Chapter 64: Taking revenge (1)

Lin Fan just sat there confused for a few more minutes before the door suddenly opened again.

Once it opened, Murong Yue and Sakura came back into the room, but they looked much more ragged compared to before.

Both of them had scratches on them, parts of their hair had been torn out, and their clothes were messy in certain places.

Lin Fan raised a brow and asked them, "What happened to you two?"

Both of them just said, "It's nothing, just an accident."

Then neither of them said a thing as they sat down on opposite sides of Lin Fan, turning their heads away from each other.

Lin Fan was confused, but he also felt like he shouldn't ask, so he didn't say anything else. Of course, even if he didn't say anything, it was quite awkward just sitting in between them like this…

It was a good thing that Yan Luo came to save him eventually.