Surina played with the hem of her skirt before keeking up at each of them.
Sonia: [Rubbing her temples] Bro, we've been waiting for the past thirty minutes. I want to help you. We want to help you.
Surina: Okay, alright! Do you remember the day George drove us from school?
Chris: [Impatiently looking at her] Yes, go on.
After she filled them in with the tragic death of both her uncle and mother.
Sonia: Where were they going?
Surina: Uncle Thug went to get mom from the airport. He lost control. The car fell off the bridge.
Sonia: [Devastated by the news as she pulled Surina in a hug] Oh Surina, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were going through so much pain. All alone.
Surina: [Drawing back, sadly smiling at her] I know. I didn't want to tell you 'cause it will only add to the burden you are carrying.
Chris: [He swallowed hard, rubbing Surina's shoulder blade ] Let me get you a glass of water.
A few minutes later, Chris returned with a glass of water and handed it to Surina. She gulped down the content in one go, quenching the thirst she didn't even know she contained and gave the empty glass back to Chris.
Sonia: Where have you been? Your phone has been switched off.
Surina: I travelled to Ondangwa with Uncle Thug.
Chris: [His brows pulled in a knot, Puzzled ] But he's dead, isn't he?
Tears stung her eyes as she narrated the story of the ghost driving her to Ondangwa. The strange things that happened in the house, the book, the possession and finally knowing the truth.
Chris: [His face covered in dismay] Girl, you sleep normally with a ghost stuck on your hair?
Surina: [Shrugging if off] Well, what do I do. He's affixed to me. And he won't hurt me.
Chris: You mentioned something about a book?
Surina: Yeah, it's at home.
Chris: [Squinting his eyes] How is this book?
Surina: Strange!
Sonia: You Really should have told me you know? We're like sisters. We share everything.
Surina: [Chuckling as she looked at Sonia] We share everything apart from infatuations right?
Sonia: [Giggling] You are still mad at me for that?
Surina: Oh hell yes! Secret keeper!
Sonia laughed and peered over Chris who was already looking at her 'dude!'.
Sonia: [Breaking his gaze] Don't you think one should practise what they preach? What you said about staring.
Chris: [Smiling broadly as he moved his gaze to the little vase behind Sonia] I'm not staring at you. I'm admiring the flowers in the vase behind you. You blocked my view. Girl, step aside!
Sonia: [Holding back the edge of laughing] Well the flowers must be attractive, they got you beaming so hard your face is almost tearing.
Chris walked up to her and yanked her off the bed, gripping her firmly by her waist.
Sonia: Let go- Chris I'm not playing!
Surina: Guys! [Chuckling at their childishness] I must go now. It's getting late.
Sonia forcefully manoeuvred out of his clutch.
Sonia: [Gently slapping Chris' hand away before sauntering to the door] I'll walk you out.
The two vanished into the hallway leaving Chris alone in the room. Surina stopped midway looking at the pictures hanging on the white painted wall, just when she fixed her stare on the same picture she saw back in Ondangwa.
Surina: [Glancing at Sonia then back to the picture] Who's that old man?
Sonia: Oh, that's my great grandfather. General Mikka Mendez.
Surina: It's the same picture in the house where Uncle Thug had taken me to.
Sonia: [Standing in front of the picture quietly observing it] Odd.
Surina: Ituyee! It's getting late.
Sonia: Can I come and stay with you tonight?
Surina: [Overjoyed as she reached for Sonia's hands, giving them a light squeeze] I'd love that. Thank you so much.
Sonia: Let me go and grab a few things I'll need. [Jogging back to her room]
She slowly pushed the door open. She found Chris napping. She eagerly opened one of the closet cabinets and grasped her small white bag and entered the bathroom, grabbing a few of the things she'll need. She returned into the room, step walking to her bed. She bends over, kissing him on his temple before he mumbled something under his breath, in his sleep. She felt the strong edge of waking him up but he would emotionally talk her into staying.
She walked out, peering at Chris one more time before gently pulling the door shut.
