End Of Training

End of Training:

[1 Year Later]

'C'mon wake up!!!'



'Sigh~ It will take more this time I guess...'

So I was doing my underwater training at the bottom of the lake, but now... I'm unconscious, I'm somehow able to think after fainting, it's like when I was in the void after I died. But it's different, I can still sense things around me despite seeing nothing but black. I guess that it's because of Spirit Sense.

Although I can technically move, but barely an inch. Like when you try to move a limb that has gone numb because you had it in an uncomfortable position for too long.

Right now I can sense that I'm at the edge of the lake. 

'Good thing that I didn't drown. It would be super embarrassing to die like that after all my training.'

After a few minutes, I opened my eyes. I got out of the lake and looked at my reflection.

Still with long snow-white hair, bright yellow eyes with a noticeable white light in them, I don't have extra pale light skin anymore, it's more of a light tan now. Some scars have faded but then again, I got tons of new ones on my limbs… I just noticed that I only have 1 scar on my face, a horizontal cut at the side of my cheek that barely reaches my ear.

My face… I still look childish, but I can tell that my features are gonna be sharp when I grow up.

"Now, let's get some food," I said to no one in particular after inspecting my face.

This year, besides learning martial arts again to make them instinctive to my new body, I tried some other techniques aside from the Super Dash, Super Step, and Whip Strike.

What I wanted to do was Hitless Strike which as the name suggests, you don't actually hit the target, but the aftermath of the technique is what damages it. Something like Whip Strike where you relax and make your arm liquid-like but instead of slapping, you use it as an actual whip.

With the recoil of your swing, you create a sonic boom. But I can't do it for now, I mean I can… But if I do it my arm will explode, as I tried to do it once but my instincts rang like a bell at me because of the danger in doing that.

Then there are the Mach Punch and Mach Kick, both of them also create a sonic boom… supposedly, but for some reason I couldn't, maybe I'm expecting too much? Sure, the kick is pretty much invisible to the eye, but it didn't create a sonic boom although it sure has a lot of power. It goes through boulders like paper.

Both techniques do require the same things, you must align your muscles and joints to carry all the momentum and power until the moment of impact, it sounds like what you do with normal strikes doesn't it? Well, the thing is that you must be in a proper position to do it, it's not like a normal jab that you can do in almost any stance. It has to be in a perfect position with no momentum or power wasted during execution.

It actually required me to concentrate despite having a mind that can process an incredible amount of information. The execution was: Big toe, ankle, knee, hip, waist, shoulder, elbow and wrist. Then you can punch with unbelievable speed and power.

'I will still try to make them my "normal" strikes tho...'

After many fights with the old me, Alan. I managed to win a few times, but that it's not enough. I wanted to make it more than a 50/50 chance. So I got back to training, right now I will stay a bit more in the forest to train, there is something else I want to try too.

'I just noticed how… perfect? No, it would be better to say that Alan's movements were somewhat too rigid. As for me, Shiro, my movements are kind of the same, but obviously more flexible and fluid. I think that it may be because of the fighting style that I developed in El Hoyo. I relied on instincts mostly, so I learned to be flexible and ferocious. Depending on flexibility and speed, I can easily master something like capoeira. That's why my strength was lacking compared to my other qualities.'


[1 Month Later]

So there I am, at the edge of the lake again, but actually conscious although I was gasping for air.

I was trying to run on water, the main reason that I wanted to do it is because I actually want to walk on the air. I remember Aidan talking something about Moonwalk but then yelling at me saying that it wasn't something about Michael Jackson.

I remember him saying that it was a technique of sorts where you kick the air so hard that it doesn't have time to move out of the way, so you literally propel yourself by using the air as a platform.

That's why I tried to run on water, as walking in the air was a big leap for me, I just went running on a surface less dense than the ground. Like taking baby steps, but even then, I kept sinking. It was about the way you angle your steps to keep yourself on the surface. I think I even made some sort of technique during the process but I'm too weak to use it continuously, it requires a lot of strength and stamina. So I could only take a few steps before sinking in.

Anyway, it just became a new way to increase my stamina, which has become rather hard to improve. I can keep doing my crazy exercises for barely 2 days now before being unable to move or fainting, but sometimes I'm left out of breath too. But even then, I just have to take a breather and I'm ready to continue.


[5 Months Later]


I struck his face with a clean punch as a finisher.

'Finally, I gave my old self an asswoping' I thought while looking at the aftermath of my punch.

'I said that I wouldn't use techniques against him… but a finisher doesn't count right?' I made an excuse to myself.

'I know that I'm faster than my old body and when it comes to strength… I should be about the same. I really managed to get here in 3 years… well, from my old body it can only get better, huh.'

I created a small crater where Alan was. I've yet to create a sonic boom with the Mach Strikes, but I found a way to make air currents, although it's not that much, it's something. I think that it has something to do with the size of my limbs, like piercing the sound barrier instead of breaking it? Ugh, like I know, I'm not a scientist.

I will know when my strikes become the fastest for sure.

