Ch-8 Well lets dig in

'Wait a minuted!'

Leo said as he once again felt the urge to puke. 'System what's happening? I thought this would only happen once! For every dungeon, I enter?' Leo asks holding his small mouth with his paw while Little Crabby (Change his name) was smiling on top of his head.

[Yes host it would only happen once every time you enter a new dungeon this include your new companion]

Hearing it made Leo dumbfounded after all he thought he was finally away from the hell hole called motion sickness. 'I cursed! My life is still unfair!' Leo said looking at the little crab on top of his head.

Leo could handle what was happening it was just that he was so full that he felt vomiting. After all who wouldn't want to puke if your tummy was filled with food while one rides a rollercoaster that was ten times harder than usual.

As Leo finally landed on solid ground he let out a breath of relief from his mouth before looking around. The place looks different. The crystal has become darker color and there was more suppression coming from the end of the tunnel.

'Should I really go forward?' Leo said a little intimidated by what he was feeling but his pride as a dragon wouldn't allow it so steading his heart he walks forwards not even looking at the crystals that gave off a delicious smell.

While moving forwards little Crabby was seen eating or drinking the liquid crystal that was puke out of Leo. It may sound disgusting but every part of a dragon is a treasure including once vomit as it contains some of his power giving little Crabby some small strength boost.

After little Crabby was done eating he quickly went towards Leo who was waiting for it to appear. Once he did Leo quickly approach it and let it climb on his head. Looking at it Leo couldn't helo gave a breath of exhaustion.

'I feel like a parent!' Leo said on his mind before going forwards. All over him, he saw different kinds of crystals until he saw a light at the end of the tunnel. 'Is that heaven? Is it finally my time?' Leo said as he rushes forward but once he made it out.

There was a huge burden to his body almost making him kneel to the ground or lay on the ground. 'What's this? Why did my body become so much heavier? I know it would somehow bring pressure on me but this is new!'

Leo said on his mind as little Crabby enjoyed the pressure. After all, it was said that it lives in an area where gravity was much greater than usual. *Sigh* 'little crabby you're so lucky! I felt that my feet would sink to the ground if I move just a tiny bit'

Leo said while chuckling inside. His cute body was stuck on the floor and can't move even the tiniest of movement. 'Better get used to the pressure and let's see what we're dealing with'

Leo said before he looks at the enemy he has to fight. Once he saw them hew was dumbpounded. They weren't the same kind of crabs he saw a while back. 'They look like king crabs! And they're at least two times bigger than me! What is this?'

Leo said with a helpless smile on his face. He once again looks at little crabby beside him and felt something change within him. 'What happened little guy?' Leo said before he knows it something fell on his head.

Looking down he saw little crabby became a ball before a glow appeared all over his body as small sharp crystal shards appeard. 'What are you doing little Crabby?'

Leo asks before a set of information appeared on his mind along with a voice on his head making him smile as his cute dragon face looks like a happy puppy. 'Nice!'

[Host companion little crabby has used the ability Harden roll!]

[Ability Description: Tuck the rest of the body inside the armor and create crystal shards all over the body. The armor would be fling in any direction the host wants.]

'This is very neat and almost like fate!... Nah it can't be true!' Leo said shaking his head before looking at little crabby. Putting on a warm smile Leo moves his sight at the king crabs the same size as him.

'Little Crabby is like a bullet so he could likely pierce the armor of the crabs as the saying goes the smaller you are the better while the bigger they are the harder they fall! Ok, little crabby aimed for that lonely crab at the corner of the room and aimed of its eyes!'

Leo order as the armor where Little Crabby spinning before it flickers towards the lonely crab as little crabby made a giant hole in the crab's body before it body lay on the ground lifeless. 'Nice! This would be much easier then!' Leo said before a voice sounded on his head making him depressed.

[Little Crabby has used the ability Harden roll. Little Crabby was put to sleep because of the use of his once per day ability]

'What do you mean once per day system?' Leo asks dumbfounded at what the system is saying. He didn't saw or heard anything about that little crabby can only use it once per day.

[It is because it isn't on the description host. There's only one ability on the host companion and its first ability would be like that. And lastly, once your companion entered a dungeon it can't leave it]

Hearing the first part Leo nodded but at the last part, he frowned. 'why is life-giving me a harder time like usual? *Sigh* I just wanted to live a comfortable life but knowing there's a war going on I must get stronger! System pls explain why I can't bring little Crabby out with me?'

[Host! Little Crabby is a dungeon beast and needed the pressure to live! If taken from the environment they live for to long they would die]

'Sound reasonable' Leo nodded his head before turning at the king crab a few meters away from him. Giving his resolve Leo took a heavy step forwards then another until he made it in front of the corpse of the king crab.

'Well lets dig in'