Red Finger

When Lin Fan got on the bus heading back to his place, he immediately made a call to Yan Luo.

"Hmm, it's already this late and you're calling me. You must have something important or you wouldn't be calling me this late, so what is it?" Yan Luo said in a casual voice.

Lin Fan could hear a hushed woman's voice on the other side as well and he couldn't help smiling as he said, "It seems like I've interrupted a good thing?"

Yan Luo gave a chuckle and said, "Well, that doesn't matter. So what is it?"

Lin Fan's expression turned serious as he said, "Can you help me investigate Purple Lotus?"

"Purple Lotus?" Yan Luo couldn't help repeating with a hint of surprise in his voice. Along with that hint of surprise, there was a trace of recognition which Lin Fan immediately picked up on.

He immediately asked, "Do you know that name?"

Yan Luo hesitated a bit before saying, "It's not that I know that name, but I've heard of it before."