Chapter 84: Bold faced lies

The person at the table with Zi Xue was the middle aged woman who had been handing out posters.

Lin Fan was taken aback when he saw her sitting there quietly with Zi Xue as Zi Xue continued talking, but he quickly snapped out of his daze and came over to the table. After all, he didn't know what Zi Xue was planning, but he did know that Zi Xue was the one who had kidnapped her son.

Was she planning to do something to the mother as well?

When he came closer, he saw that Zi Xue and the mother both had smiles on their faces as Zi Xue was talking.

This was an expression that Lin Fan hadn't seen from the mother during his interaction with her.

As he saw this, he was surprised, so he had slowed down his steps, but that gave Zi Xue enough time to notice him.

Zi Xue waved her hand at Lin Fan and said, "Over here!"

The mother turned to look at Lin Fan and was surprised to see him. After all, it was hard to forget someone as handsome as Lin Fan.