Chapter 54: The Lin Family (2)

Lin Fan was brought into the living room where his father was sitting on the couch with today's newspaper, listening to the TV that was on in front of him.

When they came into the living room, Lin Fan's mother said, "Honey, look who's here."

Lin Fan's father looked up from the newspaper that he was reading and when he saw Lin Fan, he just said "oh" before going back to his newspaper.

But Lin Fan didn't mind since he knew what kind of personality his father had.

His father had always been someone who had been bad with words, he was someone who showed his emotions through his actions.

When that incident had happened, his father had even gotten a second job at night just to pay for Lin Fan's medical bills. Seeing his father working so hard just for him, it brought even more guilt to Lin Fan which had made him unable to come back for so long.