Ouyang Yan worked in, so it wouldn't take them long to visit. In the end, Lin Fan chose the one that was the closest to where they were.

Once they arrived, Lin Fan just directly knocked on the door.

But after he knocked, there was no answer that followed, so he couldn't help knocking again.

Once again, there was no answer.

Lin Fan had no choice but to knock it a third time.

Finally, this time there was someone that shouted, "Alright, alright, I'm coming."

This time, it didn't take long for the door to open and it revealed a woman who looked to be in her late twenties or early thirties that appeared.

When she saw the two of them, she immediately knitted her brows and said, "I already told your boss that I don't have the money right now and I need a few days. That's all I'm asking for, just give me a few days and I'll have it."

Lin Fan and Murong Yue were both confused and Lin Fan explained, "We're not here to collect any money. We're here to ask you a few questions, may we come in?"

The woman revealed a vigilant look as she said, "Questions? I have nothing to say to you. I bet you just want to come in so you can take care of business in private? I've heard that many times."

Lin Fan had an awkward look on his face. Did they really look that much like bad people?

Lin Fan turned to Murong Yue and had her take out her badge before saying, "Madam, if we may, we're with the police and we have a few questions for you. I promise that we don't mean any harm."

The woman looked at Murong Yue's badge and seeing that it seemed real, she began to falter.

After hesitating a bit, the woman let out a sigh and moved out of the way to let them into her home as she said, "Come in then, but make it quick."

Lin Fan and Murong Yue went into the home which was quite small and crowded since it was just under 50 square meters. There was only enough room for a single kitchen and dining room, a single bathroom, and a single bedroom.

Both of them awkwardly stood in the hall, not knowing where to go since it was so small, but the woman came past them and said, "Just sit in the dining room, but keep your voice down, my kids are sleeping."

So with that, they went into the dining room and sat down on the chairs around the small table, waiting for the woman to sit down as well.

The woman had gone into the kitchen to get two glasses of water for them before sitting down and asking, "Well, what do you want to ask?"

Lin Fan took control of the conversation as he asked, "Do you know someone by the name Ouyang Yan?"

When she heard that name, that woman suddenly became agitated and said in an angry voice, "You're asking about that b*tch? Do you work for her? Are you here to do her work?"

Lin Fan quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, it's nothing like that. We're running an investigation into her business and have seen the records of your dealings with her, so we wanted to ask you about a few things."

The woman calmed down after hearing this and then asked, "What is there to ask? She's a loan shark, I'm sure you already know that. It's too bad that even though I reported this to the police, none of them have done a thing."

Lin Fan said, "Well, that's why we're here today. I want to ask you, does the name Maple High School mean anything to you?"

The woman was surprised to hear this, but she said, "That's my old school. What about it?"

Lin Fan said, "Well, there's quite a few of her victims that are from that school, so we wanted to ask around about it."

The woman gave a cold laugh when she heard this, "What is there to ask about? All of us were all graduates from that school and all of us were in the same class. When we were there, she was someone that we all bullied, so that's why she's getting back at us now."