Chapter 52: Facing the past

Lin Fan walked out of the room and came to the kitchen where he found Murong Yue waiting.

He had slept all the way until morning, so Murong Yue was preparing breakfast for the two of them when he came out.

She was surprised to see that he was up so early since she was certain that he would sleep in since that was normally what he did, but she still said with a smile after seeing him, "Sit down first, I'll get the rest out in a bit."

However, Lin Fan didn't listen to what she said and just stood there looking at her.

She saw that Lin Fan was just standing there looking at her and she couldn't stop a blush coming over her cheeks as she said, "What is it? Is there something on my face?"

Lin Fan had been staring the entire time because he was using the system interface.

As he stared at her, he opened up the red one that was in the corner of his vision. This was something that had been there since he finished his first quest and it had been bugging him the entire time.