"Alright then, I will be going back home in 2 days, I will rest for one day and then run those 2,000 miles in one day, time to test my speed." I've been talking to myself a bit too much lately...

I dropped to the floor...  Maybe I would've stayed a bit more in the forest if it wasn't because I couldn't feel like I could improve anymore. It's not that I hit my limiter, I know that I'm not there yet, but it's just my intuition or instincts… I don't know which it is.

But I don't feel like I can improve anymore with training, for now. I need another way to push my limits, like a battle where I put my life on the line. At least that's what I feel...

'Damn, I sounded like Big Sis right there.'


[Next Day]

I took off my weights and felt light as a feather. Not gonna be putting them back on for a while.

I went to lay down on a plain filled with nothing but grass and flowers, most of the forest is a mess because of my training. The boulders near the mountain are all destroyed and have dried blood on them, and as for the mountain… that thing is crumbling, it's hard to believe but I really did that with just these tiny arms and legs.

My Spiritual Sense has grown up to 23 meters, I can try to sense twice that range, but all I get further than 23m is a blurry image so unless it's some kind of big commotion I won't be able to sense it, even if the distance it's not that much, I can sense the pores on my body and even air currents around me without effort, so from now on I will try to improve its quantity rather than quality.

Anyway… Home, huh, I will really be going back home with my parents. Tsuchiya Takeshi who is my Dad and my Mom, Ishimoto Takeshi.

Now that I think about it, I don't know their quirks or jobs, I do remember that both of them had to travel a few times and I was left with a caretaker. And we were not short on money, our house was well above average.

Dad has white hair and black eyes, he is rather normal actually, he just has that peculiar hair color. As for Mom, she has glowing blonde hair and yellow eyes… Yup, her quirk gives her glowing hair, so she always cuts it short or covers it when in public… both of them have eye-catching hair, interesting...


I looked at my hand… it was trembling...

I didn't think I would be this nervous to see them, would I be able to call them Mom and Dad? Not just because I remember my past life where I had a family already, but because of what Shiro Takeshi, the kid, went through…

No, it doesn't matter, either way I will know when I see them. I'm sure they will be fine with my maturity, as a kid that goes through hell either becomes cold and narrow minded, enclosing himself from the outside world or mature quicker to adapt to their circumstances becoming sly and cruel. 

Although I won't say that I am the most mature person out there, I know when I should stop acting carefree.


[Last Day in the Forest]

I woke up a bit late… I guess that the fatigue of 3 years of training was a bit too much.

'Anyway, I don't even know the date. I know that 3 years have passed but that's it.'

It's been hot and humid for a couple of weeks, so it should be early summer.

'I better eat some fruits as I don't have time to hunt. I already made up my mind to go back to society today.'

So I ate a few fruits, very few are left in the forest... the same goes for the other wildlife. I had to eat a lot, I mean, I can do heavy workouts for actual 2 days now, where do you think my energy comes from? And now that I think about it… I have yet to find any bears to wrestle, I'm pretty sure that they would be stronger than the ones of my era since the deers and bunnies are super fast now.

'The same has to be for other animals right? If not, then this quirk thing makes no sense. I mean, who wouldn't want to see a flying dog?' After finishing my thought, another popped up.

'How do quirks work? Are quirks like muscles? Are they like a head start compared to other people without quirks when it comes to potential? Does your potential halves between your quirk and body? Or does it just make your limiter unbreakable… I know mine is really high, I can be passed as someone with superstrength... I might have to see that later on.'

With these thoughts, I started stretching as I will be running 2,000 miles without stopping to rest. I also have a little plan to make sure that the officers take me seriously when I find a police station. 

I mean, if you see a kid in caveman clothes saying that he survived in the forest for 3 years and came to find his parents, you would think that there is some dude who made the kid do that for a hidden camera show or something similar, wouldn't you?

Although calling it a plan would be a bit of a stretch, there might be a person with a lie detector quirk, so I'm gonna be honest with all my answers. I won't talk of El Hoyo from the start for obvious reasons, but with my name and unique appearance, they will connect the dots easily.

There is no way that they didn't have a case for the kidnapping of kids in the orphanage along with me and Yami being taken with them.... And Yami… I don't know if he is alive or dead, but I'm pretty sure he won't stop trying to be a hero yet. But I will still look for clues in underground markets and other places.

There is bound to be information about him or where he was taken. But all in due time.

I get into a ready to run pose without my weights on.

'Hm…Let's see how fast I am with Super Dash in long distances. Super Steps are short bursts of speed, as its name says, It is a Super Step. For short distances.'


When I go all out on speed, I can't help but make small gusts of wind, even after training to make it silent as possible, at least I don't make any more explosions-like sounds.

With Spiritual Sense, I can easily avoid collisions by using minimum movement. I remember that I wanted to do another technique, Eye Emperor… But as I have Spiritual Sense it would be useless, I can already "see" my target's muscles movement and breathing without effort as long as they are in my range. I remember Aidan saying that Shuringan or whatever was cooler tho...

But anyway, having eyes that let you see everything about your opponent would be cool, right?