[Missin complete rewards sharper claws given]
Looking at the rewards Leo felt something on his two sets of paws. Looking down he saw his claws glowed and extend by a few millimeters. Leo's eyes shined with excitement. 'That's cool! I wonder how sharp my claws are'
Leo looks towards the crystal beneath him before raising his tiny paw and punching the ground with his claws. It leaves a tiny scratch to it as small as Leo's claw. 'There really sharp! But still doesn't know how sharp they are I mean I can just bite the crystals like butter after all'
Leo shook his head before he looks at his egg. ' I should probably eat my egg like what it said in the book' Leo walk towards it and started to eat. But his first bit made his eyes close. After a while, he opened them and again began to eat.
After eating everything Leo was laying on his back looking upwards There's a small budge on his stomach. 'Ahh, I'm so full! The egg is almost more delicious than the crystals! More in between an alligator and a stingray!'
Leo's mouth opened and a small pup of air came out like a small child. It made him embarrassed because of his personality became more prideful because of the bloodline of the dragon inside of him.
'Em em ok now that I have eaten the eggshell I know some of what happened back then. So the dragon clan was in decline because of the long period of war that happened thousands of years ago. Especially when in a dragon's life one can only have two children's..'
'The longer the war has gone the more the dragons dwindle until there only a handful of them left so they decided that letting the most powerful dragon eggs lives and was frozen in time'
'I was that egg and another one that was also frozen in time...But it didn't say anything where it was it only said that Im going to know when I know? What does that mean I'll know when I know? Well that a nice thing said but the other things given by the egg was blurred out'
Leo shook his head and didn't think thing more about it. As he knows of it the novels he read that if it's blurred out that means it not the time yet well at least he knows the most thing he needed to know especially his origin.
'System can you show me my stats?' Leo thought before looking at his stats again. He wanted to know if there any change, after all, he changes his name but that all. He didn't saw the others.
[Yes host]
[Name: Lio]
[Race: Crystalize Dragon]
[Age (In years): 2]
[Stage: 1-Baby]
[Description: A Crytal Dragon that has stronger durability than other dragons but less mobility than the rest.]
Looking at it Leo thought it was all normal except for his age. He looks to the side looking cute. 'System why my age 2 years old? I was just born a few days ago, right? Wait...Did I fall asleep for 2 years!' Shockingly said, Leo.
[No host. In Dragons culture the older you are the stronger you are meaning in the short while you were asleep you got stronger than of 2 years old dragon]
Leao nodded his head before he found something odd. 'System why did you explain things that were outside the dungeon?' Leo asks as the system did tell him a few hours ago that he can't explain anything that isn't inside the dungeon.
[Yes host I did explain things inside the dungeon as the age of a monster showed their power inside the dungeon. The system showed your power in years inside of the dungeon]
'Ohh that makes sense but why did I become stronger? Hmm...' Leo thought before he ate a small crystal before he saw a glim on his system. He looks at it and saw that his age turned 3 years old. He widens his eyes and slowly looks towards the crystals beneath him.
'Ohh yea! The crystals were made of dragon corpses...Wait that sounds like I'm a cannibal when I'm not! Should I continue to eat them or not? But... They are yummy wait a moment...Ohh they're not crystal dragon *Sigh * Good think there more information that showed themselves on my mind'
Leo thought giving a breath of relief. Some blurred word was shown to him that when a dragon dies there the body would be covered of what kind of dragon they are so when Leo was eating was crystals, not the dragon themselves.
Leo once again look at his paws he tried to clench them but it only looks adorable like a kitten trying to hit their face. 'I can't clench my paws! Well, om what should I do now? I don't feel stronger even the I became a 3-year-old dragon'
As Leo was thinking about what he should do for the rest of his dragon childhood when the sound came out of his head.
[Missing: You are a weak baby dragon go in your first dungeon until you become a 10-year-old dragon.
Rewards: Uncommon crystal
Time: 1 week]
'Ohh another mission but the failure has changed over time does it change with a different scenario or not? Maybe but is there a grade for the crystals I eat than what grade are the ones under my feet' Leo thought looking at the ground but found nothing.
'I have a weak time so maybe I should get ready first? A 10-year-old dragon? Do I really need a week? I mean im already a 3-year-old dragon just by eating the crystals here *Sigh* Never mind that im really curious what the dungeon looks like'
Leo said before he strengthens more of the crystal to strengthen himself. After eating his full Leo laid on the ground before he fell asleep. He was cutely sleeping on the ground while his body shines in color before he became invisible.