Malisa: [Her eyes fixed on the bag] Where are you going?
Sonia: I'm staying with Surina tonight. She needs my company. [She ran towards the glass door, tugging Surina's arm and dragged her out of the yard].
It took them ten minutes to get to Thug's place which was just one block away. They sat on the porch trying to remember the last time they had a normal conversation that didn't entail fear or tears.
Surina: I feel nauseous. And you know what that means?
Sonia: Something is about to happen?
Surina: [Correcting her] Something bad. [Glancing at the sun that had already sunk below the horizon]
Sonia: [Arising, grasping her bag tightly before slinging it over her shoulder] Bitch lead me into your haunted house.
Brain: Not so fast, Sonia MENDEZ!
Surina: Rain!? Oh my God!
Brain: Hi little 'sister'.
Surina: You know Sonia? I don't remember introducing her to you.
Sonia: [Clenching her teeth in fear and anger] Brain what do you want from me? I told you before that I do not have the book you are asking for.
Surina: [Baffled as she glanced at them from one to the other] What are you saying, Sonia? And who's Brain? Whatever. Rain meet my best friend, Sonia. Sonia, my brother, Rain.
Sonia: Well, your brother here goes by the name of Brain Bacardi. He's been making my life a living hell for the past few days.
Brain: I don't have time for this. Ramsey! Ramsey! If you don't get your fat ass here, I'm-
O'Neal: Yes boss!
Brain: [Eyeing Sonia's bag] Give that bag to me and take that girl to the back room. Make sure she doesn't escape.
O'Neal: [He locked eyes with Sonia for a few seconds before he shook it off] Yes boss! [Pulling the bag which quickly slid off her back and handed it over to Brain]
Sonia: [Backing away from O'Neal] Don't you dare lay your filthy fat fingers on me!
O'Neal: [He picked her up and slung her over his shoulder like she was weightless] I'd appreciate it if you cooperate. Then I won't hurt you!
Sonia: [Swaying side to side attempting to get O'Neal to put her down, her fluffy sandals falling with a squeak] Put me down or I'll scream! Put me-
Before she could open her mouth, a grey tape was plastered on her mouth.
O'Neal carried her towards the backroom. Just when the door was pushed open, he threw her at the back of the room. The only source of light came from the entrance. She stepped on a broken grass causing her to gasp in pain, her voice muffled by the tape on her mouth. Being her, she lost her balance as she fell. Her face met with the wet floor that smelt like puke, gagging in disgust.
O'Neal pulled her close, bent her arms and tied them behind her back, with what felt like a cable cord. She didn't fight back 'cause her attention was drawn to her numb foot due to losing a lot of blood. He slowly pushed her into a chair in the corner. The door was instantly closed. Leaving her in darkness. It was so dark that the only light that peered through was from the little cracks on the window which was sealed with black papers.
Chris: [Pacing back and forth as he bombarded Malisa with one question after the other] Where did you say she had gone to?
Malisa: She's with Surina. Calm down already.
Chris: [Snapping at her] How do you expect me to calm down when Brain is out there Malisa? She's feeble, you know that. How could you be this careless?
Malisa: She ran off before I could remind her of the dangers.
Chris: You should have tried to wake me up Malisa.
Malisa: [failing to keep her temper] Well you shouldn't have slept. Why are you so worried? She's my sister, not yours. You don't have a sister. Stop behaving like you care so much and stop trying to help me by-
Chris: [Cutting her off] Then behave like her sister for once. And yet again I'm not doing this for you.
Malisa: [Throwing a tantrum] Because you are doing it for you. All you've ever thought about was you and only you.
Chris: Yeah, you're right. You are always right. Bravo, Malisa! I'm gonna go find Sonia. Pray that not even a single strand of hair is plucked off her head.
He stormed out of the house into the empty street. The chilly breeze brushing over his body. He wiped his face like he was wiping the hurtful words away, as he walked with no particular destination.
Hey guys
I'm a bit late and I'm sorry.
With love