Assassination (1)

When he had finished ranting and Sakura had recovered from her shock, they didn't stay here any longer.

Yan Luo had received a call from his subordinate that the watch house had been prepared, so they headed off without any hesitation.

They didn't know when Zi Xue would strike, so they had to watch over the target to make sure that they could react at any time.

Of course, it wasn't as if Lin Fan and Yan Luo had to go personally, but Lin Fan insisted in the end.

Yan Luo couldn't do anything if Lin Fan was that resolute. Plus, he also felt a bit relieved that Lin Fan was coming since he knew that Lin Fan had some kind of special power that could help them in the end.

Just like what happened last time.

When they arrived at the watch house, Lin Fan was surprised by how luxurious it was.

However, when he saw where they were, he wasn't that surprised.